Title: Probing normal starburst at high-z: ALMA observations of lensed SMGs Abstract: Submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) are some of the most extreme starbursts galaxies at high redshift. With luminosities > 10^13 Msun and star formation rates (SFRs) > 1000 Msun/yr, these galaxies represent intense episodes in the evolution of massive galaxies. Using gravitational lensing caused by intervening massive galaxy clusters, it is possible to find less extreme SMGs with luminosities ~10^11-10^12 Msun and SFRs ~10-100 Msun/yr. These provide a larger contribution to the submm extragalactic background light and could be closer related to the starburst galaxies seen in the local Universe. We have conducted interferometric observations with ALMA and IRAM for five galaxy clusters in the regions where the gravitational magnification would be the highest for high-z galaxies. I will show the results from these observations including mm number counts, where we probe deeper than previous single-dish results. Furthermore, I will show the dust continuum detections of individual sources in the redshift range 2-7. I will discuss the implications of this in the context of galaxy evolution.