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ESO Users Committee Poll 2016

The ESO Users Committee (UC) is established as an advisory body to the ESO Director General (DG) in representation of the communities of users of the ESO Member States and Chile. The UC shall advise the DG on matters pertaining to the performance, scientific access, operations and data management facilities of the La Silla Paranal Observatory and ALMA.

This is a poll designed and run by the UC (independent of ESO) to collect your opinions and suggestions that will be taken to the next UC meeting in April. Filling the poll is very important to understand the wishes of the community that will be voiced at the meeting and to ESO DG. The poll will take 5 to 15min, depending  on how much feedback you would like to provide.

Note that most questions are not compulsory and can be left blank if you don't think they are relevant to your issues.

There are 64 questions in this survey.