Organisation Européenne pour des Recherches Astronomiques dans l'Hémisphère Austral

Europäische Organisation für astronomische Forschung in der südlichen Hemisphäre














VLT Software


 Base Observation Software Stub


User Manual





Doc. No.: VLT-MAN-ESO-17240-2265

Issue: 5

Date: 08.12.2005




            Prepared: …Eszter Pozna…………………………………………………………….

                                                Name                                                       Date                         Signature



Approved: …Krister Wirenstrand…………………………………………………….                                              Name                                                      Date                         Signature



            Released: …Martin Cullum ………………………………………………………….

Name                                                       Date                         Signature             



VLT PROGRAMME * TELEPHONE: (089) 3 20 06-0 * FAX: (089) 3 20 06 514













1.0 / prep 1



NOVEMBER 2000 - First Version by Eszter Pozna




Update for MAR2001 RELEASE

by E. Pozna








OCS.SUBSYST setup keyw no longer supported

20 (49)

VLTSW20010017: always use INS.MODE is compulsory in the first SETUP



STOP cmd is not supported


VLTSW20010054 : OCS.OCS.* à OCS.OS.*


VLTSW20010012: no alias tables


VLTSW20010044: db classes for each subsystem  interface


Config kw not supported OCSi.OCS.ALIAS


Configuration file xxoControl.cfg->xxmcfgINS.cfg


Cancel inactive exposures using command END


Added description to FORWARD


Added new sections in chapter 9.8 in SOS


New section 11.10 db point/structure (FAQ)


New section – binary tables





Update for MAR 2002 RELEASE

by E. Pozna











VLTI  module

VLTSW20010618 : Multiple ICS headers


VLTSW20010575 : Wait –first

VLTSW20020051 : reply to wait command (9.4.5)


VLTSW20010044:Life cycle

(present in MAR2001 but not mentioned in doc)


VLTSW20010691: Partial header files  (New section)

9.8,,, 9.8.4

SOS  (new feature in MARCH2002)

Sos interaction new section 9.8.4


Exposure status


VLTSW20010724: substates


last expoId (updates),,

VLTSW20010104 : SETUP (new sections)

While exp running; repeate ; redeclare


VLTSW20010535: END cmd


VLTSW20010682: Forward


VLTSW20010013 :default startup


VLTSW20010494: default mode


User specifed cfg keyword (AppConfigure argument)




7.3, 7.6

Configuration (VLTSW20010010/13, VLTSW20010448)



default values for DCS/OS cfg kw.


VLTSW20010448: TELESCOP fits kw (OCS.TEL.ID)


Maintenance of boss


FAQ added questions








Update for APR2003 RELEASE

by E. Pozna











VLTSW20020342- max number of modes



added overload able function SetupPostProc




Operation bypassing the OS/SOS (new section)

VLTSW20020256  SETUP –noExposure

(new subsection )




VLTSW20010669: WAIT -header

Synchronization (new section)


VLTSW20020478 additional fits header keywords at SOS level (new section)


VLTSW20020427: supplementary 'arf' files are removed


VLTSW20020281: added optional detector configuration keyword: OCS.DETi.WIPING to set wiping


VLTSW20020280: added optional detector configuration keyword: OCS.DETi.STOP to leave detector ONLINE


VLTSW20020431: auto add cfg and setup kws to FITS header

VLTSW20010669: each exposure starts with a new empty header             


 Added new substates   



New section about dictionaries

Updated with dictionary info


FAQ special online action

Default mode (1 mode) – new section


CDT,dict,cfg updated



Update for APR2004 RELEASE

by E. Pozna











VLTSW20030249 - added new cfg kw OCS.CON.LOGLEVEL


VLTSW20020505 - new 'image file naming' scheme is applied as default :  "Standard-Naming"  


VLTSW2003312 -  added new parameter '-cond' to command WAIT


VLTSW2003350  - added new parameter '-all' to command WAIT


VLTSW20030387 – new configuration keyword OCS.ARC.TIMEOUT

VLTSW20030119 - SETUP cmd without paremeter '-expoId' specified is considered as -noExposure


VLTSW20030388 - Added overloadable empty functions ApplImageHandleProc()


VLTSW20030149 - When cfg kw OCS.DETi.STOP is set, cmd ONLINE is only sent when state is not yet ONLINE.


VLTSW20030250  New command ACCESS


New section: archiver process


FAQ updates


Manpage,CDT, dictionary update


Update for JAN2006 RELEASE

by E. Pozna












VLTSW20040364 Handling of multiple files during one exposure (e.g. IR mosaic mode)






VLTSW2004025, VLTSW20030523 Sequential handling of archiver process queue ;

VLTSW20040387 Check existence of Archiver process

VLTSW20050050 Performance test of Archiver process (9.10

new section)


VLTSW20040155 Check TCS state during ONLINE

VLTSW20050122 Report error of  sub-command




VLTSW20020714 ICS Check for ICS substate before internal commands (EXPEND/EXPSTART) are sent

VLTSW20050161 - Collect all available headers in case of error after image has been generated


VLTSW20050161 - Command END is allowed in STANDBY state.


Default loglevel - no long on stdout.


Usage of  OCS.DET.IMGEXT in setting the filename.


Maximum number of dictionaries per interface

10.1, 10.1.2

Overloading boss (new section)





1      Scope.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 10

2      Documents and Acronyms.............................................................................................................................................. 10

2.1        Applicable Documents.............................................................................................................................................. 10

2.2        Reference Documents................................................................................................................................................ 10

2.3        Acronyms.......................................................................................................................................................................... 11

3      Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................... 12

4      Overview..................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

5      User’s Guide................................................................................................................................................................................ 15

6      Getting Started..................................................................................................................................................................... 15

6.1        The processes of the Observation Software............................................................................................. 15

6.2        Initializing....................................................................................................................................................................... 16

6.3        Server class..................................................................................................................................................................... 16

6.4        State handling.............................................................................................................................................................. 16

6.5        Configuration................................................................................................................................................................ 17

6.6        Dictionary........................................................................................................................................................................ 17

6.7        Command handling.................................................................................................................................................... 17

6.8        Database events.......................................................................................................................................................... 18

6.9        Interfaces......................................................................................................................................................................... 18

6.10       Exposures.......................................................................................................................................................................... 18

6.11       OS as Super OS.................................................................................................................................................................. 19

6.12       Logging................................................................................................................................................................................ 19

7      Configuration Guide........................................................................................................................................................... 21

7.1        General system  configuration keywords................................................................................................. 22

7.2        Configuration of the subsystems..................................................................................................................... 23

7.3        Additional detector configuration keywords...................................................................................... 26

7.4        Additional TCS configuration keywords................................................................................................... 28

7.5        Additional ICS configuration keywords..................................................................................................... 28

7.6        OS Subsystem Configuration Keywords........................................................................................................ 29

7.7        Instrument modes....................................................................................................................................................... 29

8      Setup Guide................................................................................................................................................................................. 32

9      Programmer’s Guide............................................................................................................................................................ 34

9.1        Initialisation................................................................................................................................................................. 35

9.2        The Server class............................................................................................................................................................ 37

9.3        Interface classes........................................................................................................................................................ 40

9.4        Standard commands................................................................................................................................................ 41

9.4.1     STATE Command and related functions.................................................................................................................... 41

9.4.2     State changing commands............................................................................................................................................ 42

9.4.3     SETUP Command........................................................................................................................................................... 44

9.4.4     START Command............................................................................................................................................................ 48

9.4.5     WAIT Command............................................................................................................................................................... 49

9.4.6     Other exposure control commands.............................................................................................................................. 51

9.4.7     FORWARD command..................................................................................................................................................... 52

9.4.8     Commands operating on fits file.................................................................................................................................. 52

9.4.9     ACCESS command......................................................................................................................................................... 52

9.4.10        Commands VERSION and DEBUG........................................................................................................................ 53

9.5        Database and database events........................................................................................................................ 53

9.6        The final image.............................................................................................................................................................. 54

9.6.1     Partial header files......................................................................................................................................................... 55

9.6.2     Binary Tables.................................................................................................................................................................. 56

9.6.3     Handling of multiple files during one exposure....................................................................................................... 56

9.7        Exposure............................................................................................................................................................................. 57

9.7.1     The exposure table......................................................................................................................................................... 57

9.7.2     Exposure status............................................................................................................................................................... 58

9.7.3     Functions accessing  the exposure table................................................................................................................... 59

9.7.4     Main steps of exposure.................................................................................................................................................. 59

9.7.5     Synchronization.............................................................................................................................................................. 60

9.8        Super Observation Software (SOS).................................................................................................................... 62

9.8.1     Configuration of OS subsystem.................................................................................................................................... 63

9.8.2     Hierarchical setup keywords....................................................................................................................................... 64

9.8.3     Dictionary for SOS......................................................................................................................................................... 64

9.8.4     SOS interaction............................................................................................................................................................... 64

9.8.5     Command handling........................................................................................................................................................ 68

9.8.6     Creating the finale image file by SOS......................................................................................................................... 69

9.8.7     Not-BOSS-based OS as a subsystem of SOS............................................................................................................... 72

9.9        Startup of Main process......................................................................................................................................... 72

9.9.1     Command line options................................................................................................................................................... 72

9.9.2     Default Startup................................................................................................................................................................ 73

9.10       Archiver process.......................................................................................................................................................... 73

9.10.1        Startup of Archiver Process..................................................................................................................................... 74

9.10.2        Command queue........................................................................................................................................................ 74

9.10.3        Performance of Archiver process............................................................................................................................ 75

10     Observation Software Based on BOSS................................................................................................................. 76

10.1       Function overloading.............................................................................................................................................. 77

10.1.1        Functions to be overloaded.................................................................................................................................... 77

10.1.2        Overload of non empty functions............................................................................................................................ 79

10.2       Additional configuration keyword.............................................................................................................. 79

10.3       Additional setup keyword.................................................................................................................................... 80

10.4       Add new command...................................................................................................................................................... 83

10.4.1        Send a message.......................................................................................................................................................... 84

10.5       Modifying existing command callbacks..................................................................................................... 84

10.5.1        Declare mode, detector, subsystem, exposure status.......................................................................................... 84

10.6       Operation bypassing the OS/SOS.......................................................................................................................... 85

11     FAQ and Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................................................. 86

11.1       Manual start up of BOSS OS.................................................................................................................................. 86

11.2       Parameter ‘-expoId’ in the commands........................................................................................................... 86

11.3       Subsystem list or instrument mode is not declared in the setup............................................... 86

11.4       Usage of command STATUS.................................................................................................................................... 87

11.5       Usage of command ADDFITS................................................................................................................................... 88

11.6       Add additional keyword to the fits header............................................................................................ 88

11.6.1        Example-1: Add keyword to OS image.................................................................................................................. 88

11.6.2        Example-2: Add keyword to SOS image file......................................................................................................... 89

11.7       Dictionary for OS......................................................................................................................................................... 90

11.8       Parameter ‘-detId’ in command......................................................................................................................... 90

11.9       Place of pre-processing functions.................................................................................................................... 91

11.10     Instrument with no detector............................................................................................................................. 91

11.11     Data base point ‘NewData’................................................................................................................................... 92

11.12     Additional Action when Exposure fails, succeeds or aborted.................................................... 93

11.13     Interface for subsystem that does not fall into any of the given categories................ 94

11.14     What to do when OS subsystem of SOS is not based on BOSS........................................................... 95

11.15     TCS in the SOS structure.......................................................................................................................................... 96

11.16     File merging...................................................................................................................................................................... 97

11.17     Add Special Online Action...................................................................................................................................... 98

12     Installation Guide............................................................................................................................................................... 99

13     Maintenance............................................................................................................................................................................. 99

14     Reference.................................................................................................................................................................................. 100

14.1       Manpage of the bossControl............................................................................................................................. 100

14.2       Manpage of the bossSERVER class................................................................................................................... 101

14.3       Manpage of bossAbortCB, bossStartCB, bossPauseCB…................................................................... 109

14.4       Manpage of bossEXPOSURE class...................................................................................................................... 113

14.5       Manpage of bossINSMODE class........................................................................................................................ 117

14.6       Manpage of bossINTERFACE_DCS........................................................................................................................ 120

14.7       Manpage of bossINTERFACE_CCD........................................................................................................................ 122

14.8        Manpage of bossArchiver............................................................................................................................... 124


This page has been left intentionally blank.





1        Scope


This document describes the BOSS package.


2        Documents and Acronyms

2.1        Applicable Documents


The following documents, of the exact issue shown, form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. In the event of conflict between the documents referenced herein and the contents of this document, the contents of this document shall be considered as a superseding requirement.



Document Number




[AD 01]




DICB - Data Interface Control Document

[AD 02]




VLT Software Requirements Specification

[AD 03]




VLT Software Programming Standards

[AD 04]




VLT Science Operation Plan

[AD 05]




Guidelines for VLT applications.

[AD 06]




INS Software Specification

[AD 07]




INS Common Software Specification

[AD 08]




ICD between VCS and Archive

[AD 09]




ICD between VCS and OH






2.2        Reference Documents

The following documents contain additional information and are referenced in the text:



Document Number




[RD 01]




Template Instrument User Manual

[RD 02]





[RD 03]




CCS-Event Tool Kit –EVH

[RD 04]




Objective SLX-OSLX

[RD 05]




VLT SW Installation

[RD 06]




VLT Archive System

[RD 07]




CCD Detectors Control Software-User Manual

[RD 08]




FIERA CCD Controller –Software User Manual

[RD 09]




IRACE DCS User Manual





Configuration Tool User Manual


VLT-MAN-ESO-17240- 2153



Startup Tool




2.3        Acronyms

This document employs several abbreviations and acronyms to refer concisely to an item, after it has been introduced. The following list is aimed to help the reader in recalling the extended meaning of each short expression:




Observation Software


Base Observation Software Stub


Template instrument


Template instrument ICS


Template instrument OS


Observation Software


Super OS. An OS that also controls OS.


Category denoting detector, instrument, telescope or  OS subsystem

single exposure

One exposure.

parallel exposure

Exposures started at the same time

semi-parallel exposure

Exposures running simultaneously. Started separately from each other.
























3        Introduction


This version of the UM describes the behavior of the BOSS package JAN2006 version.


The Observation software is responsible for taking exposures. Typically there is one image file generated during an exposure, and the exposures are executed sequentially. The concept of exposure refers to a whole series of procedures which begins with the setup of the instrument, preparation/start/monitoring of observation, handling of any user or system input, and ends with the finale handling of the image file during which all relevant information is saved into the header of the fits file and the image is sent to archive.


Nevertheless due to diverse requirements the OS is also capable of handling situations such as:

-         more data files are generated during one exposures

-         exposures are executed simultaneously on different detectors

-         queuing the final handling of the image files for optimized exposure sequence

-         setup of new exposures while previous one is still running

-         controlling special subsystem

-         ignoring part of the system

-         supervising other OS-es.


The OS coordinates the communication between the subsystems of an instrument (ICS-es, DCS-es) and the telescope, handles user interaction with the system at any  times (such as ending or aborting an exposures) and reports any unexpected events or errors occurring at all levels at any time.


The BOSS software (BOSS is short for base observation software stub) is designed to incorporate the common features of all observation software, while the OS that is based on BOSS should incorporate the specialties characterizing the instrument.


The observation software of a specific instrument therefore consists of a

·        an instrument independent part  (BOSS), and

·        an instrument specific part (OS).


Boss includes the implementation of all the standard commands [AD 07]. In special cases, the default process can be extended. The communication with the subsystems takes place through interfaces. The package includes suitable interfaces for the most commonly used subsystems. When an exposure is finished, the VOLAC system [RD 06] is informed about the event (through a database point) to archive the image.


During the development of an OS one must exploit the features and functionality of BOSS as much as possible. This would make sure that the application OS-es have the least size, and therefore make the maintenance of the software easier.  


The development of an OS is described through an example [RD 01]. The implementation of the most commonly used extra features (such as additional command or keyword) are described in Chapter 10.


Before going through the details of BOSS, it is recommended to install template instrument [RD 01] and run some templates. This would allow you to try out the features described in the following chapters and gain better understanding of the responsibilities of theerstanding what ang to it and sending it to archive and clean up t OS.



4        Overview



The BOSS software package consist of the following modules:






Instrument Basic Application Classes

Includes handling of logs, bits, strings, list ..


Instrument Extended Application Classes

This module contains classes to handle common VLT data types (e.g. Short Fits Keywords, Database,…)


Base Observation Software Stub

Incorporates the implementation of the common properties of OS


Interface module including the dictionary and CDT of boss




Necessary only for VLTI instruments

This small module contains the interface for ISS.




Release versions numbers:


MAR2001:  boss,     osb 1.12,          bossvlti 1.2,      ixac 1.37,         ibac 1.26

MAR2002:  boss  1.81,           osb 1.20,          bossvlti 1.5,      ixac 1.43,         ibac 1.29         

APR2003:   boss  1.106,         osb 1.24,          bossvlti 1.5,      ixac 1.45,         ibac 1.29

APR2004:   boss  1.129,         osb 1.28,          bossvlti 1.6,      ixac 1.46,         ibac 1.30

JAN2005:   boss  1.153,         osb 1.36,          bossvlti 1.6,      ixac 1.49,         ibac 1.33




5        User’s Guide

The Template Instrument User Manual [RD 01] introduces a virtual instrument XXXX with the basic characteristics of real instruments, and also incorporates an observation software based on BOSS. Users are suggested to install and startup the template instrument and experience the effect of the OS commands by running a BOB template. Having an instrument running you gives a chance to test immediately the various features described below.     


