Oral title: Accurate Ages of Bulge Globular Clusters from Deep and Proper-motion-cleaned HST and Gemini CMDs Oral abstract: Alpha-enhanced ([alpha/Fe] >~ +0.3) and moderately metal-poor ([Fe/H] <~ -1.0) bulge globular clusters (GCs) with blue horizontal branches are probable relics of the early star formation in the innermost Galactic regions. To determine the ages of such stellar systems, normally suffering by severe extinction and strong field contamination, we have employed multi-epoch photometry from HST (optical) and Gemini (near-infrared, using GSAOI+GeMS) to build proper-motion-cleaned and deep colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs). By means of Bayesian isochrone fits, we have confirmed that NGC6522, NGC6626 and HP1 are among the oldest GCs in the Galaxy, with ages between 12.5 and 13.0 Gyr. Metallicities from high-resolution spectroscopy and distances from RR Lyrae stars allowed us to better constraint the ages and the helium abundance. Orbital analysis of these clusters suggest that the early fast chemical enrichment in the bulge can be imprinted in stars at Galactocentric distances of ~ 3.0 kpc.