ACS Software Releases and Download

Our development cycle foresees one major release every year, with a couple of intermediate releases during that year. The complete ACS SW Development Plan is available on the ACS Web Page. ACS 0.0, released in September 2000 was essentially a concept demonstration prototype. With the support of some components taken from the VLT Control Software it has been used to develop a prototype control system for the 12m Kitt Peak antenna. This was successfully tested in December 2000. ACS 1.0, released in September 2001, is the first "production release".

The yearly major releases often contain some backward incompatible changes. The minor releases are backward compatible for compilation unless some feature request or bugfix requires an incompatible change. Even releases that don't require code changes usually bring about some porting effort, e.g. because some log output that gets evaluated in the modular tests may change and requires an update of the reference files.

Starting with ACS 6.0.4, for every release of ACS we maintain a branch to fix problems that would block work at the OSF.

Current development:

Last official ACS release:

Previous releases:

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Modified on Thursday, 29-Nov-2005