6        Getting Started

6.1        The processes of the Observation Software

The Observation Software of an instrument consists of two processes:


·         ‘Main Control Process’     

It is a multipurpose process the functionality of which is described in detail in this document.

The name of the process is ‘xxoControl’ where xx is the instrument ID.  Only in case of complex instruments (handling more then one instruments by a super OS) it is allowed to have more then one OS Main process in the system.


·         ‘Archiver Process’ [2]

The ‘File Handler Process’ is an auxiliary process that handles the post-processing of data, i.e. merging image file with header files. The process also takes care of informing VOLAC when the final image is ready. The name of this auxiliary process is composed of the string ‘bossArchiver_’ and the instrument id, e.g.: ‘bossArchiver_xxo’.


BOSS takes care of the communication between the ‘Main Control Process’ and the ‘Archiver Process’. There should be only one Archiver process for each control process. The existence of the Archiver process is checked by the Main process when the instrument is set to ONLINE and also at the start of the image taking exposures.

The subtasks of merging (i.e. names of header files, binary tables to be merged/appended /deleted) are sad  ged / appended extendees u have ty running a BOB template. ved in a supplementary file with extension ‘<imageFileName>.arf’, which is removed after the final image is ready. (When the process is started up in debug mode the supplementary files are renamed as ‘.arf_’ after successful handling, however all the ‘<imageFileName>.arf_’ files are removed during the startup of the Archiver process[3].)

BOSS also takes care of queuing the commands for the Archiver process should the requests from the Main process come faster then they are processed by the Archiver (see also 9.4.5).


The processes of the Instrument OS must be started at the same time[4]. For more information on the Archiver process see 9.10.


6.2        Initializing


There is a support class (bossCtrlMain.C) included in BOSS to support  initialising and exiting CCS, initialising the boss ‘Main Control Process’, and setting the verbose level according to the command line options (see Chapter 9.1). The developers are recommended to apply it following the pattern of the main function of the template instrument [RD 01].


6.3        Server class


The heart of the boss package is the bossSERVER class. The default functionalities of BOSS can be altered when necessary.


The bossSERVER class includes special (normally empty) functions. In these functions (i.e. in their overloads) the implementation of the additional properties of the instruments should be placed.

Note that overloading other functions is also possible (as most of the function of the bossSERVER are declared virtual)[5], however it is not recommended. 


In some cases the default properties of BOSS fully satisfies the requirement of an instrument. In this case the instrument can be startup based on its configuration and database using the auto startup functionality (see section 9.9.2).


6.4        State handling


The bossSERVER takes care of handling the states and sub-states of the instrument.

The states of the subsystems are [AD 07]: OFF, LOADED, STANDBY, ONLINE.


The state of the instrument is normally associated with the state of its subsystems and it represents the minimum states of all the subsystems. Therefore when one of the subsystems is state OFF, the global state of the instrument is also OFF.

Whether the OS is running (i.e. it is loaded  or shutdown)  can be checked separately from the global state. OS process is alive, thus it is either ONLINE or OFF.


When the global state of the instrument is ONLINE the OS is ready to accept commands, the execution of which is reflected in the substate of the instrument: e.g. SETUP, OBSERVING, PAUSED, IDLE, see also section  9.7.4.






6.5        Configuration


The instruments are configured via Application Configuration Files. These files (that should be placed in a separate module) contain information about the individual subsystems and the OS of the instrument and also startup options.

The configuration of the OS of an instrument (Section 7) consists of the declaration of its subsystems (Section 7.2, 7.3, 7.6) and the instrument modes (Section 7.7).


6.6        Dictionary


The configuration and setup keywords are declared in dictionaries, where the configuration keywords are checked during startup and the setup keywords are checked during runtime.

The common configuration and setup keywords regarding the OS are specified in dictionary



Any additional instrument specific configuration and setup keywords must be specified by the user.

The additional configuration keywords should be included in the dictionary ESO-VLT-DIC.<INSNAME>_CFG.   

Note that as the configuration file is handled by the configuration tool (ctoo) the dictionary (which contains the additional configuration keyword) must be also set as part of the instrument configuration [RD-10]. Section 10.2 explains how to add additional configuration keywords.


Additional setup keywords (see also 10.3) should be specified in the dictionary[6] named:



The following dictionaries are automatically loaded by BOSS:

                ESO-VLT-DIC.OBS                              ESO-VLT-DIC.OSB

                ESO-VLT-DIC.TPL                               ESO-VLT-DIC.<INSNAME>_OS



6.7        Command handling


BOSS supports the handling of the following commands:




Normally the commands are declared in templates and sent to an OS by BOB. Nevertheless the commands can be also sent directly to the OS (using e.g. testscripts or GUI).

Handling these commands BOSS takes care of the necessary communication between its subsystem. It sends (synchronous and asynchronous) messages to the subsystems and synchronises their replies.

The state and substate of the OS is updated according to the actions of the given command.

The default implementation of the commands callbacks are placed in the class bossSERVER.

For more information about the details of the procedures see Chapter 9.4.


6.8        Database events


During the initialization BOSS attaches database events to some of the database points of the subsystems of the instrument. These database events are playing an important role in the synchronization process of BOSS.

The addresses of the relevant database points - status, state, newdata - are given in the configuration file.

For more details see Chapter 9.5.


6.9        Interfaces


BOSS includes several interface classes through which the communication between OS and the instrument’s subsystems can take place.  These are:


bossINTERFACE,               bossINTERFACE_ICS,             bossINTERFACE_TCS,


bossINTERFACE_IRACE,             bossINTERFACE_TCCD,        bossINTERFACE_FIERA       



The subsystems are declared in the configuration file however the interfaces for them have to be declared in SERVER class of the instrument (see Chapter 9.2). Each subsystem must be coupled to an interface. It is also essential to build the database according to the subsystems.


BOSS stores the declared interfaces on its internal subsystem list. The interfaces are identified by the name of their belonging subsystem. (The names of the subsystems are given in the configuration file.)


6.10    Exposures


The exposures that can be handled by BOSS fall into the following categories:


Single exposure:             Single exposure.

The looping TCCD (without image is saved) belongs to also this category.


Parallel exposures[7]:         Two or more exposures are handled simultaneously. Exposures are started at the same time, and have the same expoId. Only one single START command is used to start the exposures (see Figure 1).


Semi-Parallel exposure: Exposures are running simultaneously (see Figure 2), however they are  handled independently from each other, and each exposure has its unique exposure id. The exposures are started separately.









Figure 1 Example for parallel exposure








Figure 2 Example for semi-parallel exposure


Each time an exposure is declared by the user (through the command SETUP) BOSS adds the exposure to its internal exposure table, that is also represented in the database. The exposure table is updated each time when the state, mode, filename, etc of an exposure is modified (see also Section 9.7.1, Table 9). In case of error it could be useful to check exposure table.

The exposures are identified by their exposure id-s. Before an exposure can be started the detector (or detectors) with which the exposure is taken must be uniquely identified. (See also declaration of mode, and parameter detId of the commands).


6.11    OS as Super OS


An OS become SOS (see Chapter 9.8) when one or more of its subsystem is an OS. The configuration of an SOS (Chapters 7.6, 9.8.1) is similar to the configuration of a normal OS.

To setup the parameters of the subsystems on lower levels hierarchical keywords are used (see section 9.8.2)



6.12    Logging


Logging can help detecting bugs or understanding the behavior of the code. The different type of logs are declared in the module ibac. There are five types of logs, which will appear according to command line or start up options. Developers are recommended to apply these logs in the OS application. Please see below the application of these logs (for more information, see man pages of ibac and ibacLog):

Note that as default nothing is looged on the stdout. The loglevel can be changed via commandline option and the command DEBUG.


Warning log:

Log data into the standard VLT log file and to the stdout (if verbose is specified). The level is put to 1. This procedure is called when there are errors or abnormal events for application


WarningLog ("A configuration file has to be specified");

WarningLog ("Could not read database attribute %s.",dbaddr);


Info log:

Log data into the standard VLT log file and to the stdout (if verbose is specified). the level is put to 2. This procedure is called when operational mode is modified.


InfoLog("Checking FITS header file '%s'", fitsHdrFile);

InfoLog("Getting TCS FITS header at start of exposure");


Action log:

Log data into the database attribute dependent on the level specified. Log data into the standard VLT log file and to the stdout.


ActionLog(1, "Cleaning up done.");

ActionLog(1, "%s command failed", msg.Command());


Test log:

Log data into the standard VLT log file and to the stdout (if verbose is specified). The level is put to 3.


TestLog(" expoId: %d ; detector :%s ",expoId, (char*)detId);

TestLog("Handling the DB event from attribute '%.80s'",dbaddr);


Debug log:

Log data into the standard VLT log file and to the stdout (if verbose is specified). The level is put to 5. This procedure is called when users want more detailed debugging information.

Recommended to add at the beginning of each function.


ExtDbgLog("bossEXPOSURE::GetSubsystems(expoId :%d)",expoId);






7        Configuration Guide



The OS is configured via configuration file [AD 07].

In this configuration file the basic information about the instrument (name, prefix, database) and its subsystems (that are to be controlled by the OS) must be declared.

The subsystems that can be handled by BOSS fall into the following categories:


DET:         detector subsystem

INS:          instrument subsystem

OS:           OS subsystem (in case of SOS)[8]

TEL:          telescope


These categories are also referred as <CAT> below. If there are more than one subsystem belonging to the same category they must be indexed.


Some keywords must be declared for all type of subsystems (Chapter 7.2) while others only for certain type of subsystems. Many configuration parameters have default values. When the default value is applicable the keyword can be omitted from the configuration. The optional keywords are written by italic letters in the tables.


The instrument modes (see Chapter 7.7) must be also declared in the configuration file to make the SETUP simpler.


The configuration file is handled by the bossSERVER class. It configures the interface classes for the given subsystems, and stores the defined modes in its internal mode table, that is also represented in the database. (See classes bossINS_MODES and bossMODES_TABLE_ENTRY on figure Figure 3.)


For an example of a complete configuration of an instrument please take a look at the configuration of the template instrument OS [RD 01] in the Appendix 1.

Note that the configuration of the ICS [AD 06, AD 07,RD 02] itself is also placed togethere with the OS configuration but here only the keywords relationg to the OS are described.



7.1        General system  configuration keywords


Here only the keywords that are relevant to the OS are described.

Table 7.1 Configuration of the subsystems

Configuration keyword

Short description


Instrument identifier


Name prefix for modules and servers


Database point of the intrument OS itself (optional).




Release date


Archiver timeout  (optional).


Log level (optional).


The name of the instrument and the two letter instrument code always have to be supplied in the configuration.


Name of the instrument:

INS.CON.ID                                  "XXXX";


Two letter instrument code:

 INS.CON.PREFIX                         "xx";


Database address of the OS of the instrument:

OCS.CON.OSDBROOT                 “<alias>xxo”;

The default value for OSDBROOT is: “:Appl_data:<INS.CON.ID>:OS”;


Archiver timeout:

OCS.ARC.TIMEOUT                    60;


The support process of the OS -called the ‘archiver process’- takes care of the merging of the images. Via this keyword the time -as default 60 sec-  allowed to handle one image can be altered.




OCS.CON.LOGLEVEL                     1;

This is an optional configuration keyword, which only taken into account if the logging level otherwise not specified as command line option (see section 11.1). Value of this keyword should be 1 to 5 which corresponds to the gradual increase of Acton/Log/Verbose level (see also 6.12). Default value is 0.


General information about origin, release date can be supplied by keywords



7.2        Configuration of the subsystems

Table 7.2 Configuration of the subsystems

Configuration keyword

Short description


Number of subsystem belonging to the given category.


name of the subsystem


access mode of the subsystem: NORMAL, IGNORE,FORBIDDEN


Dictionary of the subsystem : ESO-VLT-DIC.XXXX


Environment name where process of the subsystem is running


name of process of the subsystem


Keywords that are forwarded to the subsystem


timeout for OS process


The database address of the subsystem (optional).


db address of ‘state’ (optional)


The database address of the subsystem interface (optional).


Number of subsystems - OCS.<CAT>i.NUM

The number of the subsystems of the given category is a required information for the startup tool [RD-11] therefore should be placed in the configuration file[9].

Note that this keyword is not available for TCS subsystem, as there can be only one TCS.


E.g.:  OCS.DET.NUM  2 

denotes that there are two DCS subsystems , e.g. one FIERA and one TCCD.


Name of subsystem - OCS.<CAT>i.NAME

The individual subsystems can be referred to by their NAME-s. The names can be up to 32 character long, nevertheless it is recommended to use short names. 



Note that in case of Unit telescope (TEL) the name is restricted to have the following values:

“UT1”, “UT2”, “UT3”, “UT4”. (UT0 can be used when TCS is in simulation)


Access mode of subsystem- OCS.<CAT>i.ACCESS

As the examples below show, the ACCESS of a subsystem can have three values:






In normal operation mode the subsystem process must be properly installed and ready to be started up. In this case the ACCESS modes must be set to NORMAL.

When the subsystem is IGNORED all request (i.e. messages) to the subsystem will be ignored, i.e. considered as successfully finished. This option can be used during development when the process for the subsystem is not yet available, or just simply make the tests quicker. When a subsystem is ignored its state has no impact on the global state of the instrument.

When during operation one of the subsystem goes out of order its access mode should be switched to FORBIDDEN. This forbids the usage of this subsystem. In this case all request to the subsystem are rejected (error message is sent).


Dictionary of subsystem - OCS.<CAT>i.DICTi

Only the ‘tail’ of the dictionary of the subsystem must be given, i.e: XXXX for a dictionary  ESO-VLT-DIC.XXXX.

More then one dictionary can be supplied using  indexes.

E.g.: OCS.INS.DICT1         "ICS_AA"

          OCS.INS.DICT2         "ICS_BB"


     Please note that the maximum number of dictionaries per subsystem is 20.

     Dictionary for additional configuration keywords should be specified differently please see also section 6.6 and for an example section 10.2.


Environment name - OCS.<CAT>i.ENVNAME

e.g.: OCS.INS.ENVNAME            "wxxxx"


Note that the environment where the process is running, should not be given by environment variable, eg,.: $RTAPENV.

On the contrary, the environment variables are set according to the configuration file.


Keyword filter- OCS.<CAT>i.KEYWFILT

The keywords in the setup that match the pattern will be forwarded to the subsystem.

When more the one filter id given, they must be separated by a comma.

E.g.:   OCS.DET2.KEYWFILT    "DET2.*.*.*.*.*.*,DET.*.*.*.*.*.*"



Timeout - OCS.<CAT>i.TIMEOUT

Must be given in seconds.

E.g.: OCS.DET2.TIMEOUT     600



Database address of subsystem - OCS.<CAT>i.DBROOT

Must be supplied when other then default, e.g.:

OCS.DET3.DBROOT  "<alias>fiera";


Default values:

DCS:                "<alias><INS.CON.ID>:DCS:<OCS.DETi.NAME>"

ICS:                 "<alias><INS.CON.ID>:<OCS.INSi.NAME>"

TCS:                "<alias>TCS"

OS:                   "<alias><INS.CON.ID>:DCS:<OCS.OSi.NAME>"


Based on the value of DBROOT other default database addresses -of state, newdata(DCS) and status (DCS)- are specifed.




Database address of state - OCS.<CAT>i.DBSTATE

The state (i.e. ONLINE, STANDBY, OFF) of the subsystems are stored in a database point.

In order to declare the global state of the instrument it is required to supply the database addresses of these point in the configuration file when other then default.



OCS.OS2.DBSTATE       "<alias>yyo:status.state";

OCS.TEL.DBSTATE       "<alias>TCS:tcsState.tcsSubstate";

OCS.INS1.DBSTATE      "<alias>XXXX:ICS:PROCESSES:WS:icsControl.state";


Default values:

DCS (TCCD/FIERA):       " <DBROOT>.opState"

DCS (IRACE):                  "<DBROOT>.:irace.state"

ICS:                                  "<DBROOT>:PROCESSES:WS:icsControl.state"

TCS:                                                "<RTAPENV>:<alias>TCS:tcsState.tcsState"

OS:                                   “<DBROOT>:status.state”


Database address of interface - OCS.<CAT>i.DBIFROOT

The keyword specifies the root database address of the interface of subsystem. When database is declared as specified in section 9.5, the default values are applicable, and keyword can be omitted from the configuration.


The keyword is used for declaring the db address of the interface of the subsystem where configuration and runtime information (e.g. lifecycle for DCS) about the subsystem is displayed by BOSS.



