Title: SCABS: A Survey of Centaurus A's Baryonic Structures Abstract: First results of the "SCABS: A Survey of Centaurus A's Baryonic Structures" project will be presented. SCABS utilizes the Dark Energy Camera on the 4m Victor Blanco telescope to image NGC 5128 (Centaurus A) in the optical u'g'r'i'z' bands to depths of u'=24.50, g'=23.72, r'=23.12, i'=22.95 and z'=22.75 AB mags out to the ~300 kpc virial radius for the first time at these depths. These observations will identify >99% of globular clusters (GCs), ultra-compact dwarfs, and low-surface brightness features (e.g. dwarf galaxies and tidal streams) associated with NGC 5128 down to ~25 mag/sq. arcsec in the V-band. These data will place strong constraints on the assembly/merger history of NGC 5128 by identifying GC spatial over- densities, low-surface brightness tidal features and unique GC age/metallicity distribution functions. SCABS will also present new near-field cosmological applications via the 10-100 new dwarf galaxies expected to be in the region. Additionally, new high redshift background targets will be identified for future follow-up studies, making SCABS applicable to many areas of research. This talk will summarize the data, present preliminary results from colour-colour diagrams and propose the myriad applications of SCABS for various astrophysical fields of study.