Title: Andromeda in all colours: Dust scaling relations at sub-kpc resolution Abstract: Andromeda, our near neighbour and the largest spiral galaxy on the sky, offers us a unique possibility to study the link between the stellar populations and the interstellar medium on the smallest spatial scales, while maintaining the global view as well. In the frame of the Herschel Exploitation of Local Galaxy Andromeda (HELGA) project, we combine new Herschel observations with an extensive dataset containing UV, optical, infrared and submm imaging. We present panchromatic pixel-by-pixel SED fits of M31 on sub-kpc scales and the resulting ~2 square degree maps of physical properties such as as SFR, specific SFR, dust temperature, dust- and stellar mass,... We use these maps to investigate the link between dust and stellar components and compare these local trends to previously found galaxy-based relations. Striking similarities are found between both spatial scales, suggesting that the dust scaling relations are in situ correlations, driven by processes that must be local in nature.