DCS :               "<OSDBROOT >:subsystems:<OCS.DETi.NAME>"    ,               e.g. : "<alias>xxo:subsystems:fiera"

ICS:                 “<OSDBROOT >:subsystems:<OCS.INSi.NAME>”      ,               e.g.: "<alias>XXXX:OS:subsystems:ics"

TCS:                “<OSDBROOT >:subsystems:<OCS.TEL.NAME>”      ,               e.g.: "<alias>xxo:subsystems:tcs"

OS:                   “<OSDBROOT >:subsystems:<OCS.OSi.NAME>”       ,               e.g.: "<alias>sos:subsystems:xxxx"


where the database root of the OS (<OSDBROOT>) is specified[10] by the configuration kewyords : OCS.CON. OSDBROOT.


7.3        Additional detector configuration keywords


According to the type of the detector boss supplies default values the database address of status, state, and new filename. When the detector is not TCCD, FIERA or IRACE or the data are different then the default the keywords in Table 7.3 must be supplied.


Table 7.3 Additional detector configuration keywords

Configuration keyword

Short description


Type of the detector  ACE,FIERA, IRACE


 db address of ‘state’                        (when other then default)


 db address of ‘new data file’          (when other then default)


 db address of ‘exposure status’       (when other then default)


 Start/Stop wiping of detectors during online/standby


Leave detector ONLINE when the system is set to STANDBY


Set option for merging all the files when more then oneing all the files w x commandnt tfiles are generated by the detector during one exposure



The TYPE of the detector is FIERA, ACE or IRACE according to the available detector subsystem interfaces. Based on the type of the detector, the default data for the database address of state, status, and newdata are declared. Therefore the database addresses below only have to be supplied when other then default.


Database points:

The database points for state, newdata, exposure status, specified by keywords OCS.DETi.DBSTATE,  OCS.DETi.DBNEWDT, OCS.DETi.DBEXPSTS generate events that are captured by BOSS. The procedures that are executed in the event of their change are described in Chapter 9.5.

These data must be supplied when other then default. The default values are:



OCS.DETi.DBSTATE                     "<DBROOT>.opState";

OCS.DETi.DBNEWDT                   "<DBROOT>.:exposures:exposure_1:transfer.fileNameUnComp";

OCS.DETi.DBEXPSTS                   "<DBROOT>.:exposures:exposure_1.expStatus";

Type: IRACE                

OCS.DETi.DBSTATE    "<DBROOT>:irace.state";

OCS.DETi.DBNEWDT "<DBROOT>:exposure.newDataFileName"

OCS.DETi.DBEXPSTS "<DBROOT>:exposure.expStatus"


Where <DBROOT> refers to address given by the keyword OCS.DETi.DBROOT, or its default value (see section 7.2), so for example for TCCD the default db addresses become:

OCS.DET2.DBSTATE                   "<alias>tccd.opState"

OCS.DET2.DBNEWDT                 "<alias>tccd:exposures:exposure_1:transfer.fileNameUnComp"

OCS.DET2.DBEXPSTS                 "<alias>tccd:exposures:exposure_1.expStatus"


In Appendix 1 example for setting the database points for FIERA and IR DCS can be also found.

(Note that as default values are used the settings are commented out.)


Set Wiping- OCS.DETi.WIPING (optional):

When the keyword OCS.DETi.WIPING is set to true (i.e. ‘T’) it starts wiping the detectors during online and stops the wiping during standby.  The OS sends the corresponding commands STARTWP, STOPWP to the CCD during the execution of commands ONLINE and STANDBY respectively. The default value of the keyword is ‘F’. (If the state is already in the desired value  these commands will not be resent).


Leave detector ONLINE - OCS.DETi.STOP (optional):

When keyword CS.DETi.STOP is set to false (i.e. ‘F’) the OS leaves the detector ONLINE when the system is set to STANDBY. The default value of the keyword is ‘T’.

When the OS receives a normal STANDBY or OFF command (without the parameter ‘–subSystem’ specified), then these commands are not forwarded to the detectors that have their corresponding configuration keyword set to false:




However, if the OS receives a STANDBY or OFF command to place a specific detector in the STANDBY or OFF state e.g. :

       STANDBY -subSystem FIERA

the command is forwarded to the subsystem regardless whether or not keyword OCS.DETi.STOP is specified.


Set handling of data files - OCS.DETi.ARCMODE

Currently (from Jan2006) release there is only two option to handle multiple files (e.g. IRACE in mosaic mode), “MERGEALL” or as default “NORMAL”. When the first option is configured all the files which has been generated by the detector (and reported as new datafile) are merged together into one file. During “NORMAL” option the handling of multiple files corresponds to the single file handling. For more details see Section 9.6.3.

7.4        Additional TCS configuration keywords


Table 7.4 Additional TCS configuration keywords

Configuration keyword

Short description


Sets TELESCOP kw in the fitshdr when TCS is ignored




The TELESCOP keyword that is placed in the final fits header is normally specified by the TCS subsystem. When the TCS subsystem is ignored  but given on the subsystemlist of a selected mode (7.7), the TELESCOPE keyword still has to be included in the fitsheader.  In this case its value is set as given by

the OCS.TEL.ID keyword in the configuration.

The OCS.TEL.ID must correspond to the given Telescope as declared in DICD. E.g.: For Unit Telescope i the value must be set to:  'ESO-VLT-Ui'.

Boss gives a log when keyword is not specified in the configuration. (The OCS.TEL.ID is checked when the acces of TCS is normal.)



7.5        Additional ICS configuration keywords


Table 7.5 Additional ICS configuration keywords

Configuration keyword

Short description


Category of the ICS keywords in the final fits header (optional).


Substate of ICS, must be declared if not default.


The keyword OCS.INSi.HDRCAT should be used when more then one ICS headers are merged together with the final imagefile. As the result of this keyword, the category of the keywords (INS.*.*) in the header file created by the subsystem will be replaced by the specified category. Typically an index is added, (e.g. "INS3") however other specifications (e.g. "XXX INS") are also possible. The newly created keywords must be included in the dictionaries of the subsystem.

See chapter 9.6.1, for more details.


The keyword OCS.INSi.DBSUBST should be used when the substate database point of the ICS does not correspond to the default: "<OCS.INSi.DBROOT>:PROCESSES:WS:icsControl.substate"

which is the case special ICS subsystem or a 2nd ICS. This database attribute plays role in the synchronization (9.7.5) i.e. OS checks if ICS substate to avoid user commands and internal OS request (getting fitsheader) collision.






7.6        OS Subsystem Configuration Keywords


An OS can also be a subsystem in case of SOS. The OS as a subsystem is configured by the same keywords as other subsystems. See Table 7.2.


Table 7.6 Additional OS configuration keywords (required only when OS subsystem is not based on BOSS)

Configuration keyword

Short description


 db address of ‘state’                        (when other then default)


 db address of ‘new data file’          (when other then default)


 Exposure status database attribute  (when other then default)


 Keyword prefix for SOS Setup keywords (optional)


The configuration keywords OCS.OSi.DBSTATE, OCS.OSi.DBNEWDT, OCS.OSi.DBEXPSTS specifying the database address of the state, newdata and exposure status respectively are only necessary when the subsytem OS is not based on BOSS. The default values are:


OCS.OSi.DBSTATE             <DBROOT>:status.state;

OCS.OSi.DBNEWDT           <DBROOT>.osNewData;

OCS.OSi.DBEXPSTS           <DBROOT>:exposure.expStatus;


Where DBROOT is specified by the keyword OCS.DETi.DBROOT, when other then default (see section 7.2).

The setup keywords sent to SOS and intended to reach sub OS-es must be prefixed. The default prefix is OCSi (where i correspons to the category index). It is possible but not recommended to specify other prefix by the keyword OCS. OSi.PREFIX. (For more infirmation on SOS setup keyword see section 9.8.2)


For more information about super OS see Chapter 9.8.


7.7        Instrument modes


The modes of the instrument - that is declared as a series of SETUP parameters - can include SETUP values for the ICS, DCS, OS subsystems and also for the telescope as well. When an instrument mode is specified, the subsystems that are involved in the given mode must be also declared.


Setting up/or starting subsystems that are not on the subsystem-list are not allowed to. (A warning log appears on the logmonitor if setup includes a subsystem that is not on the subsystemlist.)  Single exposures can be executed simultaneously only if they have the same instrument mode. Currently no proper check is included for these points in BOSS, so satisfying the above conditions are the user’s responsibility.


Note that the modes are always specific properties of the instrument. Declaring them makes the setup of the exposures simpler. [AD 07]


The selected mode always has to be specified in the first setup of an exposure. The setup of a mode can be only omitted when there is only one mode specified in the configuration (see section or when previous exposure is repeated (see section 

The maximum number of modes is limited to 40.



Table 7.7 Configuration of instrument modes

Configuration keyword

Short description


Name of the mode.


List of setup keywords together with their values.


List of the name of the subsystems involved in the mode.


The instrument path that is connected to the mode.




To configure an instrument mode the keyword in  Table 7.7 are used, as the following examples show:


# Instrument modes

# mode 1

OCS.MODE1.NAME                           "IR_IMAGING"

OCS.MODE1.SETUP                           "-function DET1.DIT 10 DET1.NDIT 1"

OCS.MODE1.SUBSYST                      "IRDCS ICS UT0"

OCS.MODE1.PATH                            "BLUE"             

# mode 2

OCS.MODE2.NAME                           "GUIDING"

OCS.MODE2.SETUP                           "-file ccd.ref"

OCS.MODE2.SUBSYST                      "TCCD ICS"

OCS.MODE2.PATH                            "RED"             


During the declaration of the OCS.MODE2.SETUP, the parameters ‘–function’ and ‘–file’ are used (similarly to the SETUP command).


Please note that the length of the NAME, PATH, and  subsyst is limited to 64, 64, 256 characters respectively. The length of the SETUP declaration is limited to 256 characters. In case this is not enough  (as normally) declare the setup values in a file and use the ‘–file’ parameter as shown in the second example (GUIDING mode).  


The keyword OCS.MODEi.SUBSYST  declares the subsystems that are involved in the given mode.


The instrument mode always has to be declared in the first SETUP of an exposure  unless there is only one mode specified in the configuration file (see also Chapter 8). The mode has to be set by the keyword INS.MODE as the following example shows:


SETUP –expoid 0 –function INS.MODE IR_IMAGING


The INS.MODE setup keyword is also forwarded to the ICS subsystem together with the other INS*.*.* keywords (pattern declared in the configuration file by the keyword KEYWFILT) in the setup.



Please note that in the case one of the setup keywords, that is also included into the specified mode is repeated in the same setup, the value given in the mode will be set[11]. E.g. in case of


SETUP –expoid 0 –function INS.MODE IR_IMAGING DET1.DIT 5


the value of DET1.DIT will be set to 10.


When someone needs to overwrite a value declared in the specified mode, a subsequent SETUP command has to be sent (without specifying the mode). E.g.:


SETUP –expoid 0 –function INS.MODE IR_IMAGING

SETUP –expoid <id> –function DET1.DIT 5


In the above case the value of DET1.DIT is set to 5, and also the name of the mode is changed to ‘Undeclared’. Note that this will only effect the value of database point where the mode is stored (see also Table 9). However, the ICS will NOT get a new setup command with ‘INS.MODE Undefined’. Note that modification is only valid for the given exposure, the actual parameters of the mode can not be changed during SETUP. Therefore a subsequent command with ‘INS.MODE IR_IMAGING’ is sent the keyword DET1.DIT is set to 10 again.


In general when one of the mode setup keywords are redefined with different values the given mode cannot be identified any longer.


Nevertheless changing the path (using keyword OCS.PATH) is allowed and will not effect the name of the mode. I.e. in the following example the mode stored by OS remains ‘IR_IMAGING’.


SETUP –expoid 0 –function INS.MODE IR_IMAGING

SETUP –expoid <id> –function OCS.PATH “RED”


The detector(s) with which the exposure is taken must be present on the subsystemlist (that is specified by the given mode). BOSS automatically detects the detectors on the subsystem list and stores their names. See also exposure table (Table 9) in Section 9.7.1.


For example the following setup


SETUP –expoid <id> –function INS.MODE IR_IMAGING


declares the detector unambiguously. In the above case the exposure is taken by IRDCS.


If there are more then one detectors are on the subsystem list (declared by a given mode), the exposures can be started with any or all of the declared detectors on the subsystem.

When the exposure has to be started only by one detector only (and there are more detectors are specified on the subsystem list) the required detector has to be specified during the START command using the –detId parameter. E.g.:


START –expoId 1detId IRDCS


When detId is not specified parallel[12] exposure will be started. I.e. START command is sent to all the detectors on the subsystem list simultaneously.


8        Setup Guide


Any SETUP keywords that are in the dictionaries of the subsystems can be given in the setup. One must make sure that the keywords are indexed according to the declaration in configuration file (see filter).

The keywords declared in the SETUP command are forwarded to the subsystems by BOSS. The command is successful when all subsystems set up the corresponding data successfully. (See tests of the XXXX Instrument [RD 01]).


There are special keywords for declaring the image name and for selecting an instrument mode. It is also possible to modify the elements of a selected instrument mode. These keywords are declared in the BOSS dictionary.


Do not include subsystem and mode configuration keywords in the setup!!

Also do not include setup keyword in the configuration!!

Table 8.1 Setup keywords

Setup keyword

Short description


declare instrument mode (optional)


set the path (optional)


declare the image filename (required when image is to be saved)


Set filenaming type (optional, default is standard naming)


Set filename extention (optional, to be used in special cases)




Setting the image name by keyword OCS.DETi.IMGNAME:

The name of the image file is declared by the keyword OCS.DET.IMGNAME[14] in the SETUP. When this keyword is specified, BOSS first stores the name (for its internal use), and later (when an exposure is ready to be started) it takes care that the filename is set correctly according to the naming type. As default OS is using standard naming. This means that the given filename is automatically extended by a number indicating the day of the year, and a serial number.

OS takes care of setting the image filename for the detector (in charge) by sending a SETUP to the detector with the appropriate DCS setup keyword.

When the image filename is set as an empty string, i.e. : OCS.DET.IMGNAME “”, it is interpreted to take an exposure without saving the image. Not all the detectors support this. E.g. IRACE detector software returns an error when image filename is not set at the start of the exposure. BOSS DCS interfaces therefore include a check for this.

See examples for usage of SETUP keywords below:




SETUP  "-expoId 1 -function OCS.PATH red"

Setting the Image naming with OCS.DETi.NAMING


The naming type can have the following values:






As default “Standard-Naming” is applied. According to this scheme the filename has the following format:   <imgname><doy>_<seq>_<imgext>.fits 

The elements of which are composed as:

     <imgname>         : base filename without extention

     <seq>                 : sequential number between 0001-9999

                                 (see more detailed description at  “Sequence-Naming”)

     <doy>                : day of the year 001-256

     <imgext>            : extention as specified by the setup keyword OCS.DETi.IMGEXT


Note that the <imgext> filename extention  is to be used for related files (e.g. produced by splitting,
or different detectors running in parallel), and not for consecutive images.

When “Sequence-Naming” is applied, the filename is supplemented with 4 digits. When files with the given base name (specified by OCS.DET.IMGNAME) already exist in the INS_ROOT, the digit is automatically set to the consecutive number. Nevertheless files generated with the same base name but via different naming scheme - e.g. request naming <basename>.fits - do not influence the sequence number.


The first file is named as:



All the following files are named as:

            <basename>_0002.fits, <basename>_0003.fits, ….,<basename>_xxxx.fits,


When “Request -Naming” is selected, file with specified name should not exist already. During the start of the exposure an error is returned when file with the given filename already exists.


Once a particular detector’s naming type is setup it will remain until the user changes it again.

If the naming is not declared “Standard-Naming” is applied as default.

When the detector for the naming scheme is not specified (i.e. the index is omitted when naming is set) all the detectors naming type is set accordingly, i.e.

            ‘OCS.DET.NAMING  Request-Naming’

sets the naming type of all detectors to “Request-Naming”.

Note: When the TCCD is in simulation mode, always “Request-Naming” is set. As in this case TCCD accepts only special filenames (e.g. ccdImageLcuSim.fits).


Setting the Instrument Mode

For information on keywords INS.MODE, OCS.PATH please see Section 7.7.

More information about the functionalities of SETUP command is found in Section 9.4.3

9        Programmer’s Guide


The main classes that construct the BOSS software can be seen in Figure 3. In this chapter, the roles of these classes are introduced in detail. It is important for the developers to understand the functionality of the relevant classes.

Figure 3 Class design of the module boss



9.1        Initialisation


The ‘main’ function of an instrument OS is supported by the bossCtrlMain class of the BOSS package.

The ‘main’ function of an instrument OS therefore should follow the example bellow:



static char *rcsId="@(#) $Id: xxoControl.C,v 1.14+ 2000/08/04 19:20:06 vltsccm Exp $";

static void *use_rcsId = ((void)&use_rcsId,(void *) &rcsId);


#include "bossCtrlMain.h"   


int main(int argc, char *argv[])


                bossCtrlMain mainHandler("xx",rcsId);   


                mainHandler.CreateServer( new xxoSERVER( "XXXX");


// Startup: Register to CCS, set defaults, parse runstring, create SERVER object

mainHandler.Init(argc, argv);


//Enter the main loop



//Terminate : Deregister from CCS




The instrument ID and the version of the module (typically the rcsId) must be given as arguments of the constructor function of bossCtrlMain[15]. The instrument ID (i.e. ‘xx’ in the above example) is used for identification of the processes. (The instrument ID must correspond to configuration keyword INS.CON.PREFIX. See also section 7.1)


When the instrument ID is ‘xx’ the processes of the instrument OS are named as follows:


xxoControl                  : ‘Main Control Process’         

bossArchiver_xxo       :  ‘File Handler Process[16]’ :



The CreateServer function of bossCtrlMain as its names implies creates a new instance of the instrument’s  OS SERVER class. Note that the OS SERVER class of the instrument has to be a child class of the bossSERVER class !

