Title: SINFONI-HiZELS: Tracing the formation and evolution of star-forming galaxies across cosmic time Abstract: There is copelling evidence that in ''normal galaxies'' at z ~ 1 - 3, the mechanism that dominates the accretion of gas (reservoir for star-formation) is via cold streams from the inter-galatic medium, this means most of the star formation is probably driven by internal dynamical processes. On the other hand, the present capabilities of IFU spectroscopy are now delireving resolved imaging of z ~ 2-3 galaxies on ~ kpc scales (~0.1”), so we can measure the internal properties of high-z galaxies. We present the first results obtained from adaptive-optics assisted IFU spectroscopy of 18 H-alpha emitters (from HiZELS) with SINFONI on the VLT.