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   kappa matrix
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MATISSE: Kappa matrix
Ratio, flux, shift, zoom
QC1 database (advanced users): browse | plot

The laboratory Kappa matrix provides a measurement of the intensity ratio between the beams. It also provides a measurement of the anamorphosis factor (relative shift and zoom) between the interferometric and the photometric beams. For now this measurement is done only for the HAWAII (LM band) detector
With this calibration, we can monitor the transmission of MATISSE
The input data are: a series of images containing the laboratory background or the sky (KAPPA_HOTDARK or KAPPA_SKY), a series of images for each shutter with the internal source or the target (KAPPA_SRC or KAPPA_OBJ), the static shift map (SHIFT_MAP), the static bad pixel map (BADPIX), the static nonlinearity map (NONLINEARITY) and the observation specific flatfield map (OBS_FLATFIELD)

Intensity, shift and zoom


The KAPPA matrix recipe calculates the intensity ratio, the relative shift and zoom between each photometric channel and the interferometric one for each spectral channel. The raw input data are: a series of images containing the laboratory background or the sky (KAPPA_HOTDARK or KAPPA_SKY), a series of images for each shutter with the internal source or the target (KAPPA_SRC or KAPPA_OBJ).
Additional calibration products are also needed : static shift map (SHIFT_MAP), the static bad pixel map (BADPIX), the static nonlinearity map (NONLINEARITY) and the observation specific flatfield map (OBS_FLATFIELD).

The laboratory kappa matrix is used to get rid of the fringe contrast-loss due to the non perfect overlap of the interfering beams. The photometric beams recorded on the target have to be transformed in a way that they have the same position, shape and intensity as the interferomtric channel.


FITS key QC1 database: table, name definition class* HC_plot** more docu
QC.DET..FLUX1 matisse_kappamatrix..flux_kappa_p1 flux and photometric channel 1HC [docuSys coming]
QC.DET..IRATIO1.MEAN matisse_kappamatrix..ratio_kappa_p1 mean intensity ratio and photometric channel 1 HC [docuSys coming]
QC.DET..IRATIO1.STDEV matisse_kappamatrix..stdev_ratio_kappa_p1 Standard deviation of the intensity ratio and photometric channel 1 [docuSys coming]
QC.DET..IRATIO2.MEAN matisse_kappamatrix..ratio_kappa_p2 mean intensity ratio and photometric channel 2 HC [docuSys coming]
QC.DET..SHIFT1.MEAN matisse_kappamatrix..shift_kappa_p1 mean spatial SHIFT and photometric channel 1 (pixels)HC [docuSys coming]
QC.DET..SHIFT1.STDEV matisse_kappamatrix..stdev_shift_kappa_p1 Standard deviation of the spatial shift and photometric channel 1 (pixels) [docuSys coming]
QC.DET..ZOOM1.MEAN matisse_kappamatrix..zoom_kappa_p1 mean zoom factor and photometric channel 1HC [docuSys coming]
QC.DET..ZOOM1.STDEV matisse_kappamatrix..stdev_zoom_kappa_p1 Standard deviation of the mean zoom factor and photometric channel 1 [docuSys coming]
*Class: KPI - instrument performance; HC - instrument health; CAL - calibration quality; ENG - engineering parameter
**There might be more than one.


The trending plot shows the ratio between the interferometric and photometric channels.
There is also a monitoring of the FLUX, SHIFT and ZOOM calculated for the different set-ups

Scoring&thresholds KAPPA_MATRIX

The Health Check plots are not scored.
The thresholds (ratio, zoom and shift) for the ABs are set to detect jumps which could mean misalignment of the different beams compared to each other.


The ratio, zoom and shift parameter should be the same for the photometric beams and constant.


The recipe used is the mat_est_kappa

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