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Read and write a Table Row

For a complete row the routine TBRRDx (TCRRDx) is available. Here again, the x defines the argument format. Of course, one can also overwrite existing data values in the table or extend the table with new columns. To do this, the routine in the previous subsection can be used. Access to table rows is done via a set of column indices and the row number. Implicit conversion between the internal data types and the argument type of the input/output routine is done automatically.

To read a row from the table, use the routine TBRRDx (TCRRDx), where x defines the type of argument as character string C, single precision floating point number R, double precision D, or integer I.

To write a row into the table, use the routine TBRWRx (TCRWRx), where x defines the type of argument as before.

A row can be deleted, i.e., all the elements in that row replaced by an undefined value,  with the routine TBRDEL (TCRDEL).

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Last update: 1998-10-23