ACS Component

The requirements document [RD01] specifies as a basic design requirement the adoption of an Object Oriented architecture based on distributed objects [RD01 - 13.1.1 Distributed Objects and commands].

The Technical Architecture in the ALMA Software Architecture document [RD33]  identifies a Container-Component model for software organization and development as our primary instrument for achieving separation of functional from technical concerns.

This concept is the basis for the architecture and all services provided by ACS are designed around Components.

Every Component must implement the ComponentLifeCycle interface. This interface foresees the following basic lifecycle operations:

The Container passes to each Component a ContainerServices object (in C++ this occurs at construction time, while in Java at initialize() time, because of the different traditional ways of using constructors and destructors in the two languages). At that point, the Component can assume that all infrastuctural services it may need have been properly set up by the Container and are available via the ContainerServices object.

The architecture of the system is based on CORBA. Component and Container interfaces are described in IDL, and Components and Container are implemented as CORBA objects. The impact of CORBA on component implementation classes is very low or none, varying among languages.

For exceptional cases, a component can explicitly ask the container to create an associated CORBA object (called an "OffShoot") and then pass it around in the system.

ORB independence and interoperability [RD01 - 10.4.2 ORB Independence] is ensured by basing the Distributed Object implementation on CORBA Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) and Portable Object Adapter (POA) and by not allowing the use of any ORB-specific feature. Interoperability between ORBs has been demonstrated with the the Kitt Peak Test and with the previous releases of ACS, where we have changed ORBs a number of times. The selection of the final ORBs needed for ACS is not part of this Architecture document. The current baseline includes TAO[RD07] for C/C++, JacORB[RD34] for Java, omniORB[RD15] for Python bindings, OpenOrb [RD16]for some code generation tools.

ACS provides a C++, a Java, and a Python Container Implementation. The three implementations differ in the features offered because C++, Java and Python applications have different requirements, as described in [RD33]. Features from one type of component can be implemented also for the other type, if the requirement arises.

ContainerSercices and ComponentLifeCycle interfaces are NOT defined as IDL interfaces, since they are used only in the internal communication between Components and Containers and there are language specific differences.

Basic functionality provided by ContainerServices is:

For more details see the implementation and detailed design documentation. In particular there are various flavours of the getComponent() interface, some described here after.

Specific Containers can provide specialised subclasses of ContainerServices with additional features. Components aware of this additional functionality can make use of it, while other Components would ignore it transparently.

Normally a Container will provide each Component with a specific instance of ContainerServices that contains specific context information, but this is left to the responsibility of the Container. Therefore the life cycle of the ContainerServices objects is left to the complete control of the Container.


Characteristic Components are a subclass of Components tailored to the implementation of objects that describe collections of numerical (typically physical) quantities. They have been designed in particular to represent Control System objects with monitor and control points or objects with state and configurable parameters. In particular Characteristic Components are described using a 3 tier naming for the logical model [RD03] [RD04] [RD05]:

Characteristic Component - Instances of classes identified at design level in the ALMA system, with which other components of the system interact, are implemented as Characteristic Components. In particular, at control system level, Characteristic Component is the base class used for the representation of any physical (a temperature sensor, a motor) or logical device in the control system. Higher level applications can use Characteristic Components to implement any Component that has configurable values representing numerical quantities.

Property - Each Characteristic Component has 0..n Properties that are monitored and controlled, for example status, position, velocity and electric current.

Properties can be read-only or read/write. If a read/write property cannot read its value back (for example it is associated with a write-only physical device), it caches the last written value and returns this upon read request. This implementation is mandatory and must be documented in the property documentation.
Properties can represent values using a limited set of basic data types:
The selection of a limited set of type is motivated by the need of avoiding implementing the same code for many different types and conversion problems between similar types (like short, int and long). Also, nowadays saving a couple of bytes using a short instead of a long usually introduces performance problems (CPUs now always works with longs and every operation on a short requires a conversion to long)

Characteristic - Static data associated with a Characteristic Component or with a Property, including meta-data such as name, description, version and dimensions, and other data such as units, range or resolution. Each Characteristic Component or each Property has 0..n Characteristics.
An initial list of Characteristics for Characteristic Components and Properties has been agreed  and more details are given in the design documentation:

The following diagram shows an architectural class diagram for the Characteristic Component - Property - Characteristic pattern

Figure 3.1: Characteristic Component - Property - Characteristic class diagram

At the servant’s implementation level, the classes implementing the Property interfaces are responsible for the actual interfacing with the hardware or, more in general, to retrieve/calculate the value for the numerical entities. In order to decouple as much as possible the implementation of Property classes and the access to different kinds of data sources, we have parametrized the default Property implementation provided by ACS with a DevIO parameter, as shown in the following class diagram. A DevIO implementation is responsible only for reading/writing the Property’s value from a specific device (memory location, CAN bus, Socket connection, serial port, database….), therefore in most cases access to a new kind of device can be implemented just by implementing a new DevIO class. In more complex cases or for performance optimization it may be necessary to re-implement the entire Property interface.

Figure 3.2: Property Servant Implementation class diagram

Another common strategy to handle the case where a data source produces simultaneously the values for many Properties consist in mapping the Properties onto memory-based DevIOs and let a parallel execution thread update all memory locations from the data collected with one single access to the data source.

The Characteristic Components - Properties - Characteristics 3 tier logical model is very well established in the community of Control Systems for Physics Experiments [RD03] [RD04] [RD05], where the name Device is used to identify what we call here Characteristic Component. We prefer to adopt the more generic name, as specified in [RD01 - 13.1.1 Characteristic Components and Commands], because the usage of the ACS is not limited to the realm of the Control System, as in the case of the mentioned references. It provides instead generic services for the development of the whole ALMA software. Proper Device classes are implemented by the Control System development team based on Characteristic Components.