The developer of an instrument OS must supply the following data:


Specified in the configuration module, e.g. in xxmcfg/config/xxmcfgINS.cfg [RD-10]



These parameters must be given as arguments[17] [18] of the constructor function of the SERVER class. 


The Init() function of the class bossCtrlMain regiters to CCS and also initialize and configure the instrument server by calling the Init() function of the SERVER class. See details of SERVER class including the steps of functions Init() and Configure() in the next chapter.




9.2        The Server class


The bossSERVER -as shown in Figure 4a - is an evh [RD 03] application. Figure Figure 4b shows the protected variables of this class, that can be accessed by the child classes.































Figure 4   a) The inheritance chain of the bossSERVER class.

    b)  Protected variables of the bossSERVER class


When a server class is created it carries out the following action as default:


bossSERVER::bossSERVER(char * InsName)



    //   set the name of configfile, dictionary

    //   Saves the name of the root database point

    //   Resets error handling

    //   Create instance of : dictionary

    //   Check if exposure db root point exists

    //   Reset list of pending WAIT commands

    //   Sets state alignment



Additional processes can be added when necessary in the overloads. The bossSERVER has several protected variables (Figure 4) that are therefore accessible for the instrument servers (i.e. the child classes of the bossSERVER).





The Init() function of the class bossCtrlMain regiters to CCS and also initialize and configure the instrument server by calling the Init() function of the bossSERVER instance. See details of functions Init() and Configure() below.



ccsCOMPL_STAT bossSERVER::Init()


    //   Sets filter for application keywords

    //   Define the instrument mode keyword (INS.MODE)

    //   Add triggers in the setup

    //   Set action log database point

    //   Set db point for handling sub-systems

    // optional: Set interfaces of the subsystems


    //   Initialise subsystems (DCS)

    //   Clear database

    //   Load dictionary, configfile

    //   Configure the system

Configure(char *configFile)

    //   Add callbacks

    //   optional user declaration: Application specific initialization post process


    //   Initialise archiver interface

    //   Sets interface for the ‘file handler[20]’ process

    //   Configure archiver process interface   

    //   Sets the expoId of the DCS-es to be undefined




The steps of the function Configure are shown below:


ccsCOMPL_STAT bossSERVER::Configure(char *configFile)


    //   If no config file is specified retrieve  previously loaded file

    //   Clear 'appConfig' object.

    //   Load the configuration file

    //   Load extra-dictionaries if specified in the configuration file

    //   Configure the sub-system interfaces

    //   Load sub-system dictionaries

    //   Configure instrument modes

    //   optional user declaration: configuration through additional keywords 


    //   Dispatches application configuration keywords to keyword event handler

    //   Sets state of the Instrument





Some of the above steps are highlighted and marked as optional. These are the functions that can be or overloaded in the SERVER class of an instrument OS. 




 The function ‘SubsystemInterfaces’ has a default implementation in BOSS to generate the interfaces automatically based on the configuration file (During auto startup the default function is used (see section 9.9.2). When there are subsystems that do not fall into the predeclared categories (ICS, DCS, TCS, OS) the function ‘SubsystemInterfaces’ has to be overloaded specifying all the subsystem interfaces  (see also section  9.3). Below you find an example how to declare an interface of a subsystem:


ccsCOMPL_STAT xxoSERVER::SubsystemInterfaces()



    //#= Define a subsystem of an instrument  

    // bossINTERFACE_IRACE irdcsPtr_;  // declared in header file

    irdcsPtr_ = new bossINTERFACE_IRACE (“<alias>iracq”, “DET1”);

    AddSubSystem (irdcsPtr_);



    return SUCCESS; 



To have a direct access to the interfaces declare them as protected variable in the header file of the class. In order to couple the interface to the subsystem (declared in the configfile) the database point of the subsystem and category together with its index must be given as an argument.

Always add the subsystem interface to the subsystemList (see next chapter) using the function:


ccsCOMPL_STAT bossSERVER::AddSubSystem(bossINTERFACE *subSystemPtr)



For an example please see the implementation of template instrument OS [RD 01].

Note that missing keywords in the configuration can be source of various errors. Make sure that the second argument of the interface corresponds to the category of the keywords in the configuration exactly.


In case additional configuration keywords are necessary to configure the system, these keywords have to be placed into the dictionary of the instrument OS, and the belonging implementation should go into the function:


ccsCOMPL_STAT bossSERVER::AppConfigure(ctooCONFIG *)


Note that functions InitPostProc() and AppConfigure () are just empty functions in BOSS. The function InitPostProc and AppConfigure are typically used during the declaration of setup and configuration keywords. See Chapters 10.2, 10.3 for more information how to declare additional keywords.



9.3        Interface classes


There are several interface classes available in the BOSS library that should satisfy most needs. The available interfaces are shown in Figure 5.

In special cases you might wish to overload some of these interface classes. (Refer to man pages of the interface classes). When new interface class is to be developed it must always inherit from the base class bossINTERFACE.C or from any of its child class.
















Figure 5 Available interface classes in BOSS


The interfaces should be selected according to the type of the subsystem. Each interface class has its own database class, with the same name. It is essential to include the corresponding database classes of the interfaces into the database of the instrument.

For more information how to declare the connection between given subsystem, its interface, and its database, see the function SubsystemInterfaces of the bossSERVER class (Section 9.2). Example is given in the template instrument document [RD 01].


BOSS stores the declared interfaces on its internal subsystem list (see class bossINTERFACE_LIST on Figure 3.). The interfaces are identified by the name of their belonging subsystem. (The names of the subsystems are given in the configuration file.)


9.4        Standard commands


The bossSERVER class contains the implementation of all callbacks that are called whenever a standard command is sent to the OS process. The list of the standard commands [AD 07] can be found in the appendix.

As the there are all the commands callbacks are implemented in one bossSERVER class, ( and it is therefore consists of numerous functions) for maintenance reason  it is shared among several files:


            bossSERVER.C                     bossSetModeCB.C                  bossWaitCB.C                        

bossStateCtrl.C                        bossExitCB.C                          bossAddFitsCB.C                   

bossExpoCtrl.C                        bossStateCB.C                        bossCommentCB.C                

           bossStatusCB.C                       bossStateAlign.C         

bossSetupCB.C                       bossForwardCB.C      



Note: most of the commands supported by bossSERVER class have a <subSystem> parameter, which is used to forward the command towards software (i.e sub-systems) implicated in the control of the instrument.


The behavior of the standard commands can be changed. See following sections.


9.4.1        STATE Command and related functions


STATE            ==>-state <STRING>


Returns the state and substate of the instrument in the format of:




Note the state and sub-state of the instrument are saved in the database under points ... . When the command STATE is received the function StateCB is executed, which reads these dbpoints :


evhCB_COMPL_STAT bossSERVER::StateCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *)


        //   Gets current value of the state form the db point ...

        //   Gets current value of the sub-state from the db point...

        //   Compose complete state i.e. STATE/SUBSTATE

        //   Sends reply

        //   Handles error when necessary



The instrument state is associated with the state of the subsystem. It shows the minimum state of its subsystems (or the state of the OS[21]).


Event is attached to the ‘state’ database attribute of each subsystems. (See also configuration in Table 7.2.) . When ‘ aligned state’ is true (i.e. ‘T’) every time when a subsystem’s state is altered the function evhCB_COMPL_STAT bossSERVER::StateEvtCB(evtEVENT_MSG& event , void *)

is called that checks and sets the overall state of the instrument.


See also manpages of:

BossStateAligned, bossStateCB, bossDB_TASK (getStateName), bossSERVER (CheckStates)


9.4.2        State changing commands


OFF                 -subSystem <STRING> ==>    -done <STRING>


ONLINE         -subSystem <STRING> ==>    -done <STRING>


STANDBY      -subSystem <STRING> ==>    -done <STRING>


The handling of these commands is carried out by the OnlineCB, StandbyCB, OffCB. These functions are reasonably simple and they are also similar to each other.  A successful reply (i.e. ‘OK’) for these commands is sent when the given subsystem or all the -not ignored- subsystems (see Table 7.7) has successfully carried out the given command and all innate or configurable actions are fulfilled.

The state of the instrument is updated through database events (see chapter 9.4.1).


Apart form forwarding the commands to the not ignored subsystems there are some additional features included in the state change commands some of which are configurable:

-         After normal replies received form the subsystem(s) the state of the subsystem(s) and the global state are checked. If within a short period of time the state do not change to the requested state (this could be for example due to slow scan) an error is reported.

-         Although the commands are not forwarded to the TCS, at the end of the ONLINE command the state of TCS is checked (if not ignored) and in the eventuality that it is not ONLINE a warning is given to  the user to ignore TCS (day mode) or set it ONLINE (night mode).

-         Existence of the Archiver process is checked during ONLINE command.

-         If configured by OCS.DETi.WIPING keyword the wiping of detector is started/stopped during the execution of command ONLINE/STANDBY respectively (see also 7.3).

-         If configured by OCS.DETi.STOP keyword do not forward the STANDBY command to the detector (as e.g. requested during the standard startup of the instrument via the startup tool stoo). Useful for e.g. for undisturbed execution of looping images (see also 7.3).

-         Start telemetry of FIERA after successful ONLINE command execution.

-         In case the internal commands (e.g. STARTTL, STARTWP, STOPWP) during the execution of the state change command fail an error reply is given to the command even though the requested state might have been achieved (the source of the error is reported).


The main skeleton of the online callback is shown below:


evhCB_COMPL_STAT bossSERVER::OnlineCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData)


    //   Check if execution of command is allowed in the current state

    //   Log action

    //   Gets current sub-state

    //   Set sub-state

    //   optional user declaration: Call pre-processing function

    //   Re-configure server according to the configuration file

    //   Handles command

    //    calls function StateCtrlCmdProc which executes the following:

//Parse message parameters

                //   If parameter '-subsystem' is specified

                      //   send message to specified sub-system

                //   Else

                      //   send command to all available sub-systems (except TCS).

                //   Wait sub-system reply(ies)

                //   Synchronize sub-system replies





The developer of an OS can optionally include an additional step into the callback process by overloading the functions:



ccsCOMPL_STAT bossSERVER::OffPreProc(msgMESSAGE &, void *)


ccsCOMPL_STAT bossSERVER::StandbyPreProc(msgMESSAGE &, void *)


ccsCOMPL_STAT bossSERVER::OnlinePreProc(msgMESSAGE &, void *)


that are originally empty (returning SUCCESS immediately).


See also manpage of:




9.4.3        SETUP Command


SETUP -expoId <INTEGER>  -detId <STRING> -file <STRING>  -function <STRING>

-noMove <LOGICAL> -check <LOGICAL> -noExposure <LOGICAL>

Þ   -expoId <INTEGER>


evhCB_COMPL_STAT bossSERVER::SetupCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *)



    //   Check condition for  execution of command

    //   Log action

    //   Sets the start time marker of the command

    //   Sets sub-state to 'SETUP'

    //   Handle setup command: parses command parameter

    //   If there is no setup keyword Return error

    //   Get/Check expoId specified in command

    //   Extracts application configuration keywords

    //   If application configuration keywords found

        //   Configure list of the sub-system interfaces

        //   Configure instrument modes.

    //   Handles instrument modes (if specified): adds setup keywords corresponding to the instrument mode

    //   Update database (add new exposure)

    //   Check if exposure is declared in the db

    //   Check instrument modes : check whether setup keywords influence the current instrument mode

    //   Calls keyword trigger dispatcher

    //   Extract OBS.* TPL*,DPR.* keywords to be placed in FITS header

    //   optional user declaration: call preprocessing function

    //   Forwards setup command to sub-system(s)

    //   Wait for sub-system reply(ies)

        //   Synchronizes sub-system replies

    //  Set the global exposure status inactive

    //  Sets sub-state to IDLE



In case of error happens during the SETUP, the exposure is cancelled. That means that it no longer exists and cannot be started.  Should the setup sent to a running exposure fail, the exposure remains active of course- see


When SETUP includes setup keyword of subsystem which is not included in the given mode BOSS logs the case on the logmonitor, but no error is returned.


Note that the parameters specified in the SETUP command refers to the OS exposures. BOSS modifies the setup parameters before forwarding it to the subsystems if necessary.       Allow SETUP while exposure is running


As default BOSS allows SETUP while exposure is running.

The situation is represented by the substate OBSERVING|SETUP which can be monitored by the databasepoint: : <alias>xxo:status.substateui. (see 9.7.2).




Users can restrict this option (when applicable) calling the function:


e.g. in the constructor of the overloaded bossSERVER class.


Note: Sending SETUP to a finished/failed/aborted/cancelled exposure is not allowed.


When the SETUP sent to a  running exposure (e.g. altering the integration time) fails the users are informed by an error message, but the exposure  is not affected by boss.       Repeat exposures

When same or similar exposures have to be carried out many times, it is worth to use the ‘the repeate exposure’ functionality to avoid superfluous setup imposed by e.g. the INS.MODE keyword.


 Repeating exposure of course only makes sense when exposure has been previously set up successfully (otherwise error is returned). It is allowed to alter the setup of the repeated exposure by consequence SETUP commands.

            msgSend "" xxoControl SETUP "-expoId 0"


During the above setup no setup keyword is sent to the subsystems, but a new expoId is generated. 

Note that as the new setup starts with an empty header TPL,OBS,DPR,OCS keywords must be sent again in order to place them in the fits header in a consecutive setup.

During START the previous exposure is repeated.

Examples of repeating exposure:


A) Normal case

SETUP –expoId 0 –function INS.MODE GUIDING …


START  -expoId 1

WAIT   -expoId 1


SETUP –expoId 0


SETUP –expoid 0 –function TPL*,OBS* ..


START  -expoId 2

WAIT   -expoId 1


B) Pre declaration of exposures

SETUP –expoId 0 –function ….


SETUP –expoId 0


SETUP –expoId 0


START  -expoId 1

START  -expoId 2

START  -expoId 3


Caution: Pre declared repeated exposures have to be started in order.



            C) Special case

In a special case when one sets up a new exposure while an other is running, the expoId and/or detId should be always specified for the other commands sent to the exposures.



SETUP –expoId 0 –function INS.MODE OPT_IMAGING …


START –expoId 1

SETUP –expoId 0 - function INS.MODE OPT_IMAGING …


START –expoId 2

WAIT expoId 1         // wait for the exposure 1


In case the user forgets the specify the expoId (or optionally the detId) for the command WAIT, the default expoId (i.e. for the last exposure is 2) takes places.       Default mode

The setup of a mode (INS.MODE) can be omitted when there is only one mode specified in the configuration.

When default mode is applied (i.e. the mode is not specified in the setup) the setup parameters of the mode are included in the setup until the first successful setup.


In the following setups the INS.MODE setup parameters will be only included if INS.MODE has been included in the setup or the global state of the instrument has been changed before.


In the special case of ‘one mode’ setup without parameter -functions is accepted for first setup:

E.g.: SETUP -expoId 0.       Setup bypassing exposures


As default boss automatically sets up a new exposure, or request an existing exposure for the SETUP.

In special cases the SETUP may not correspond to any exposures (e.g.  there is no detector connected to the OS). In this case the parameter ‘–noExposure’ is applicable (for both OS and SOS) as the example below shows:


            SETUP -noExposure -function INS.LAMPi.ST F


Functionality must be used with extreme caution not to interrupt running exposures!!

The case when neither the parameter -expoId nor the parameter –noExposure is supplied for the SETUP is extremely discouraged (nevertheless as default this would be understood as –noExposure).


Instrument mode:

When parameter 'noExposure' is given it is NOT compulsory to declare the instrument mode in the setup. However when INS.MODE keyword is found amongst the setup keywords, it is treated the same way regardless the parameter -noExposure is given or not in the setup. I.e.: The setup keywords belonging to the instrument mode as declared in the configuration file are sent.





Pre  and  Post processing functions:

The SetupPreProc() and SetupPostProc() functions are also executed during the setup which bypassing the exposures just like in case of a 'normal' setup. When these functions are dependent on the type of the setup, use the variable 'noExposure' as shown below:


                   ccsCOMPL_STAT xxoSERVER::SetupPreProc(msgMESSAGE &, vltINT32 expoId,void *)


                   if (noExposure) {..}

                   else {..}


                   return SUCCESS;



For existing instruments it is suggested to reconsider the content of SetupPre/PostProc() functions before applying the functionality of 'noexposure setup'.       Re-declaring exposure on CCD/FIERA

TCCD and FIERA detector software can handle only two exposures at a time: one that is running and one is to be prepare to be started. In order to avoid conflicts when a user tries to setup new exposures on BOSS without starting them, (i.e. sending consecutive SETUP commands with expoId 0) including keywords for a CCD, e.g.:




 SETUP –expoId 0 –function INS.MODE OPT_IMAGING DET3.WIN.UIT1 10



after the execution of the second SETUP command the first exposure becomes INVALID.  This means that it cannot be started. I.e.


