NACO Exposure Time Calculator

Infrared Adaptive Optics Imaging Mode Version P115
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Target Input Flux Distribution

Template Spectrum: Spectral Type:
Blackbody: Temperature : K

Target Magnitude : =

Magnitudes are given per square arcsec for extended sources.

Spatial Distribution: Point Source     Extended Source

Adaptive Optics Mode:

LGSLaser Guide Star

Natural Guide Star

Target / Reference Source
Separation: arcsec
Reference Source
V mag: Spectral Type

Sky Conditions

Moon FLI: Airmass:
Time step forward/back

Target coordinates Name or ID:  
α      δ     
UT rise
Hour Angle azimuth altitude zenith distance airmass FLI moon/sun
phase angle
An advanced almanac is available in the ESO SkyCalc sky model calculator
PWV:     mm     Probability % of realising the PWV ≤ 10.00 mm
Seeing/Image Quality:
Turbulence Category:   (FWHM of the atmospheric PSF outside the telescope at zenith at 500 nm)
IQ: arcsec FWHM at the airmass and reference wavelength
              The corresponding seeing and turbulence category will be indicated in the output page
Image Quality is not a parameter in AO modes

Instrument Setup

Neutral Density Filter: Out       In
Wollaston Prism System: Out       In
NAOS WFS/Dichroic:
Dichroic Name Reflected light to the WFS
Transmitted light to CONICA
Conditions of use
VIS V,R,I [0.45 - 0.95] microns
J,H,K,L,M [1.05 - 5.0] microns
Near-IR observations
with optical WF sensing
N20C80 V,R,I,J,K [0.45 - 2.55] microns
V,R,I,J,H,K [1.05 - 5.0] microns
WF sensing and
observing in the IR
N90C10 V,R,I,J,K [0.45 - 2.55] microns
V,R,I,J,H,K [1.05 - 5.0] microns
WF sensing and
observing in the IR
JHK I,J,H,K [0.8 - 2.55] microns
L,M [2.8 - 5.5] microns
Thermal-IR observations
with WF sensing in the near-IR
K K [1.9 - 2.55] microns
V,R,I,J,H [0.45 - 1.8] microns
J,H observations
with WF sensing in K
FREE The NAOS-PS will try to find an optimal Dicroic/WFS combination. Note
Instrument mode:


Aperture radius:  ×λ/D = arcsec

The two dynamic input fields are mutually updated when one of the values changes. The value in the "arcsec" field is updated if the filter is changed. The upper limit of the aperture radius is half of the camera FOV.
To revert to the default aperture for the current filter, press here:

S/N ratio: S/N = DIT = s Please note the relevant minimum DIT in the NACO manual.
Exposure Time: Non-chopping: NDIT =
Chopping: Total Exposure Time = min

The total exposure time is the product of DIT (Detector Integration Time) by NDIT (number of DITs). Instrument and telescope overheads are not taken into account.

Plots: Toggle All / No Plots

2-D PSF image (jpg and FITS ) (point source only)
Encircled Energy as a function of Aperture Radius (point source only)
S/N as a function of Exposure Time