Model manipulation


Read a model file. If the effective temperature of a component is zero, it is set to $-5555$ Kelvin for compatibility of the AMOBA and PEARL procedures. Within AMOBA, this value however is interpreted as Zero.
Compute the model data for data sets with non-zero weight. The additional parameters select passing the computed complex visibilities to PEARL and/or subtracting them from the complex visibility data in PEARL. Please see section on PEARL for more details.
Function. Return reduced $\chi^2$ of currently loaded data wrt model.
binarypos([epoch$<$_real$>$[, component$<$_char$>$]][,lambda=lambda][,com=com][,abs=abs])
Function. Return $\rho/\theta$ relative position for binary model at JD epoch. Use today if no epoch is specified, and use the top hierarchical component if no component is specified. If a component is specified, so must be the epoch. If com=1, compute relative to center of mass, not center of brightness. In the latter case, one can specify lambda (in meters) for the wavelength to use. If abs=1, return individual component positions instead of relative position. In that case, the component index is in the first dimension, $(\rho,\theta)$ are in the second.
Function. Return velocity semi-amplitude for component. Examples: PRINT,MODELK('A'), PRINT,MODELK('AB').
Function. Return parallax derived from parameters of the specified component. Note that for systems higher than binaries, the results could be inconsistent, indicating an inconsistent set of model parameters.
modelvel(JD - 2400000$<$_real$>$, component$<$_char$>$)
Function. Return predicted velocities derived from parameters of the specified hierarchical model components.