START –expoId 4 will result in error.


This functionality was developed to make sure that templates can be always restarted, regardless the number of inactive exposures hanging around as a result of a failed or aborted template.



9.4.4        START Command


START  -expoId <INTEGER> -detId <STRING> -at<STRING>  Þ -done <STRING>


evhCB_COMPL_STAT bossSERVER::StartCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData)


    //   Check conditions of command

    //   If sub-state is IDLE Set sub-state to BUSY

    //   Get/Check expoId specified in command (as a parameter)

    //   Get filename

    //   Get/Check detId specified in command (as parameter)

    //   Preparation for the exposure:

       //   Get the detector declared by  -detId parameter

       //    (otherwise detector(s) on the detector list[22])

                   //   Check current exposure status of the given detector

                   //   if exposure filename is not given display a warning log

                   //   if exposure filename is given

                       //   Check if there is enough disc place

                       //   create file

                       //   Set the image filename (by sending a SETUP to dcs)

                       //   Set the status file name for the next exposure

                   //   activate the databasepoint status

    //    Call pre-processing function 


 { if (isImagefile) StartPreProc();else StartPreProcSpecial();}

    //   Send command to DCS/OS

    //   optional user declaration: Call post-processing function


    //   Send subsystem replies

    //   Short exposure action



When an exposure is started the db events attached to the status db attribute of the detector (or detectors) are activated.

(The status db attribute of the detectors is set in the configuration file (See Chapter 7.3).  These db events have impact on the observation status, as well as on the releasing the pending wait commands.

In most callbacks the preprocessing and post-processing functions are empty functions. The StartPreProc is an exception, it calls tcsExpStart (during which the tifGetFitsStart process is executed) and the icsExpStart (which sends the EXPSTRT –path <inspath> command to ICS) as show below.


ccsCOMPL_STAT bossSERVER::StartPreProc(msgMESSAGE &, vltINT32 expoId,void *)


    // send expstart to tcs

    if (tcsExpStart(expoId)!=SUCCESS)


          ErrAdd (bossMODULE_ID, bossERR_START_PREPROC, __FILE_LINE__ );

          return FAILURE;



    // send expstart to ics (to all of them if there are more then one declared)

    if (  icsExpStart(expoId)!=SUCCESS)


          ErrAdd (bossMODULE_ID, bossERR_START_PREPROC, __FILE_LINE__ );

          return FAILURE;


    return SUCCESS;



When the user wish to alter the START command overloading the StartPreProc and/or StartPostProc functions he must take into consideration the original functionality of the StartPreProc !


Note that StartPreProc is only called when image name is given for the exposure (i.e. image is created by the exposure. When image is not created the function StartPreProcSpecial (empty as default) is called. Both functions are called by the function StartPreProcMain which calles StartPreProc or StartPreProcSpecial according to the condition. All of these functions can be overloaded when required:


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT  StartPreProcMain(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId,void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT  StartPreProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT  StartPreProcSpecial(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId, void *userData);


9.4.5        WAIT Command


WAIT  -expoId <INTEGER> -detId <STRING> -first <LOGICAL> -all -cond <STRING> Þ -expStatus <INTEGER>



WAIT –expoId 2


BOSS is able to handle more then one WAIT commands simultaneously.

The number of replies to wait command depends on the exposure status.

Only one reply is sent when the exposure is already FINISHED, FAILED or ABORTED.


Two replies are sent when exposure is running when WAIT command is received. The first reply is sent to acknowledge that WAIT command has been received and informs about the status, and last reply is sent when exposure is FINISHED, FAILED or ABORTED or specified condition is fulfilled.


Error reply is sent when exposure has not yet been started or the parameter ‘-expoId’ or ‘-detId’ is invalid. Error reply is sent also when exposure fails or it is aborted by the user.


When the parameter –all is specified the WAIT command refers to all running exposures, and return when all exposures has been finished failed or aborted or satisfy a specified condition.


It is possible to specify a condition to alter the timing of the final reply sent to the WAIT command.  The values of this parameter can have the following values: 



CanSetupNextObs [23]            Condition when new exposure can be setup without interrupting the currently running exposure. This condition is fulfilled when all the partial headers are collected from the subsystems and the telescope, i.e. when READING_OUT state has been reached on FIERA. (This option is only relevant for FIERA detectors. Regarding other detectors, the headers are collected when SUCCESS event is reached, therefore there is no difference between condition CanSetupNextObs and CanStartNextObs. )


CanStartNextObs [24] Condition when next exposure can be started. I.e. the currently running observation has been successfully finished, headers from other subsystems has been collected and merging process has been informed to archive the image.


ObsEnd [25]  Default condition denoting that the exposure is completed and the image file has been merged with headers and archived.


With the help of parameters ‘–cond’ and ‘–all’ the execution of the observations can be optimized for speed.

SETUP                –expoId 0 –file <>,

START               –expoId 1

WAIT –expoId 1 –cond CanStartNextObs

SETUP                –expoId 0 –function <>

START               –expoId 2

WAIT                  –expoId 2 –cond CanStartNextObs

WAIT –all


Optimizing the execution sequence can lead to a queue for the Archiver process, as merging of large data files may not be processed as fast as new files are generated. The queue is handled sequentially by the Main process which sends a new command to the Archiver each time it becomes free. Therefore both process should remain active till the end of the merging, i.e. the neither of the processes should be shut down before OS send reply to command ‘WAIT –all’.  The merging can be also monitored on the GUI panel via global status database point : ‘<alias>xxo:exposure.expStatus’ (see also 9.7.2).


In critical situations (e.g. an unforeseen event such as exploding supernova) the Wait command options give way to the setup and start of a new exposure while safely ending a running exposure as fast as possible.      

SETUP                –expoId 0 –file <>,

START               –expoId 1

END                     –expoId 1

WAIT –expoId 1 cond CanSetupNextObs

SETUP                –expoId 0 –function <>

WAIT –expoId 1 cond CanStartNextObs

START               -expoId 2

WAIT –all




9.4.6        Other exposure control commands


PAUSE -expoId <INTEGER> -detId <STRING> -at <STRING> Þ -done <STRING>

This command suspends the current exposure at a given optional time.


CONT             -expoId <INTEGER>  -detId <STRING> -at <STRING>  Þ -done <STRING>

This command continues a paused exposure at a given optional time.


END   -expoId <INTEGER> -detId <STRING> Þ  -done <STRING>

This command  finishes the current exposure as soon as possible and read out the data. Image file is saved.


If command END is sent when the exposure status is still inactive (i.e. after setting up an exposure but before starting it) the exposure will be cancelled, i.e. cannot be started.


When command END sent to TCCD/FIERA that is looping, the OS (which receives the command) will send a STOP command to the DCS (rather then END command). 


Command END is also allowed in state STANDBY in order to allow to end exposure should one of the subsystem go standby during observation.


ABORT -expoId <INTEGER> -detId <STRING> Þ -done <STRING>

The command ABORT terminates all the currently running actions.  The exposures are terminated immediately (no image is saved). The abort command replies when reply from the subsystem arrives. As the reply does not mean that the exposure has been already stopped it is recommended to send a WAIT command after ABORT before a new exposure is set up.


STATUS   -expoId <INTEGER> -function <STRING> -global<LOGICAL>

               Þ -status <STRING>

Get the status of the functions in the list of arguments.


See also the documents on DCS Software for more information about the ABORT, END commands [RD 07], [RD 08], [RD 09].








9.4.7        FORWARD command


FORWARD  -subSystem <STRING> -command <STRING> -arguments <STRING>

             Þ -reply <STRING>


This command forwards the specified command with specified arguments to the given sub-system. It returns the reply of the sub-system command as a string. When the specified subsystem is set to be ignored the command has no effect.  This command should be applied only in special cases when standard BOSS commands are not applicable.  

Caution: the max length of the value of parameter ‘–arguments’ is: 256bytes.


Example of forwarding a command:

msgSend "" xxoControl FORWARD "-subSystem IRDCS -command SETUP -arguments \",,DET.DIT 20,,,\" "

For more examples see also: also FAQ 11.4

9.4.8        Commands operating on fits file ADDFITS and COMMENT


ADDFITS -expoId <INTEGER> -detId <STRING>  -info <STRING>  ==> -done <STRING>

This command inserts information -specified by keywords- to the FITS header

See section 11.5 for examples.


COMMENT  -expoId <INTEGER>  -detId <STRING>  -clear <LOGICAL> -string <STRING>>

            Þ-done <STRING>

This command appends a comment to the FITS header of an image, e.g.:

msgSend "" xsoControl ADDFITS "-detId XXXX -info OCS1.INS.FILT 9"

9.4.9        ACCESS command


ACCESS -subSystem <STRING> -mode <STRING> [-info <LOGICAL > ]

            Þ -reply <STRING>


The ACCESS command changes the ACCESS mode of the subsystems, i.e. IGNORE or NORMAL. The parameter -subSystem specifies the name of the subsystem the access mode of which is to be changed. Name should be given according to the configuration file. When set to 'ALL' the mode of all subsystems is changed to the specified mode. (Default value ALL.)


The parameter -mode specifies the mode, its value can be set to IGNORE or NORMAL.

If mode of a subsystem is set to be ignored, all commands that are sent to it are ignored.

(Default value NORMAL.)


If the parameter –info is specified the command returns information about the ACCESS mode of all subsystems. This parameter should not be used together with the other parameters.


For example, to set all the subsystems mode to NORMAL mode send message:

            msgSend "" xxoControl ACCESS  ""                   

and to return information about all the subsystems send message:

            msgSend "" xxoControl ACCESS  "-info"            

In order to set the access mode of the TCS to be ignored:

            msgSend "" xxoControl ACCESS "-subSystem UT0 -mode IGNORE"


9.4.10    Commands VERSION and DEBUG



Returns the version of the boss module and if there is the version of the top-level instrument OS module.


DEBUG  -log <INT> –verbose <INT> –action <INT>  -timer <INT>Þ -reply <STRING>

    Changes the level of the debugging.




9.5        Database and database events


State handling

For each declared subsystem the database point where its state is stored must be know for the OS.

OS attaches database events to the databbase points of the subsystems (the access mode of which is normal).  These events have impact on the global state of the instrument.


Exposure handling

In case of DCS subsystems OS attaches database events also to the database points ‘exposure status’ and the ‘newdata’(see Section 7.3). These events invoke the processes that must be carried out after the images have been created. E.g. the image must be merged with the header files produced by other subsystems.


Connection to VOLAC

The ready image files are archived by the VOLAC system. The VOLAC system is informed about new files through the database point: <alias>newData.newDataFileName.


Based on the application-supplied information OS_ROOT, this database point is created automatically.

To achieve this the application’s database (xxo.db) must include the osbEnv.db file (which includes boss.db). It is ensured that the database point ‘<alias>newData’ is only created once, regardless the number of OS-es in the system.


See Template instrument example Chapter 10 (xxo.db)., and Chapter 11.10 (FAQ) for more details.





Life Cycle

The status of the detectors are displayed under the databasepoint:

‘<alias>xxo:subsystems:<subsyst>:lifecycle’ as specified in VLT-SPE-ESO-17240-0385.


Where <subsyst> must be set to the lower case version of the subsystem name,

i.e. in xxoSERVER.class the database point for the ‘IRDCS’ sybsystem  is set to ‘irdcs’.







9.6        The final image


When the image file has been created by the detector, boss merges it together with header files (containing information about the other subsystems e.g. ICS, TCS or the DCS itself).  The merging is carried out by the Archiver process.

Each exposure starts with a new empty header, i.e. keywords that are retrieved from the setup are not reserved for the following exposures.


There are several keywords that are placed automatically in the fits header by BOSS retrieving the values from the configuration file or from the setup.


These fits header keywords based on the configuration are:

     INSTRUME       (according to  INS.CON.ID)

     ORIGIN             (according to  OCS.CON.ORIGIN)

     INS.DATE         (according to  OCS.CON.RELEASE)

         TELESCOP        (according to  OCS.TEL.ID)          


These fits header keywords based on setup keywords are:

            OBJECT          (according to  DPR.CATG,OBS.TARG.NAME , DPR.TYPE)

                                                if (DPR.CATG=="SCIENCE") then OBJECT = OBS.TARG.NAME)

                                                otherwise OBJECT = DPR.TYPE ( OBJECT is set to "" when keyword is missing)

            OBSERVER    (according to OBS.OBSERVER)

            PI-COI            (according to OBS.PI-COI.NAME)


Note that setup keywords starting by OCS.*.* , OBS.*.*, TPL.*.* or  DPR.*.*  are also automatically placed into the header.


Normally the users do not have to worry about the header merging process nevertheless during the development it is useful to know what temporary files are created (9.6.1 ).

It is also possible to specify additional binary tables (9.6.2).




9.6.1        Partial header files


Given the image filename (by a setup keyword OCS.DETi.IMGNAME) BOSS creates the final image file by merging the image file created by the DCS together with the header files gained from various subsystems. All the files are collected under directory $INS_ROOT/SYSTEM/DETDATA/. The partial header files are removed after successful merging. Supposing that the filename is given as ‘myfile.fits’ the following files are created:


I) header file created by TCS or VLTI :

TCSHDR_<detId> _<expoId>.tcs      or       

TCSHDR_<detId> _<expoId>.iss  

Where detId is the name of the detector that creates the ‘myfile.fits’ image and expoId is the serial number of the exposure. This file is created during EXPSTRT process and finished during EXPEND process.


II) header files created by ICS-es:


Where subsName is the name of the ICS subsystem that creates the header.

This file is created during EXPEND. (STATUS command is sent to ICS to retrieve the header.)


III) header files created by FIERA or TCCD :


      Created when imagefile is ready.


IV) header file created by BOSS:


This file contains the TPL/DPR/OBS keywords which has been included into the SETUP command. It also contains any additional keywords that are added during runtime by the commands COMMENT and ADDFITS.

(Data saved into this file at the end of the exosure.)


The extension of the header files created by the subsystems is declared by the subsystem itself. The boss interfaces adopt this information. See function bossINTERFACE:: GetStatusFits() for more details.


For the archiver process an auxiliary file is created with name: ‘myfile.arf', which is removed[26] after successful handling. This auxiliary file contains the name of the files to be merged, deleted.

Note that when requested (by the configuration keyword OCS.INS.HDRCAT) the archiver process changes the category in the header file as well.

When SOS controls the exposure additional header files might be created. (See section 9.8.6 for more information.)

9.6.2        Binary Tables


In many cases there are additional information in form of binary tables that have to be included into the final FITS file.


Boss has a functionality to append binary tables to the image file automatically, when the following conditions are satisfied:


1)      The file containing the binary table must be ready by the time the image file is ready

2)      It is saved under $INS_ROOT/$INS_USER /DETDATA

3)      It has the same name as the imagefile but extention ‘_btbl.fits’.

4)      The file containing the binary table is a proper fitsfile, i.e. contains the binary tables as extentions.

The best is to create the binary tables using module oslx. See manpage of oslxFITS_EXT.


e.g. : myfile.fits will be merged with myfile_btbl.fits



Note that in case of VLTI instruments binary tables (names as: ‘<imgname> .bin<subsystem>’) created by ISS are automatically merged together with the image file.


9.6.3        Handling of multiple files during one exposure


The handling of multiple files during one exposure (e.g. in mosaic mode of IR detector) is supported from JAN2006 release.

In order to merge all the generated files into one file, the configuration has to be updated with the keyword:  OCS.DETi.ARCMODE "MERGEALL" (see also 7.3).

The files generated by the given detector will be then merged as follows:

·        When the file with the name specified by OS (i.e. determined in the setup by the keywords OCS.DETi.IMGNAME/NAMING/IMGEXT) is not amongst the file generated during the exposure then a new file is created (with the specified image filename). The primary HDU of this file contains the header information collected from subsystems but otherwise no image data, while all the datafiles are appended as extension in the order they were generated.

·        When any of the file generated during the exposure corresponds to the user specified image file name, then this file will occupy the primary HDU of the final file and all the others will be appended in the order they were generated.


Currently the only other option is the default OCS.DETi.ARCMODE  “NORMAL” option.  According to this the case of multiple files are treated as single exposure file case, i.e. the header files are merged together with the first file generated during the exposure and only this file is archived. This behaviour is likely to be changed in the future (see e.g. VLTSW20050387).


There might be different option for handling of multiple files in the future. 


9.7        Exposure


The bossSERVER class has a pointer to one instance of the bossEXPOSURE class  (See Figure 3).

The bossSERVER class as well as the bossEXPOSURE class have access to the list of subsystems (see Figure 3).

The bossEXPOSURE class is responsible to keep track of the current and past exposures. Boss keeps track of up to 20 exposures. The ‘old’ exposures are removed from the table. 

9.7.1        The exposure table


The bossEXPOSURE class keeps track of the current and previous exposures[27]. The exposures are collected in table at the following databasepoint: 




where xx is the two-letters instrument code.

Table 9 Exposure table


















































The exposure table shows the main properties characterizing the exposures that are identified by the expoId.

