Title: Herschel-Resolved Outer Belts of Two-belt Spitzer Debris Disks Abstract: We use Herschel PACS imaging for a unique set of stars that host on going activity in the terrestrial planet zones and the presence of an outer/colder dust component, to continue the exploration, begun with Spitzer Space Telescope, of their disk structure and composition. The 18 solar− and A−type stars presented here have combined Spitzer IRS+MIPS (5 to 70 μm) and Herschel PACS (70 or 100 and 160 μm) SEDs suggesting a two−ring disk architecture, mirroring that of the asteroidal-Kuiper belt geometry of our Solar System. In addition, Herschel provides the sensitivity and angular resolution required to successfully resolve them at 70, 100, and/or 160 μm. Spatially resolved systems help breach the degeneracy between the grain properties and the dust’s radial location important for SED modeling. The goal is to analyze the Herschel-resolved disks within our Spitzer sample in order to compare the architecture of planetary debris systems against our own, and to improve understanding of how planetary systems form and evolve. We also analyze the SED of an additional 41 unresolved systems, and have identified candidate companions around stars in our sample.