Tim, the sorcerer Behind the mountains, in a forgotten cave, there once lived a vulshok sorcerer. Let's just call him Tim in this story. Tim, who had the lavamancer's skill, had heard rumors of a far away ruin, a former temple of the false god, which was located near the Urborg volcano. An ancient artifact, the "rod of ruin" was supposedly buried with his last owner there. So Tim quickly grabbed his lantern of insight and started his journey. He travelled across barren moors, several bloodstained mires got left behind. He crossed a salt marsh and walked around swamps. Finally, he climbed a mountain and found the place beneath the Urborg volcano. All he saw there was an oversold cemetary where a gravedigger attempted to shy away the carrion feeder, which was leaping between the graves in search of its next meal. He almost lost hope, but then he discovered a demon's horn. As he picked it up, a ravenous rat, which was gnawing on the horn, ran away. He saw more chittering rats behind a gravestone, heck, there was a whole swarm of rats. Tim recalled the old phrase of Bram Stoker's Dracula "Rats, rats, rats! Hundreds, thousands, millions of them and every one a life." and suddenly was filled with fright. He couldn't believe his eyes as he stared in shock at the death cloud that quelled from an unholy grotto in the distance. He could barely see the outlines of a throne, made of bones, behind it must be the altar of shadows. Suddenly, a figure appeared between the mists. "This must be the phyrexian plaguelord, who last owned the rod of ruin", Tim thought, "but he should be dead ... or ...is he ... undead !?" The figure made a threatening gesture and transformed into a Mephidross Vampire, who attempted to consume Tim's spirit. In total panic, he attacked. With a mighty CLASH, he unleashed his power and carbonized the soulless one with a mighty fireball. The vulshok sorcerer had defeated his adversary and claimed his price of many style points ... ;-)