The last property in the table is the expstart flag that is used by BOSS internally. This flag indicates whether there are processes running that must be finished before the final image can be created. (These processes are typically the EXPSTRT processes that prepare additional information that must be placed in the header.) The expstart flag is emptied when there are no such processes left, and switched to ‘done’ when the final image is created. 


The id of the last exposure, the last inactive        exposure, and the last invalid exposure are also represented under the database points:


<alias>info.lastExposure       - last exposure (with the highest expoId)

<alias>info.lastInacivExp      - last exposure that has been set up but has not yet been started

                                                                (Set to –9999 when there is no inactive exposure to be started)

<alias>info.invalidExp          - exposure that has been automatically set to invalid,

because of a consequent setup of a new exposure

(e.g. trying to      setup 2 exposures on the same CCD simultaneusly without starting any)


Initially (at startup) all these values are set to –9999.

The expoId of the last exposure and last inactive exposure are updated during setup and start command sent to the OS.

When there is no more inactive exposures left the lastInacivExp is set to –9999

9.7.2        Exposure status


The expostatus values are collected in the table below for reference:


Exposure status

























On FIERA and TCCD there are additional expostatus values defined as shown in the table below:


Exposure status FIERA/TCCD













BOSS interprets the exposure status values as described in the table below. In addition, boss also has some additional expostatus values:


Exposure status boss





At the beginning when OS started up, no exposure has been defined.

Or  when status of DCS is undefined.



Exposure has been setup but has not yet been started



Exposure failed. (Can be caused by many reasons, e.g. exposure on dcs failed, collecting header information failed , archiver process does not exists,  merging failed, etc)



Exposure is aborted by the user. (considered as error)



From the moment exposure is started till the end of the expend processes

Until archiver process is informed that exposure is finished



Archiver merges the data.



An exposure that has been set up, but has not yet been started is cancelled by the user (sending command END).  Global status is set to ABORTED.



Exposure has been finished successfully, header data for merging has been collected.





Note: When boss BOSS encounters a complex exposure status (e.g. ccdEXP_RUNNING) it is interpreted as follows:

If it includes a FAILED member -> FAILED, if it includes a ABORT member -> ABORT

If it includes a PAUSED member -> PAUSED, otherwise RUNNING.


When more then one exposure is running (semi-parallel) the global exposure status is shown (e.g. OBSERVING if one of them is integrating while the other is collecting headers).


9.7.3        Functions accessing  the exposure table


The bossEXPOSURE class includes functions that operate on the exposures, and exposure tables. These are used internally. Below the functions, which retrieve useful information about an exposure, are listed.


 ccsCOMPL_STAT      GetLastExpoId(vltINT32 *expoId);

 vltUINT32                   GetGlobalExpoStatus();

 char *                            ExpoStatus2Str(vltUINT32 expoStatus);       

 ccsCOMPL_STAT      GetExposure(int  expoId,      char *mode, char *subsystems, char *inspath,

                                                             char *detector,   char *filename, char *state,      char *expstrt);  

 vltLOGICAL                IsDefined (int expoId);

 vltINT32                                      NoExposures();

 ccsCOMPL_STAT      GetSubsystems(vltINT32 expoId,char *subsystems)

 ccsCOMPL_STAT      GetDetector(vltINT32 expoId,char* detector)

ccsCOMPL_STAT        GetFileName(vltINT32 expoId,char *filename)

ccsCOMPL_STAT       GetInsPath(vltINT32 expoId,char *inspath)

 ccsCOMPL_STAT      GetExpstartFlag(vltINT32 expoId,char *expstrt)

 vltLOGICAL                CheckDetector( vltINT32 expoId, char *detId);

 vltLOGICAL                                IsDetectorOnDetectorList( vltINT32 expoId, char *detId);

 vltINT32                      GetNumberOfDetectors(vltINT32 expoId);


For more information on other functions, see manpage of bossEXPOSURE. 


9.7.4        Main steps of exposure


An exposure consists of the following main steps:

a)      Setup of an exposure

Each exposure is identified by a unique number (expoId) during the setup.

b)      Start of an exposure

-     Preparation for starting the image

     (e.g. setting the image file name)

-         expstart action’: Exposure start action during which ICS and TCS (on the subsystem list) are informed that an exposure is about to start.

c)      Observation

-         boss monitors the events (e.g. exposure status) generated by the subsystems.

d)      End of exposure process

-         expend action’: ICS and TCS (on the subsystem list) are informed that exposure has been finished. (Note that when exposure is aborted, STOP command is sent to ICS, otherwise EXPEND command is sent).

-         ‘merge action’: Preparation for merging the header files together

       with the image file (informing the archiver process which files to merge)

-         ‘image handling action’: handling and archiving the imagefile (done by a separate process,

       but synchronsed with the main process)

-         Reply is sent to pending wait commands



The steps of the exposures re also reflected by the substate of OS. (see also 6.4).

The substate of the OS is monitored through the database point:  '<alias>xxo:state.substateui' :

The substate values are[28]:



Substates of BOSS

































Complex sub-state values are formed from OBSERVING|SETUP to represent the situation when setup is sent during a running exposure.  Sub-states OBS/EXPSTRT, OBS/EXPEND and OBS/MERGE represents the situation when OS executes an action while the exposure is running. (Note that often expend and merge action are still running after DCS has been finished the exposure. In this cases the sub-state indicates that the OS is still carries out actions concerning the exposure).

The complex sub-state OBSERV/BUSY denotes the case when OS handling a command while observation is running.

The complex sub-state OBSERV/PAU happens during semi-parallel exposures when one of the exposure is running and the other is paused. If a setup command is sent at this time the sub-state should change to  OBS/PAU/SET.



9.7.5        Synchronization


The various actions (expstart, expend, merge, explained in the previous section 9.7.4) during the exposure must be handled with care as they are dependent on each other, on the exposure status and new data event. BOSS keeps track of the status of these steps and events via an internal synchronization class, which can be enquired for information at any time.


This internal class checks also the conditions whether an action regarding to an event is executable or not. The following conditions apply to the various steps:





Expstart action:  The expstart action is executed before (as default) or after START command is sent to the DCS. It can be executed when DCS is idle, i.e. when previous exposure if any has been already finished, failed or aborted. If this condition does not apply error is returned.


Expend action: This action is executed when expstart action has been carried out successfully and READING_OUT status has been reached or passed. Error is returned if expstart action has previously failed. (Internal error is reported should the merge action occur before this step.)

The header is requested from all the non ignored subsystem belonging to the given MODE. Should error happen while collecting the headers OS tries to continue to collect the headers from the rest of the subsystems and report the error at the end of the process.


Merge action: This action is executed after expend is done and the exposure finished successfully and new image file has been created. This synchronization is necessary to make sure that when exposure has finished successfully the new image file is ready. This can happen when integration time is very short.)


When a subsystem status changes or it creates a new image file the event is captured by the OS and checks whether the prerequisites of the corresponding actions are satisfied. If yes it executes the action otherwise sets a flag to mark that the action must be executed later. At the end of the start procedure a special check is included to handle short exposures (i.e. when due to short integration time the exposure is already finished).

The synchronization makes sure that the actions are only carried out once.


Some user scheduled commands during the exposure (e.g. SETUP command if allowed, or instrument specific command) might happen in parallel to the internal request from OS to collect header information. To avoid collision of commands sent to the ICS, OS checks the substate of ICS before invoking its internal command. Should ICS be in a BUSY state, OS waits till ICS is free again  or the given timeout is reached and only and only when ICS is IDLE  will requests the header information. The case is logged but not considered as error. (Please note however that this sort of command collision might indicate some problem in scheduling the template.)

See also configuration of substate: 7.5.



9.8        Super Observation Software (SOS)


SOS is an OS which controls other OS-es.

The example in Figure 6 shows an SOS which controls two instruments XXXX and YYYY (i.e. two OS-es) besides its own ICS and the Telescope.



















Figure 6 Example for SOS


SOS behaves similary to a normal OS, but it has some peculiarity, which is described in this chapter.


Start up of SOS

First start up the subsystems and finally the SOS.


Structure of SOS

It is not recommended to design an SOS with a direct connection to DCS[29].

It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that there is only one TCS/VLTI (with access mode normal) in the whole SOS structure.


It is suggested to place the TCS at top level, but other arrengments are also possible. For test purpose or standalone operation of the sub OS-es, it is allowed to include TCS in the configuration of more then one OS-es, however their access mode have to be set to ‘ignored’ when SOS is in charge of the controlling the system.





SOS exposures


It is allowed to take test exposures with the sub-OS-es before SOS has been started up. Exposures should not be taken directly by the sub-OS–es while SOS is ONLINE.

Should you wish to test a sub-OS without its Super OS, set the SOS to STANDBY or shut it down. SOS cleans up its sub-OS-es when its state is set to ONLINE.


Parallel exposures[30] are not supported at SOS level. This means that when parallel exposures are required they has to be specified as semi-parallel exposures.

9.8.1        Configuration of OS subsystem


The configuration of an OS subsystem follows the pattern of the configuration of other subsystems (Chapter 7.).  See example below:



#  Configure the XXXX instrument

OCS.OS1.NAME "XXXX"                                # name of the OS subsystem     

OCS.OS1.ACCESS               "NORMAL"                          # access mode of the OS subsystem

OCS.OS1.ENVNAME      "wbos"                                      # environment where proc. is running

OCS.OS1.PROCNAME       "xxoControl"                         # name of the OS process

OCS.OS1.KEYWFILT          "OCS1.*.*.*.*.*.*"              # keywords to be forwarded to subsyst

OCS.OS1.TIMEOUT            6000                                        # timeout for the process

OCS.OS1.DBSTATE            "<alias>xxo:status.state"    # db address of 'state'



#  Configure the YYYY instrument

OCS.OS2.NAME                  "YYYY"                 # name of the IRACE detector       

OCS.OS2.ACCESS               "NORMAL"                          # access mode of the IRACE detector

OCS.OS2.ENVNAME          "wbos"                               # environment where proc. is running

OCS.OS2.PROCNAME       "yyoControl"                        # name of the IRACE detector process

OCS.OS2.KEYWFILT          "OCS2.*.*.*.*.*.*"              # keywords to be forwarded to subsyst

OCS.OS2.TIMEOUT            6000                                        # timeout for the process

OCS.OS2.DBSTATE            "<alias>yyo:status.state"   # db address of 'state'


# Configure the Instrument modes

OCS.MODE1.NAME       "SOS_TEST"                                              # name of the instrmode

OCS.MODE1.SETUP      "-function OCS1.INS.MODE IR_IMAGING"  # setup the mode

OCS.MODE1.SUBSYST      "XXXX"                                                                  # subsystems involved in the given mode

OCS.MODE1.PATH            ""                                                              # instrument path


OCS.MODE2.NAME           "TWO_OS"                                          # name of the instrmode

OCS.MODE2.SETUP           "-function OCS1.INS.MODE IR_IMAGING  OCS2.INS.MODE YY_TEST"  # setup the mode

OCS.MODE2.SUBSYST      "XXXX YYYY"                                                    # subsystems involved in the given mode

OCS.MODE2.PATH            ""                                                                            # instrument path





9.8.2        Hierarchical setup keywords


In the SETUP command (which are sent to the SOS) the keywords must be given hierarchically. All keywords that are intended to setup a parameter of a subsystem of a subsystem must have a prefix: OCSi[31].

The index of this prefix must correspond to the index of the category of the given OS as declared in the configuration file!

For example when the instrument XXXX is assigned by the OS1 category in the configfile, i.e.


then to set up the integration time of the DET1 subsystem of the XXXX instrument the keyword


must be used in the setup command.


In principle to set up an SOS parallel exposure, one can send the following setup command to the SOS process (note that this is not yet supported):


SETUP -expoId 0 -function INS.MODE TWO_OS OCS1.OCS.DET.IMGNAME xxxx.fits OCS1.DET1.DIT 2 OCS2.OCS.DET.IMGNAME yyyy.fits OCS2.DET1.WIN1.UIT1 10.0


The SOS (or more precisely the interfaces of the XXXX and YYYY instruments) then will cut off the prefixes and send to XXXX:

SETUP –expoId <id> -function OCS.DET.IMGNAME xxxx.fits DET1.DIT 2 INS.MODE IR_IMAGING

and to YYYY:

SETUP –expoId <id> -function OCS.DET.IMGNAME yyyy.fits DET1.WIN1.UIT1 10.0  INS.MODE YY_TEST


9.8.3        Dictionary for SOS


As long as only the hierarchical keywords and the standard configuration keywords are used, there is no need to supply additional dictionary at SOS level.


9.8.4        SOS interaction

The exposure controlled by an SOS has the same main steps (9.7.4) as a normal OS, however because of the hierarchical structure the interactions are more complex.


Figure 8 shows the interaction diagram of command START, when SOS controls three OS-es, one ICS and the TCS and in the given mode all subsystems are on the subsystem list. Two of the OS subsystems (OS1 and OS2) have one detector and an ICS connected to them, while OS3 controls only an ICS. (Figure 7 shows the structure of the SOS.)


Figure 9 shows the image data ready event for the same instrument as shown in …., however in a different mode. In the mode depicted OS2 is not on the subsystem list, therefore it does not take role.

The image taking OS is OS2, and data is collected from OS3.



















Figure 7 SOS controlling three OS-es, one ICS and the TCS.





























Figure 8 Interaction diagram of Starting an exposure at SOS level





























Figure 9 Interaction diagram of ‘image data ready’ event at SOS leve


9.8.5        Command handling       The parameter subSystem

The commands STANDBY, ONLINE, OFF, STATE support the parameter ‘-subSystem’.

This parameter is used to forward the command to the specified subsystem ( i.e. to its control process).


In case of SOS the structure of this parameter reflects the hierarchy of the instrument and follows the following pattern:


Note subSystem_1, subSystem_2, subSystem_3 corresponds to the name of a subsystem. The subsystems are separated by dot.


Thus, when BOSS encounter the parameter –subsystem it first sends the command to subsystem  <subSystem_1>, which then sends the command to subsystem <subSystem_2> and so on, as the example below shows:


When  SOS receives a command:


 it sends a command :

ONLINE -subSystem "IRDCS"

to the subsystem 'XXXX', which in turns sends the following message to the IRDCS subsystem:



When the ONLINE command is sent to SOS without any parameter, it sends ONLINE command to all of its non-ignored subsystems. In turn, the sub-OS-es also send ONLINE command to their subsystems, and therefore the command is successful only when the whole system is set to online.       The parameter detId

The commands START, WAIT, PAUSE, CONT, ABORT support the parameter –detId.

This parameters normally identify the detectors. From SOS point of view the sub-OS-es, (i.e.XXXX and YYYY) are also considered as detectors as they are creating images.


Therefore one can send the following commands to the SOS:


WAIT   –detId YYYY


When a sub-OS does not have a detector subsystem the (default) START command would fail.

Should this sub-OS require to do some action (eg expstart) the StartCB should be overloaded.

       Internal commands

SOS uses some internal private commands to enhance intercation with its   sub OS-es.

These are:



Resets the OS and cleans up its exposure table.

When SOS receives an ONLINE command it also sends a CLEAN command to all its sub-OS-es. It is usefull when sub-OS-es are operated in a stand alone mode (e.g. for test purpose.)). SOS should be set to STANDBY state before its sub-OS is operated in a standalone mode.


Gets header information from OS.

Sent by SOS when header information required from OS that does not take the image.


Carries out expend action. Called when exposre has been failed or no image is created during an SOS exposure, or


9.8.6        Creating the finale image file by SOS


As default the top level OS (i.e. the SOS) merges all the files and informs VOLAC. When an OS receives the START command from an SOS as default it does not merge/archive the image but informs SOS when image file and the header files are ready. (To change this behavior see section


SOS is informed that a file has been created by one of its subsystem through the database point ‘osNewData’ of its subsystems. (This db point is placed directly under the OS root point, e.g.: ‘<alias>xxo.osNewData’.)       Collecting data from other OS

When SOS receives an event from its sub OS, informing that an image file has been produced, SOS sends a command to the sub-OS-es (from which header is requested) to collect their fits headers.


The OS –es from which headers are requested must be given by the GetListOfOsCreatingHdr() function in the server class.


Note that boss sends GETHDR command to the OS-es that are on the list given by function GetListOfOsCreatingHdr,

and EXPEND command to the ones that are not on this list but on the subsystem list (declared in the selected instrument mode). Later is to make sure that all the ICS-es are informed that the exposure has been finished.


 SOS also informs TCS and ICS that are directly connected to SOS to retrieve their header data.


After all the individual header files are ready, they are merged together with the image file. As default this is done by the archiver process of SOS.

In some cases when the sub-OS-es are in different environment, it is suggested to reconsider on which environment the final merging should be done[32].


When SOS handles the exposures the in addition to the files generated by the image taking OS (see section 0) some additional headers are created. When the image created by a sub-OS is named ‘myfile.fits’ the following additional temporary files[33] are created: 


1) header file(s) from OS-es from which header information is requested:

myfile_<subsName >_hdr.fits              

2) Binary table(s) (if any) from OS-es from which header information is requested:

myfile _< subsName>_btbl.fits            

3) SOS also gets header files from its own ICS/TCS

            These headers named in the same way as described in section 0:

4) SOS header file

myfile _<insId>_hdr.fits                       

containing TPL/DPR/OBS keywords and other keywords added by commands    ADDFITS or COMMENT

5)  Binary table at SOS level:

myfile_<insIdo>_btbl.fits                      // e.g. myfile_xso_btbl.fits


It is best to use the CreateBtblFile(char* btblname) –to save the btbl with the default name.