The Characteristic Component model is based on CORBA:

A Characteristic Component is a CORBA object

A Property is a CORBA object. A class hierarchy with Property class as root implements the basic read-only and read/write versions for the predefined types. This hierarchy provides standard IDL interfaces that shall be used by all clients to access Properties. On the implementation (servant) side, specific subclasses will provide polymorphic access to specific implementations like 'logical', 'simulated', 'CAN', 'RS232', 'Digital IO' and so on.

Public interfaces to Characteristic Components and Properties are defined as CORBA IDL.

Characteristics of Characteristic Components and Properties can be accessed through access methods (as shown in figure) and through a generic value = get_characteristic_by_name(name) type of interface at run time. The interface of properties is defined by their IDL and the IDL is the same independently from the implementation (logical, CAN...). But specific implementations will have also specific characteristics. For example a CANLong property has a CANID characteristic. This means that from the property's IDL there is no way to retrieve the CANID using CORBA calls. We provide then a generic interface that can be used to retrieve any characteristic just querying by name. This allows accessing specific Characteristics, like the CAN ID for properties related to CAN monitor points that are not defined in the generic property IDL but are instead implementation specific.

The configuration parameters for all Characteristic Components, i.e. the initial values for Properties control values and all Characteristics for Properties, are persistently stored in the Configuration Database [RD01 - 4.2.1. Configuration Database]. See the section on Configuration Database architecture.

Characteristic Components may have a state. Specific Characteristic Components can have additional sub-states. [RD01 - 13.1.2 Standard Methods] [RD01 - 14.1.13 States].

Note: A standard state machine and standard state transition commands could be defined. (Implementation not foreseen for ALMA).

JavaBeans wrap CORBA objects on the client side. Standard Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools like Eclipse[RD35] are used to handle them. Given the IDL interface of a Characteristic Component, a code generator automatically produces the corresponding JavaBean. In this way the developer has libraries that provide him direct support for ACS concepts like Characteristic Component/Property/Characteristic, Monitors, and Event and Notification System.

ACS also provides a generic IDL simulator (see section IDL Simulator) to simulate an entire Component.

If an application wants to provide a more sophisticated level of simulation (for example simulating interrelations between the values of properties), a specific simulated device should be implemented in parallel to the real device. Switching from the real to the simulated device is handled in the configuration of the Manager (see Management and Access Control section), telling it to start a different implementation of the same device's CORBA interface.

Note: As an extension, ACS could provide support for simulation[RD01 - 3.3.4. Simulation] at Property level. All properties that access hardware can be switched in simulation by setting TRUE a simulation characteristic in the configuration database. After this, they behave like "logical properties". This provides basic simulation capabilities. (Implementation not foreseen for ALMA).

Direct Value Retrieval

The Property classes provide get() and, in case of writeable Properties, set() methods that can be used to directly access the value of the property from clients [RD01 - 4.1.1 Direct value retrieval]. Both synchronous and asynchronous get() and set() methods are provided.

Value setting is done using set() property methods. These methods can be called by applications or by specifically designed GUIs. CORBA Dynamic Invocation Interface allows to write generic applications and GUIs (like the Object Explorer) that are capable of resolving dynamically at run time the structure of Characteristic Components and call set() methods to set the value of Properties [RD01 - 3.2.3. Value setting].

DevIO specialization is used to implement properties accessing specific hardware devices, like CAN, RS232, GPIB. CAN properties will always directly access the hardware on the CAN bus at direct value retrieval and not use cached values.

Value Retrieval by Event

The Characteristic Component provides a method to create a monitor object for a Property, able to trigger events on Property change or periodically. A callback will be connected to the event and will be called by the monitor object when the specified event occurs[RD01 - 13.1.4. Events]. Triggered events are delivered directly to the registered object via the callback mechanism in a point-to-point fashion. The value retrieval by event is then very well suited for providing timely feedback to control applications.

Events can be generated on any change of value[RD01 - 4.1.3 Rate].

Note: Other conditions, for example any write, value increase/decrease, value less or greater than set-point could also be included at a later stage. (Implementation not foreseen for ALMA)

Timed or periodic events can be generated as follows:

Figure 3.3: Value Retrieval by Event: ACS Monitors

All events will be time stamped with the time at which the value has been acquired (as opposed to the time of delivery of the event). Timed events will be triggered "timers" such that the requested time is the time of acquisition of the value, and not the time of delivery which depends on the network characteristics.

The monitor class provides methods to suspend, resume and destroy the monitor itself.

Note: CAN-Properties will have to implement notification on change also for CAN monitor points although CAN monitor points do not provide a specific support via HW or in the drivers. This can/should be done via polling. If there are clients registered on events on change, an ACS monitor is used to poll and to generate events in case of change of the value of the monitor point. The poll rate is defined by the characteristic change frequency. The polling frequency determines the time resolution of the event-on-change. (implementation not foreseen for ALMA)

Note: For performance optimization, the final implementation will not leave to the single Characteristic Component Properties the responsibility of managing timers, but a local centralized manager will take care of that, transparently to client applications. More details will be given in the ACS design. (implementation not foreseen for ALMA)

Note: A particular case is a Characteristic Component State Machine. A State Machine class is a Characteristic Component and the current state is represented by a State Property. This State Property can fire events whenever the state changes to allow external objects to monitor it. (implementation not foreseen for ALMA)

Supported implementation languages

 The Characteristic Component / Property /characteristic pattern is implemented in C++ and in Java and Python

Note: Java and Python implementations are not complete and contain now all and only the features used in ALMA.


ACS Java Components provide explicit support for the transparent serialization of instances of entity classes [RD01 - 3.3.2. Serialization]. See the section on “Serialization”.