Spell-Weavers Assembly of Dietersheim: CoD Tour

Continuous Draft - some useful info

For those of you who have not tried this before, here is a short and simple introduction. If you need more info that this, then come ask me.

Here 2 important points that I'll ask you all to quickly read through:

1) Please always keep your 44 CoD cards separate from your "own" card collection. Please do not replace a card you would like to keep with "something else". It dilutes the CoD card pool and makes the games much less fun. One way of making sure the cards don't fall into your general box by mistake is to e.g. keep the 44 cards wrapped in a piece of paper with your name and "CoD" written on it.

2) Please report results to me. You can use either the recording sheet for this, or you can send results via email. I prefer the latter. If you send email then please use exactly the format seen here (cut and paste). The ranker is written in fortran so format of the input is an issue. Since I have assigned 6 characters for each name you will need to truncate or add spaces.

And here some additional notes that you may find useful:

3) For the CoD tour we decided to count all duels. The reason being that often two players would have to wait for other players to finish drafting/playing, so to pass the time they can then play best of 5, or 6, or 7 .... Since this gives the possibility to gain better statistics for the ratings, we simply count all duels recorded. As a default each match is "best of three", if more duels are played then the players both have to agree before they start if the next duel is to be recorded or "for fun".

4) If you do decide to play more duels after the first "best of 3" has finished, then I recommend to record this in two separate results, i.e. 2 lines of input. First the result of the "best of 3" match, second the "additional duels". If you wonder why, then ask me - too messy to explain it here.

5) Challenging: Matches are arranged via challenges. Challenges can be made during casual play nights (where you should always bring your CoD pack), or simply by sending an email to one of the CoD players. A challenge cannot be refused, and should be played within one week of it being issued (unless the player is travelling). In order to get the ratings to make sense, please try to challenge as many different players on the list as possible before you repeat a challenge.

6) When you have finished a ranking match then agree with your opponent who is going to report the result (usually the winner). Shortly after you (or your opponent) have sent me the result you should check that it has been recorded correctly in the list of most recent CoD results. If they have not then feel free to send me a reminder.

7) Triggered by Arnes questions I have looked into what the effect is of rating with duels rather than matches. Let a player "A" meet player "B". The relative strengths of the players is such that player A has the probability "a" to win a single duel. If they play a "best of three duels", then A has the probability a*a*(3-2*a) to win the match (you are welcome to check if I did this calculation correctly, I'm a little rusty on the stochatics). To see what this formula means in actual numbers, look at this.

Palle Møller - pmoller[at]eso.org
Last updated: 28 Mar 2005