
Every Property can be sampled at a specified sustained frequency, up to 200 Hz, limited by hardware.

A sampling frequency of 1KHz for a limited number of Distributed Object Properties must be allowed in order to implement a "virtual oscilloscope" whereby, for example, noise sources in the IF chains can be correlated and identified.

The Sampling System is equivalent and covers the requirements of the Fast Data Dump in [RD45 - EVLA Engineering Software Requirements, 1.2 Fast Data Dump], although it is not integrated in the Object Explorer.

The Event and Notification System transports sampling data.

The samples are stored in a data file for later analysis or to be passed to applications like MatLab for analysis of engineering data [RD45 - 1.1-R8]. Every sample is time-stamped to allow correlating data from different sources. [RD01 - 4.3.1. Sampling]

The samples can be plotted in near real-time on a user interface on the operator terminal or any other user station. The plotting application subscribes to the sampling data from the notification channel, which is fed by the sampling manager, and periodically updates the running plot with the new data [RD01 - 5.1.4 Analysis tool]. The plotting application can also display sampling data from data files. The plotting application can be:

Multiple samples can be super-imposed on the same plot with the same time base, even if the data are received from different distributed objects, possibly on different antennae (Partially implemented). Also, it should be possible to plot samples against one another, an example being VI curves (voltage vs. current) used in biasing mixer junctions (Not implemented yet).

Data transport is optimized. The samples are NOT sent one by one to the central control computer responsible for storing data, but are cached on the local computer and sent in packets (for example with 1 Hz. Frequency). This is of primary importance to keep network load under control. [RD01 - 4.3.1. Sampling]

There is a sampling engine implemented as a Component:

It can be activated on any local computer

Can be configured to sample one or more Properties at given frequencies.

It sends periodically at low frequency packets of data to a sampling server that stores the data for later analysis or provides them to near-real-time plotting applications.

Sampling must not reduce the performance of the control system or the network. The caching of data will reduce network traffic while assuring that the sampling processes runs with lower priority than control processes will reduce the impact on the performance of the control system.

Figure 3.21: Sampling architecture

XML seems an interesting data format for sampling files. This format allows also easy data exchange with relational databases. Style sheets based on the eXtensible Style Language (XSL) can be used to transform XML files in other formats, like simple ACSII blank delimited tabular files.