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The 98NOVpl2.1 ESO-MIDAS Release on CD-ROM


The MIDAS Group of ESO is happy to announce the ESO-MIDAS CD-ROM containing the release 98NOVpl2.1 (patch level 2.1) of ESO-MIDAS. Below follows an overview of the contents of the CD-ROM and the platform availability.


Available on this CD-ROM:

 ESO-MIDAS 98NOVpl2.1 sources
 ESO-MIDAS 98NOVpl2.1 binaries for:
 Calibration data for all platforms above
 Demonstration data for all platforms above
 ESO-MIDAS 98NOVpl2.1 ready to run from CD-ROM on PC/Linux
 ESO-MIDAS 98NOV documentation in:
 Xephem 3.2.2 sources and binaries for Intel/Linux
 SkyCat 2.4.3 source and binaries for Intel/Linux, HP and Solaris
 Guide Star Catalog (GSC)

Platform availability

MIDAS 98NOVpl2.1 has been installed and verified on the following platforms:
 SUN Solaris 2.5.1
 SUN Solaris 2.6 (1.)
 HP HP-UX A.10.20
 Intel/Linux 2.0.34
 Alpha/OSF1 V4.0A (2.)
 Alpha/Linux 2.1.120 (3.)
1.Binaries from Solaris 2.5.1 can be used on Solaris 2.6

2.On OSF1 the source distribution requires also the installation of patch file OSF1patch.98NOVpl2.1.tar.Z

3.RedHat 5.2 for Alpha Apollo. ONLY the core of MIDAS has been ported.

How to Order

The CD-ROM is available to everyone interested in the ESO-MIDAS. Research Institutes can order the CD-ROM directly from the ESO-MIDAS Group by filling out the ESO-MIDAS Problem Reporting Form (category distribution), or just by sending an email to midas@eso.org. Others are kindly invited to contact the Education and Public Relations Department (e-mail: ips@eso.org).

To remind you, the ESO-MIDAS products contained on the CD-ROM, are available via our anonymous ftp server: ftp://ftphost.hq.eso.org/midaspub. The ftp services include regular patches and updates of ESO-MIDAS.

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