3D slice of the z=2 universe: Status of spectroscopic follow-up

The NOT slice of the z=2 universe: Status of spectroscopic follow-up

Keck/LRIS run: 3 July 2002

Observers:    Roberto Mendez and Palle Møller          Weather:      Cloudy, effective seeing 1.9" FWHM 
Telescope:    Keck I                                   Instrument:   LRIS/blue, simple (straight slit) masks
pixel scale:  0.135 arcsec per pixel                   Grating:      400/3400
Dispersion:   1.05 ang/pixel at 3700 ang               Resolution:   8.2 ang FWHM at 3700 ang
Slit PA:      43 deg E of N                            Targets:      LEGO candidates of field GRB000301C
Results:      Keck_July2002.ps (postscript writeup)

List of confirmed LEGOs

LEGO ID  redshift         Ly-a flux   W_rest (Å)     FWHM (km/s)   obs date
S301_7   2.0330(0.0005)   17.7(0.9)   96(+25)(-18)   380(140)      03.07.02
S301_9   2.0345(0.0005)   14.6(0.9)   73(+18)(-14)   < 450         03.07.02

Palle Møller - pmoller[at]eso.org
Last updated: 25 July 2002