stcube - cube statistics

     stcube [options] <cubes...>

     stcube gives basic statistics about each plane in a cube. It
     is  used to have a quick look at what kind of data is in the

     The display looks like :

     # FILE stdstar_check.fits
     # PLANE  MIN   MAX      MEAN      MEDIAN    STDEV
       0001   -287  9709.33  15.0937   0.833328  228.504

     For each plane:

     MIN is the minimum value.

     MAX is the maximum value.

     MEAN is the average pixel value.

     MEDIAN is the median pixel value.

     STDEV is the standard deviation.

     There is one display for each FITS  file  given  on  command
     line.  stcube accepts jokers on command line :
     > stcube *.fits

     -b or --badpixmap filename
          give a bad pixel map to take into account when  comput-
          ing statistics on the cube.

     -z or --zone 'llx lly urx ury'
          To compute statistics only on a rectangular zone in the
          images. The zone is specified by indicating the coordi-
          nates of the lower-left and upper-right corners of  the
          rectangle.  Borders are inclusive.  The coordinate sys-
          tem is the one used by FITS, namely that the lower left
          pixel in the image is labelled (1,1), x-axis increasing
          from left to right, y-axis increasing  from  bottom  to

     -s or --stdev <name>
          To compute a standard deviation frame (only), with name
          <name>.   This  mode  of  stcube accepts only one input
          file name, which should correspond to the name of a  3d
          FITS file or a valid ASCII list (i.e. a data cube). The
          input cube is processed to obtain a frame that is  giv-
          ing the standard deviation of all pixels along time. If
          several input names are provided, only  the  first  one
          will be taken into account.

     To compute the standard deviation frame  named  'stdev.fits'
     from a cube named 'cube.fits', you would use:
     > stcube --stdev stdev.fits cube.fits

     To compute statistics on the lower left quadrant only  of  a
     256x256 image, you would use:
     > stcube --zone '1 1 128 128' image.fits