(for more info please see below)


6)      User declared header or btbl files

Using the function GetSosUserFiles() up to 5 additional (header or binary table) files can be specified to be merged with the image file.


SOS then adds these additional files to the auxiliary ‘*.arf’ file created by the image taking sub-OS and  sends ARCHIVE command to the Archiver process. Archiver process of SOS then merges all the files and informs VOLAC.       Multiple ICS headers

The ICS-es creates headers which contain keywords INS.*.* . This can cause problem when more then one ICS headers are to be merged together with the mage file.


In order to differentiate the INS keywords of the different ICS-es in the final fitsheader , the OCS.INSi.HDRCAT  keyword must be specified in the configuration file.

The category ‘INS’ in the keywords ‘INS.*.*’ is then simply replaced by the specified string. The keywords created this way (of course) must appear in the dictionary (or dictionaries) of the given subsystem. In case additional dictionaries are needed for the indexed version of the keywords they must be given in the configuration of the subsystem as well.


See example of the configuration of an ICS subsystem below:


OCS.INS1.NAME "ICS";                                    # name of subsystem

OCS.INS1.DICT1           "XXXX_ICS";                                      # dictionary of subsystem

OCS.INS1.DICT2                          "<any additional dic>"    # dictionary of subsystem

OCS.INS1.ENVNAME  "wbos";                                                 # environment where proc. is running

OCS.INS1.PROCNAME                "xxiControl";                         # name   process

OCS.INS1.HDRCAT    "INS3"  ;                                               #category of ICS keywords

OCS.INS1.DBSTATE    "<alias>XXXX:ICS:PROCESSES:WS:icsControl.state";

OCS.INS1.KEYWFILT                  "INS.*.*.*.*.*.*";                # keywords forwarded to subsystem

OCS.INS1.TIMEOUT    60000;                                                     # timeout for the process (seconds)


The suggested way is simply supply an index for the category INS, e.g.: 

OCS.INSi.HDRCAT             “INS3”;

This will change e.g. keyword  ‘INS.LAMP1.ST’ to ‘INS3.LAMP1.ST’.


A new prefix can be also supplied. E.g. to  change all the INS.*.*.* keywords to XXXX.INS.*.*.* ('INS.LAMP1.ST’ to ‘XXX.INS.LAMP1.ST’) in the final fits header apply the following:

OCS.INSi.HDRCAT             “XXX.INS”;

Note, that in this case all the “XXX.INS.*.*.’ keywords must appear in the dictionaries of the ICS.

(Dictionaries must be approved by DMD.)       Set SOS not to merge the partial files

When a sub-OS is on other workstation, it might be advantageous that the Sub-OS merges the data instead of the super OS (e.g. instrument FLAMES-UVES).When SOS newdata event arrives and SOS should just  get the data from other OS-es but should not merge the files overload the function MergeOsFiles as shown below:


ccsCOMPL_STAT xsoSERVER::MergeOsFiles(char * filename, vltINT32 expoId,

                                                                       char *osname )




                if(bossSERVER::MergeOsFiles(filename, expoId, osname)!=SUCCESS)

                { return FAILURE; }




 // (1) transfer files toUVES

                 // (2) tell Uves that they are ready to be merged



    return SUCCESS;




Note: osname is the name of the OS which has generated the db event, i.e. the image file.

Above function is called during the image dta event.


When image data is ready by a sub OS and no further information is requested from SOS simply call the Archive(ccsTRUE) function of the SERVER class of the particular OS which should take care of the archivation.

9.8.7        Not-BOSS-based OS as a subsystem of SOS


The OS subsystem does not have to be based on BOSS. As long as it behaves according to the INS Common Software Specification [AD 07], BOSS can handle it supposing that the necessary information (see Table 7.2) about the process is correctly supplied.


Nevertheless it is necessary to supply an appropriate interface and supply the database points required.

(See section 11.14 for more information.)


Oslx supports functions are available to work on fits files (e.g. to change category, or merge binary tables). See manpage of the class oslxFITS_EXT.


9.9        Startup of Main process

9.9.1        Command line options

On the command line (as declared in BOSS) the following options are supported for the Main process:


-l <level>          set standard log level

-v <level>         set verbose log level

-a <level>         set action log level

-t <level>         set timer log level

-h                     print this help

-version            print the version number of the software

-noDate            turn off the display of date in verbose log messages (written to stdout)

-noFileLine       turn off the display of file name and line number in verbose log

messages (written to stdout)

-noExit             when applicable, avoid that application exits in case of a problem

when starting it up.

-c <file>           specify application configuration file



For example set the verbose level[34] to the highest (useful for debugging) as follows:


xxoControl –v 5 –l 2 -noDate


For the Main process to be operational the ARchiver process should be started as well. The existence of the Archiver process is checked by the Main process when the instrument is set to ONLINE and also at the start of the image taking exposures.



Given a correct configuration it is possible to startup the default Main process without any additional C++ code, for more details see 9.9.2


9.9.2        Default Startup


In the special case when the default functionality of BOSS satisfies the requirement of an instrument OS, the C++ classes and header files in Table 10.1 can be omitted. In this case the instrument OS is  started up using the ‘default startup’ functionality:


% bossControl      <InsName>    &

% bossArchiver   <InsName>   &


Where ‘InsName’ is the name of the instrument corresponding to the configuration keyword INS.CON.ID.


During the auto start the OS process created is: '<pr>oControl' and the archiver process is: bossArchiver_<pr>o

where <pr> is declared by the cfg keyword:INS.CON.PREFIX.


For the ‘auto start’ functionality the following cfg keywords must be set when other then default:

 OCS.CON.OSDBROOT     "<alias>xxo" ;                                                        # instr OS db point

 OCS.<CAT>.DBROOT      "<alias>XXXX:<insName>";                              # subsystem dbroot

 OCS.<CAT>.DBIFROOT  "<alias>xxo:subsystems:<subsname>;             # subsystem interface db;


For more details on the above configuration keyword see section 7.1, 7.2.


EXAMPLE: start up the OS processes of XXXX

            %  bossControl   XXXX    &

            %  bossArchiver  XXXX   &


The functionality can be also be used to test for errors in the overloads.


In order to debug the code several options are available, please see


9.10    Archiver process


The archiver process handles the supplementary files (*.arf) generated by the main process containing information about which files are to be merged together.  See also section 6.1 on processes of BOSS.

These files are stored under INS_ROOT and removed after their successful handling, unless the process has been started up in a debug mode.


The files to be merged, deleted or archived are appear as a list of files after specific keywords, e.g.: APPENDEXT, APPENDBIN, MERGE, APPEND, ARCHIVE, DELETE.


The communication between the main process and archiver, the format of the supplementary file, and the image handling is kept private.  In case more files are necessary to be merged together with the image files the user are advised to apply the naming scheme and overload functions

CreateBtblFile(), GetSosUserFiles()  (see also 9.8.6, 9.6.1, 9.6.2).

For experienced users it is also possible to work directly with the arf file pointer (See also section 10.1.1 function ApplImageHandleProc()), however it is advisable to contact the BOSS developer before doing so.


In an unlucky event of the archiver process is killed (due to e.g. computer crash) there might be unhandled (and un-archived) image files left under INS_ROOT. In this case it is possible to restore these files after restarting the process. For each *.arf file under INS_ROOT/SYSTEM/DETDATA, running the following command:

            msgSend “” bossArchiver_xxo ARCHIVE “-file imageFilename_00XY.arf” 


The functionalities of the Archiver process cannot be overloaded, any additional features therefore should be requested via SPR.


9.10.1    Startup of Archiver Process


The command line options of the Archiver process should be used only for test and maintenance purpose:

        -l <level>    set standard log level (max 2) - logs are written to vlt logFile

        -v <level>    set verbose log level  (max 5) - logs are written to stdout

        -debug        The *.arf file used in the ARCHIVE command will not be renamed,

          but deleted.

        -perftest     logs on stdout the time of each steps of the archiver process.


E.g. the Archiver process can be started up as:

         %  bossArchiver  XXXX -perftest  &


9.10.2    Command queue

When the sequence of commands is optimised to carry out exposures as fast as possible (see –cond option for command WAIT in section 9.4.5) it often happens that the requests from the Main process come faster then they are processed by the Archiver process. In such case BOSS takes care of queuing up the commands for the Archiver. The queue is processed sequentially i.e. in the order the imagefiles have been generated. Should error happen while processing the ARCHIVE commands in the queue all errors are reported in the final reply given to ‘WAIT –all’. The errors are also logged during the execution which should be checked in case the number of errors exceeds the size of the error stack.




9.10.3    Performance of Archiver process


The merging process can be time consuming, especially when dealing with large files. In order to check the total merging time you can execute the following unix commands:

     % sync

     % time msgSend "" bossArchiver_<xx>o ARCHIVE "-file <arfile>"

     % time sync


The –perftest option can be used to evaluate the performance of the subtasks (e.g. Merging headers, extentions). When using this option please note that requesting higher log and verbose level can alter the performance. (E.g. increasing the loglevel via option '-l 2' will log the data in the vltlogfile, which might reside on a different disk).


As mentioned earlier the <arfile> (which is a supplementary file generated by the Main process) only kept temporarily during a successful exposure. For test purpose (testing the ARCHIVE command) one can reserve the <arfile> and the all the partial files by killing the bossArchiver during the exposures. 


The performance of merging of the merging 16 files with size 16804800 on linux platform (case for instrument VISTA) has been tested and compared at different level of the vlt software and also using a simple unix command:

-         boss Archiver

-         oslx oslxFITS_EXT

-         cfitsio (NASA product)

-         linux cat command






















The above test results include the time for flashing the system buffer after command response (via sync command of unix) to ensure that all data are properly saved on the disk.

(The response time of boss average 2.34 sec real time.) During the tests no other processes were running.


The results shows that there is no major difference between the performance at various level of vlt sw, cfitsio or unix cat operation. Therefore users should take into account the limited speed for the merging and select the instrument WS platform accordingly.



10   Observation Software Based on BOSS


Any instrument OS that is based on BOSS must have a configuration file, a Server class that is based on the bossSERVER class, and database declaration where the root points of the individual subsystems are declared.

Table 10.1 shows the files that are therefore necessary to include into the modules of all instrument OS through the example of the template instrument OS [RD 01].

Besides these files the configuration of the OS (together with the configuration of the ICS and start up options) must be supplied in a separate module (e.g. xxmcfg).


Table 10.1 The files that must be included in the OS (module xxo)


















Most of the contents of these files have been already discussed in the previous chapters:


xxoControl                                                ¾        9.1   Initialisation

xxoSERVER.C / xxoSERVER.h    ¾        9.2   The Server class

xxoSERVER.class/ xxo.db                        ¾        9.5  Database and database events



(xxmcfgINS.cfg                                         ¾        7   Configuration )


Any additional property of the instrument that does not exactly follows the standard behavior discussed in this document is considered as a specialty of an instrument that is the user’s responsibility to develop.

In the next sections there are some guidelines how to develop additional features that are most likely to occur, e.g. additional keywords, commands, database points.


The developers of an OS are recommended to first install and run the template instrument [RD 01]. This is to gain better understanding of how it works. Than they should apply the ‘translation’ operation described in the Template instrument user Manual [RD 01] in order to adopt quickly the main structure of the OS-es. This should speed up the implementation, and free the users to develop the OS-es from scratch. 



BOSS takes care of the standard OS behavior which in many cases does not entirely fulfills the requirements of a particular instrument. In this chapter, directions are given to extend boss to handle additional properties.


10.1    Function overloading


There are functions that are designed to be overloaded, these are listed in section 10.1.1 and there are countless other functions that although not restricted from overloading are really meant for private use.  Please read section 10.1.2 before planning to do such overloads.


Below you find some points that you should consider when adding new functionalities to BOSS: 

-         Is the problem general (i.e. might be useful for future or existing projects)

-         Minimize the amount of code by using available functions. Understand what the functions you are calling does. Should you call an internal function (which might be designed to be called only once) please check whether a counter function is necessary and exists (e.g. init-reset).

-         Handle all possible errors. Do not to rely on that BOSS automatically takes care of the error handling. Apart from checking the return status of the function the interior of the function should be robust (and be able to handle errors which can occur at any level).

-         In case of additional event handling consider the possibilities that events may not happen in fixed order, or some may not happen at all.

-         If you don’t know ISF, you can skip this point. If you know it, please do not copy ISF based code or double check its content for error handling and also the content of the boss function you are overloading. Be aware that ISF is practically unchanged while BOSS is continuously enhanced with new features.

-         Consider maintainability, add debug logs and document the reason for the overload.

       -    Test Test Test   A working program is one that has only unobserved bugs (Murphy)


Please submit an SPR should you require changes in BOSS to support the development of special or existing functionalities.


10.1.1     Functions to be overloaded


The functions of bossSERVER class listed below are designed to be overloaded to add specific instrument functionalities.

Except the StartPreProc and SubsystemInterfaces (9.2) functions they are all empty functions.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT AppConfigure(ctooCONFIG *)

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT  SubsystemInterfaces()

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT InitPostProc();


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT OnlinePreProc      (msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT OnlinePostProc    (msgMESSAGE &msg);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT StandbyPreProc   (msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT StandbyPostProc (msgMESSAGE &msg);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT OffPreProc            (msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT OffPostProc           (msgMESSAGE &msg);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT StateCmdPostProc (msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT SetupPreProc        (msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT SetupPostProc    (msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId,

                                                                                    void *userData);


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT StartPreProc                         (msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT StartPreProcMain               (msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT StartPreProcSpecial           (msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT StartPostProc       (msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId, void *userData);


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT AbortPostProc      (msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT PausePreProc       (msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT PausePostProc     (msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT ContPreProc         (msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT ContPostProc       (msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT EndPreProc          (msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT EndPostProc         (msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId, void *userData);



virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT ExpoStatusEvtPreProc      (evtEVENT_MSG &msg, vltINT32 expoId, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT NewDataFileEvtPreProc   (evtEVENT_MSG &msg, vltINT32 expoId, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT OsNewDataEvtPreProc      (evtEVENT_MSG &msg, vltINT32  expoId,

char * osName, char * osNewDataFileName, void *    userData) ;


Functions for additional file handling (see also sections: 9.6, 9.6.2 and  9.8.6):


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT CreateBtblFile(vltINT32 expoId,char* btblFileName);

This function is called after the exposuse has been finished (i.e. image is ready). When the instrument creates a binary table it has to be saved with the name 'btblFileName' (given as argument of this function) in order to OS merge it automatically with the image file. (This function can be also used to check the existence or completeness of the btbl file when necessary.)


virtual void                   GetSosUserFiles(char* filename, char** userfiles);

Maximum 5 files with max length 64 can be supplied by the users. These files are automatically merged with the imagefile and then removed. No error is given when file does not exist. Users must check the existence of files e.g. overloading NewDataFileEvtPreProc, OsNewDataEvtPreProc or CreateBtblFile.  When specifying new filenames make sure to follow the conventions:

          The binary table files  must end with:    _btbl.fits

          Incomplete header files must end with:    _hdr.fits

As default the filename array contains one file: filenamebase_xso_btbl.fits


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT ApplImageHandleProc(vltINT32 expoId, char * filename,

                                              bossARF_MGR* arfMgr);

For Advanced users only. Contact the developer of BOSS before overloading this function.

Image file for standalone OS or bottom level OS in an SOS structure.

The additional files can be added to the image file (specified by 'filename' generated during the exposure specified by 'expoId') via the pointer to the arf file using functions of bossARF_MGR.



BOSS checks of the returned value of these functions and returns error should they fail. However it is the developer’s responsibility to add adequate information to the error stack where things might go wrong. It is also helpful to add debug logs.

10.1.2    Overload of non empty functions


It is highly recommended that during the implementation only the specific functions listed in 10.1.1 are overloaded following the instructions in the following sections. Overloading non empty functions without a careful consideration of the content of the original function and possible modification on them has the danger that the instrument will not benefit from improvements of future releases. A possible change in design might disqualifies such overload despite that all effort is made for keeping the application back compatible. Please pay extra attention to the points at the beginning of the section 10.1.

You are recommended to contact the maintainer of the BOSS before implementing a complex functionality.

10.2    Additional configuration keyword


When an instrument cannot be configured by the existing keywords in the BOSS dictionary, the new  configuration keywords must be declared in the dictionary[35] of instrument  and the additional configuration procedure has to be specified (overloading function bossSERVER::AppConfigure).

More application configuration keywords can be added similarly as the example below shows.


STEP 1.:  Declare configuration keyword in the dictionary of the instrument.

Typically the configuration keywords should be specified in the dictionary named ESO-VLT-DIC.<INSNAME>_OS.  


