1.0	2004-08-12	created from scratch
1.1	2004-09-07	TMP_DIR-->JTMP_DIR; no removal of WORKAREA if RENAME_SHIFT!=YES (backwards compatible)
1.2	2004-09-14	Two MONITOR_PLUGINS: start/end
1.2.1	2004-09-15	RBS support enabled
1.2.2	2004-09-16	esorex called with explicit outputdir
1.3	2004-09-17	product checks for RBS refined; writes status line into AB; moves PAF files
1.3.1	2004-09-21	bug with success check for RBS fixed
1.3.2	2004-09-23	bug with PARAM = NONE fixed
1.4	2004-09-24	have PAF_MOVE for better treatment of paf files (needs $PAF_MOVE in config file!)
1.4.1	2004-09-30	another bug removed with PAF_MOVE
1.4.2	2005-01-19	use EXIT_CODE of esorex to suppress products of unsuccessful recipe runs
1.4.3	2005-02-17	verifies existance of $WORK_AREA 
1.4.4	2005-04-04	OTH included as supported REI
1.4.5	2005-04-14	ambiguous orig_filenames supported
1.4.6	2005-05-09	TEXEC calculated and written into AB
1.4.7	2005-05-12	fix bug for DRS=RBS; stop RZ/RX support
1.4.8	2005-06-10	small changes to support CONDOR 
1.4.9	2005-10-13	small changes related to RENAME_SHIFT
1.5	2006-03-03	compatible with createAB v2.0
1.6	2006-05-16	MEF-enabled: includes new option -e (to support CONDOR recipe calls per detector); pgi_PIPEFILE obsolete; TOOL_LOGGING obsolete, dfosLog suspended
1.6.1	2006-06-07	little bug fixed for RBS
1.6.2	2006-09-21	supported DRS hard-coded in tool
1.6.3	2007-04-26	USE_AB_DRS_TYPE introduced; PAF_MOVE removed 
1.7	2007-11-15	download REAL MCALIBs and MASSOCS from CDB if do not exist locally [JDP]
1.7.1	2007-11-29	bug fixed with handling of AB w/o RAWFILEs
1.7.2	2008-01-24	improved raw_type scan in line 644
1.7.3	2008-03-05	message in line 468 changed
1.7.4	2008-03-06	moved RAW and CALIB download blocks so that not downloaded for RECIPE=NONE; DEBUG mode [JDP]
1.7.5	2008-07-29	RBS support stopped; improved error handling with ngasClient errors
1.7.6	2008-09-25	improved error handling for data downloads
1.7.7	2008-11-03	implemented ERROR_PLUGIN [JDP]
1.8	2009-01-29	improved DET_SPLIT handling (AB_STATUS, TEXEC) and handling of ABScheduler [WHu]
1.8.1	2009-02-04	feature with DONE files fixed (as a temporary solution)
1.8.2	2009-10-23	if configured (ACCEPT_FZ), accept fits.fz files
1.8.3  	2010-01-20	bug fixed with fits.fz.fz file
1.9	2010-02-07	MASSOC download by default terminated; new optional keys MASSOC_DOWN and PIPE_NAME
1.9.1	2010-07-30	added line :99 as required by ScientificLinux 5.3
1.10	2011-01-21	modified esorex call to support optional detmon pipeline config file; optional key ABS_SUPPORT
1.10.1	2011-05-30	$DFO_MON_DIR/MCAL_DOWNLOAD
2.0	2013-01-09	support AB tab files; includes upper limit for N_rawfiles; terminated: MASSOC_DOWN, USE_AB_DRS_TYPE, END_MONITOR_PLUGIN, START_MONITOR_PLUGIN
2.0.1	2013-01-15	bug fix related to AMODE=TECHNICAL or TEST
2.1.1	2013-06-12	minor improvements in lines :552 and :940
2.2	2013-07-31	ACQUISITIONS included in CALIB mode (line :627) [BWo]
2.2.1	2014-05-21	minor bug with notification mail fixed
2.3	2014-07-22	support for DRS_TYPE=INT added
2.4	2014-08-20	support for DFOS and PHOENIX
2.5	2015-08-31	download of rawfiles also for recipe=none, for RAWDISP; new optional config key DRS_FROM_AB and NO_CHECKSUM for PHOENIX
2.5.1	2015-10-22	bug fix in Sect. 2.2: ngasClient called also for RAWDISP_SUPPORT=NO unless RECIPE=NONE
2.6	2015-10-28	measure delay (processing time <-> arcfile timestamp), write into dfo table delay_time
2.6.1	2015-10-29	two keys added for delay_time
2.6.2	2015-11-02	support for DET decommissioned, PROCESSED_BY_AUTOD set correctly for DRS_TYPE=INT 
2.6.3	2015-11-03	limitation of delay_time to 1440 min; bug fix for getDelay (date --> date -u)
2.6.4	2015-11-09	read from last rawfile in AB; read DELAY and DELIVERY
2.6.5	2015-12-22	new optional key CHECK_SOF_EXIST for PHOENIX
2.6.6	2017-09-05	error messages upon mkdir suppressed 
2.6.7	2018-02-21	pgi_PIPEFILE, PIPE_NAME, PIPE_HOME removed from code
2.7	2018-08-02	OPSHUB aware (TAB files to link to $DFS_PRODUCT, for -i $INSTR and -u $USER)
2.7.1	2018-11-16	minor improvement in ATAB handling around :406
2.7.2	2018-11-30	adding PIPE_ID to AB_STATUS 
2.7.3	2019-02-04	no call of getDelay for PHOENIX 
2.7.4	2019-03-08	take first instance of START_TIME and last instance of END_TIME for TEXEC, around :1150
2.7.5	2019-05-22	exit getDelay if no RAWFILE [BWo]
2.7.6	2021-04-26	disabled and removed getDelay, obsolete with transition to DFOS-v2