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Introduction of a new Problem Reporting System for ESO-MIDAS

As of 5 December 1997, the ESO-MIDAS Problem Reporting System is based on Action Remedy. The change is a made to follow ESO's decision to standardize problem reporting and tracking software, in particular for activities related to the VLT construction, testing, and commissioning.

As you will experience, from the user point of view the change from the old GNU problem reporting system (GNATS) to Remedy is rather transparent. E-mail to midas@eso.org (can be used but is discouraged) and the MIDAS Help Graphical User Interface (feedback button) will continue to work as before.

The WWW Problem Reporting Interface has been marginally changed. To allow correct classification and automatic handling a few input fields in the reporting form are made obligatory.

Using the Remedy software offers the community now the advantage to query the ESO-MIDAS Problem Reporting database. Possible applications are e.g. to find the status of your PR, and to find solution for particular problems. As such it enhances the FAQ information.

On-line help for the fields are available to support the usage of the interfaces. In case of problems please contact the MIDAS Support Group.

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