1.0     2011-09-15	created (from scratch)
1.0.1	2011-09-20	some bugs fixed, added: deletion for a month
1.0.2	2011-09-26	time thresholds for fake-SCIENCE relaxed to >T11
1.0.3	2011-10-11	using CalSelector as name for the jar file; DFO flag 'sci_Harvested'; configuration updated for production; isql queries updated; option -V 
1.0.4	2011-10-12	writes into log file $DFO_LST_DIR/HARVESTAB/list_harvest_SCIENCE_.txt
1.0.5	2011-10-14	writes pseudo-science ABs into log file
1.0.6	2011-11-14	disable parallel execution
1.0.7	2011-11-17	send email if ERROR occurs
1.0.8	2012-01-31	update calSelector v1.1.0
1.0.9	2012-02-06	rollback to CalSelector-1.0.2.jar; improved ERROR log
1.1    	2012-02-15	new option -Y[ear]; -T[est]: only local XML files, no db
1.2	2012-03-12	copy ALOGs only if existing; find errors with missing ABs; find timeouts
1.2.1	2012-05-02	added debug option (-O)
1.3	2012-05-11	delivers new version of calSelector: v1.1; improved TXT and XML
1.3.1	2012-08-22	delivers calSelector v1.2
1.3.2	2013-01-09	supports ATAB files
1.3.3	2013-06-10	optional configuration file, config key ENABLE_60