Parameter Name:     OCS XXX CONKW

Class:                      config

Context:                  XXXX OS

Type:                      string

Value Format:         %s


Comment Field:      xxo example configuration keyword

Description:            An example configuration keyword for the template instrument.


The following dictionaries are read by the OS automatically: OSB,OBS,TPL,DPR, <INSNAME>_OS if exists  (or dictionary name as specified by bossSERVER  deprecated constructor function argument).



STEP 2.: Add additional dictionary to the configuration

As the configuration file is handled by the configuration tool (ctoo) the dictionary (which contains the additional configuration keyword) must be also set in the xxmcfg module as follows:





See more information about ctoo and stoo in the documents: Startup tool [RD-11]; Configuration tool [RD-10]. For more information on dictionaries see section 6.6.



STEP 3.:  Define the keyword name in the xxo/include/xxoPrivate.h (optional).


                #define xxoConfigKeyword "OCS.XXX.CONKW"


STEP 4.: Implement the configuration procedure.


 xxoSERVER::AppConfigure(ctooCONFIG *cfgptr)


oslxKEYWORD  keyw;

// Whem is not found in the configuration

    if (cfgptr ->Get(xxoConfigKeyword, &keyw) == SUCCESS)


//save the value into a variable

                                strcpy((char*)cfgval_, keyw.ValueString());

slxStripQuotes ((char*) cfgval_);           

// implementation of other procedures depending on this variable

// …


// Whem keyword is not found in the configuration



// use default values

ErrStackReset ();


// or return an error if keyword is compolsary

                //return FAILURE;                



                // add next configuration keyword if there are more 

if (cfgptr ->Get(xxoConfigKeywordi, &keyw) == SUCCESS)



return (SUCCESS);



10.3    Additional setup keyword


In the example below two new setup keywords are declared and when they found the same example is executed.


STEP 1.: Declare the new keywords in the dictionary


Parameter Name:     OCS XXX SETKW1

Class:                      setup

Context:                  XXXX OS

Type:                      string

Value Format:         %s


Comment Field:      xxo example setup keyword

Description:            An example setup keyword for the template instrument.


                Parameter Name:     OCS XXX SETKW2




STEP 2.: Declare the keyword in xxo/include/xxoPrivate.h (optional):


#define xxoSetupKw1             "OCS.XXX.SETKW1"

#define xxoSetupKw1             "OCS.XXX.SETKW2"



STEP 3.: Implement the callback that must be executed when the given keyword (or given keywords) found in the setup.


evhCB_COMPL_STAT xxoSERVER:: NewSetupKwCB (const msgCMD, const oslxKEYW_FILTER &,

   oslxSHORT_FITS &keywordList, void *)


ExtDbgLog("xxoSERVER::NewSetupKwCB ()");


                vltINT32 numberOfKeywords = keywordList.NoExtractedKeywords();

vltLOGICAL init = ccsTRUE;




      //#= For each extracted keyword

for (int i=1; i <= numberOfKeywords ; i++)


if (keywordList.NextExtractedKeyword(init) != SUCCESS)


                                return (evhCB_NO_DELETE | evhCB_FAILURE);




                oslxKEYWORD &keyword=keywordList.CurrKeyword();


                if (strcmp (keyword.Keyword(),xxoSetupKw1) == 0)



// implementation of the process that should be executed

// when keyword ‘xxoSetupKw1’ is given in the setup


                                else if(strcmp (keyword.Keyword(),xxoSetupKw2) == 0)


// implementation of the process that should be executed

// when keyword ‘xxoSetupKw2’ is given in the setup


}// end of for loop




STEP 4. Attach the function to be executed when the new keyword is found in the setup command using the protected variable :


ixacKEYW_HANDLER   *keywHandlerPtr;  /* Keyword trigger handler */


of the bossSERVER class as shown in the example below.


#include "ixac.h" // for  ixacKFILT_OBJ_TRIGGER




ixacKFILT_OBJ_TRIGGER trigger(this);


oslxKEYW_FILTER keywFilter;





keywHandlerPtr->AddTrigger("", keywFilter, trigger.Proc





See the manpage of ixacKEYW_HANDLER.4  for more information.

10.4    Add new command


STEP 1. Declare the additional command 'NEWCMD' in the CDT of the OS instrument.

The application specific CDT (e.g. xxo/CDT/xxoControl.cdt[36] for the template instrument) must always include the standard CDT declared in BOSS, i.e. 'bossServer.cdt'.


#include "bossServer.cdt"


COMMAND=                       NEWCMD

FORMAT=                            A


                PAR_NAME=                       expoId

                PAR_TYPE=                          INTEGER

                PAR_OPTIONAL=               YES


STEP 2.: Define a symbolic constants (optional)


    Define a symbolic constants  for the new command in the header file 'xxoBOSS/xxo/include/xxoPrivate.h' [37].


        #define xxoNEW_CMD             "NEWCMD"



STEP 3.:  Add callback for the new command inside the InitPostProc function.





// Install callback(s) for command(s)


evhOBJ_CALLBACK callback (this);


evhHandler->AddCallback(    key.Command(xxoNEW_CMD),callback.Proc(




STEP 4.  Implement a callback to handle command 'NEWCMD' 


                evhCB_COMPL_STAT  xxoSERVER::NewCmdCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData)




It could be useful to take a look at the implementation of commands in the bossSERVER class, that are similar to the specific command 'NEWCMD'. The callbacks for standard commands  are implemented in the following files:








                 bossExpoCtrl.C:                                ABORT, CONT, PAUSE, START, END

                     bossAddFits.C:                  ADDFITS

                     bossExitCB.C :                  EXIT

                     bossExpCB.C:                   EXPEND, EXPSTART

                     bossStateCtrl.C:                 OFF, ONLINE, STANDBY

                     bossSelftst.C :                    SELFTST

                     bossSetupCB.C:                SETUP

                     bossCommentCB.C:          COMMENT

                     bossWaitCB.C :                 WAIT

                     bossStateCB.C :                 STATE

                     bossStatusCB.C:                STATUS

                     bossForwardCB.C:        FORWARD




10.4.1    Send a message


        if (Send(Cmd.GetCommand(), Cmd.GetMsgBuf()) != SUCCESS)


            //#= Handles error

            return (FAILURE);



10.5    Modifying existing command callbacks


There can be many reasons why the callbacks of the standards commands would need to be modified.

Eg. :  Save some data in database.

         Send an additional message to a subsystem.

         Change the other of the processes in case of START.

         Add additional prerequisite (e.g. modes).


It is advisable to use the empty pre- and postprocessing functions of the given command callback. See also section 9.4.2, and 9.4.4 for examples.


Below some useful procedures are introduced .



10.5.1    Declare mode, detector, subsystem, exposure status


 The argument of the PreProc() and PostProc() functions are the message (msg) and the exposure id (expoId) .

The example below shows the way to declare the detector of the exposure (detId), the belonging subsystem interface (detSubsystem), and the exposure status (expoStatus).





ccsCOMPL_STAT bossSERVER::ContPreProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId, void *)




// Declare  instrument mode of the exposure

                VLTBYTES64 mode;

                memset((char *)&mode, '\0', sizeof(mode));


                                  { ErrAdd(..);return FAILURE;}


// Declare  detector of the exposure

                vltBYTES64 detId="";

if(exposurePtr->GetDetector(expoId,(char*)detId) !=SUCCESS)

                                  { ErrAdd(..);return FAILURE;}


                // declare subsystem interface of the detector

                bossINTERFACE_DCS *detSubsystem=NULL;



                                  { ErrAdd(..);return FAILURE;}


                // Get exposure status

                vltINT32 expoStatus;

                expoStatus =detSubsystem->GetExpoStatus();

                if(expoStatus== inscEXP_UNDEFINED)

                   {err handling..}


                // implement pre pocessing

                // ...


                return SUCCESS;





10.6    Operation bypassing the OS/SOS


Experience showed that control of subsystem bypassing the OS/SOS is often required.

Typical examples are listed below:


These actions result in unexpected events for BOSS. The events coming from a subsystem that is not directly controlled by the OS or SOS are ignored. Their status are also not included in the global status either. In the global status only the status of the ‘active’ DCS or OS subsystems are included, which has been set up and started by through the OS.



11   FAQ and Troubleshooting


11.1    Manual start up of BOSS OS


See a proper startup example below :

> xxoControl  &

> bossArchiver XXXX &


In case of any problem (that cannot be identified by error or log messages) the highest debug options for the control process should be set as follows: 


xxoControl -v 5 -l 2 >  &

11.2    Parameter ‘-expoId’ in the commands


Does the expoId need to be declared all the time in the commands?



In the SETUP command the expoId always has to be declared! Even in a special case when no detector subsystem is involved in the instrument.

In the first SETUP command the expoId must be  0. This returns a new expoId with which one can refer to the given exposure.   

In the other commands it is not compulsory to supply the expoId, nevertheless when there are more then one exposure has been set up at a time it is strongly recommended to supply either the expoId or the detId.

ExpoId can be omitted when there is only one exposure is set up at a time, as the following example shows:


>msgSend "" xxoControl SETUP "-expoId 0 -function DET1.DIT 10 INS.MODE IR_IMAGING OCS.DET.IMGNAME myfile.fits"

>msgSend "" xxoControl START ""

>msgSend "" xxoControl ABORT ""

11.3    Subsystem list or instrument mode is not declared in the setup



Trying to setup and start a single exposure without saving an image with TCCD such as:

> msgSend "" xxoControl SETUP "-expoId 0 -function DET2.WIN1.UIT1 10"


> msgSend "" xxoControl START "-expoId 1 -detId TCCD"


This returns error saying that subsystem list is not declared.

How the subsystem list has to be declared?



The subsystem list should be always given for an exposure. It has to be given by the instrument mode i.e. by keyword INS.MODE. The subsystem list for the given mode is given by the OCS.MODEi.SUBSYST keyword in the configuration file. Following solves the problem:


> msgSend "" xxoControl SETUP "-expoId 0 -function DET2.WIN1.UIT1 10 INS.MODE GUIDING"


> msgSend "" xxoControl START "-detId TCCD"


Note that during start it is sufficient to enter either the expoId or the detId.


11.4     Usage of command STATUS



How can I send a STATUS command to a subsystem through the OS process?

Can you give me an example: STATUS -expoId <some value> -function <some value> ...



1.) Execute an exposure.

2.) To get information from ICS you can send to the OS process the status cmd directly:

>msgSend "" xxoControl STATUS "-expoId 1 -function INS.DPOR.ST"




3.) To get information from DCS forward the STATUS command as follows:

>msgSend "" xxoControl FORWARD "-subSystem IRDCS -command STATUS -arguments 1,DET.DID"




In case of technical ccd:

>msgSend "" xxoControl FORWARD "-subSystem TCCD -command STATUS -arguments 1,DET.MODE"


128,DET.MODE 3


The parameter -subSystem is the name of the subsystem (as declared in the xxmcfgINS.cfg file).

The parameter -arguments is composed from the parameters of the STATUS command of the ccd.

(i.e. expoId, function in this case)


Take a look at the declaration of the STATUS command in the CDT of TCCD also

($VLTROOT/ccdconCI.cdt),  and the declaration of the FORWARD command in BOSS cdt ($INTROOT/osbControl.cdt)






11.5     Usage of command ADDFITS



How the ADDFITS command is used?

Can you give me an example: ADDFITS -expoId ....



This command can be executed after the exposure has been setup and while it is running. e.g.:

> msgSend "" xxoControl SETUP " -expoId 0 -function INS.MODE OPT_IMAGING

OCS.DET.IMGNAME myfile.fits"


>msgSend "" xxoControl ADDFITS "-info OCS.CON.RELEASE \" My additional info\" "

>msgSend "" xxoControl START "-expoId 3"

>msgSend "" xxoControl ADDFITS "-expoId 3 -info OCS.CON.ORIGIN \" myvalin\" "


The keywords given as via the parameter ‘-info’ will be than placed in the header of the image file. Note that the expoId is not a compulsory parameter for ADDFITS.


11.6     Add additional keyword to the fits header

11.6.1    Example-1: Add keyword to OS image

In any of the PreProc() function (START or SETUP) to do the following:

ccsCOMPL_STAT xxoSERVER::StartPreProc(msgMESSAGE  &msg, vltINT32 expoId,

void *)





        oslxKEYWORD keyword;





         bossFITS_HEADER *headerPtr;


         if (headerPtr==NULL)


       ErrAdd (bossMODULE_ID, bossERR_GENERAL, __FILE_LINE__, "Could not get header");

       return FAILURE;



        if(headerPtr ->CreateStoreFits(keyword)!=SUCCESS)



           return FAILURE;



    // other actions if necessary

    // …

return SUCCESS;




The keyword must be specified in the dictionary. It is possible to declare more then one dictionary for a subsystem, e.g.:

OCS.DET2.DICT1       "CCDDCS";                         # For dictionary : ESO-VLT-DICT.CCDDCS

OCS.DET2.DICT2       "CCD";                                # For dictionary : ESO-VLT-DICT.CCD



Caution: in case the setup pre or post processing functions  are overloaded it must be taken into account that the argument expoId in the function denotes either the next exposure (if ‘-expoId 0’ was specified in the command) or an exposure that might have been  already started. Therefore  probably some additional check for the special action is necessary.


11.6.2    Example-2: Add keyword to SOS image file

In case of SOS additional keywords can be added at any level overloading functions in the server class of the SOS or in sub-OS similarly to a non SOS, e.g.:


ccsCOMPL_STAT fpoSERVER:: ExpEnd(char* filename, vltINT32 expoId, char *detId)




     // check the mode or the detector if necessary (see 10.5.1)


      // specify the keyword to be added

      oslxKEYWORD kw;



      vltINT32 obsplate;

      dbRead (&obsplate, "<alias>fpFlames.fpFitsPlate");



      //retrieve the header belonging to the exposure

      bossFITS_HEADER * hdr;


      if (hdr == NULL)



   return FAILURE;





         return FAILURE;



      /* call the original function*/

      return  bossSERVER::ExpEnd(filename,expoId,detId);

      return SUCCESS;




Note that keywords can be added also via command ADDFITS to SOS as well, as the example below show:

msgSend "" xsoControl ADDFITS "-detId XXXX -info OCS1.INS.FILT 9"



11.7     Dictionary for OS



On which dictionary should the instrument specific OS be based?



None has to be compulsorily declared. The dictionary of BOSS (ESO-VLT-DIC.OSB) is always loaded automatically.

Additional keywords can be supplied by loading the dictionary of your own process. Place the additional keywords (if there are any) in a separate dictionary named ‘ESO-VLT-DIC.XXXX_OS’,

Where XXXX is the name of the instrument. This dictionary is automatically loaded if exists. 


When you require to declare new keywords, it is strongly recommended to follow the steps described in section 10.3.


It is possible that you do not need additional dictionary at all.


11.8     Parameter ‘-detId’ in command



What should be used for the detId parameter in the START command i.e. which keyword value and from which *.cfg file should be taken? Can you give an example?



In general, the detId must be the name of one of the DCS (or OS) subsystems that is declared in the configurations file, e.g.:



Normally you don't have to specify detId, only expoId for the START command.

Using the –detId parameter can be useful when one cannot keep track of the expoId.


> msgSend "" xxoControl SETUP "-expoId 1 -function INS.MODE GUIDING

> msgSend "" xxoControl START "-detId TCCD"


The parameter -detId can be also useful when there are more then one DCS-es involved in the exposure. During the setup you have to declare the subsystems (by specifying the INS.MODE keyword in the first SETUP) The subsystem list must include the DCS or DCS-es with which the exposure is taken. Note that for single exposures there is no reason to declare more then one DCS on the subsystem list. Nevertheless in case of semi-parallel exposures all the DCS wich are allowed to be started in the given mode should appear on the subsystemlist as well)


Please see a complete example below:

1. first remove the existing fits file)


% rm -fr ccdImageLcuSim.fits


2. setup an exposure with two detectors

> msgSend "" xxoControl SETUP " -expoId 0 -function INS.MODE IR_SPECTROSCOPY

OCS.DET.IMGNAME ccdImageLcuSim.fits"




where the mode IR_SPECTROSCOPY is specified as follows:

OCS.MODE3.NAME        "IR_SPECTROSCOPY"                            # name of the instrmode  

OCS.MODE3.SETUP       "-function INS.MIRR1.NAME IRED INS.DROT.POSANG 10.0"  # setup of  mode

OCS.MODE3.SUBSYST   "IRDCS TCCD ICS UT0"                        # subsystems involved in the given mode

OCS.MODE3.PATH         "INFRARED"                               # instrument path (EXPSTRT, EXPEND)



3. Start the technical ccd

msgSend "" xxoControl START "-detId TCCD"


11.9    Place of pre-processing functions



What is the right place (file) in the 'yyo' module to do preprocessing of the START command. yyoControl has to write into LCU DB prior to sending START command to CCD WS process.



Please place the function ‘yyoSERVER::StartPreProc()’ it in  file ‘yyoExpoCtrl.C’ (as the overloaded function ‘bossSERVER::StartPreProc()’ can be found in in ‘bossExpoCtrl.C’).


11.10    Instrument with no detector


As default BOSS epects that there is a detector subsystem in each mode.

When there is no detector in the system overload the StartCB function to contain only the


-         condition for executing the command.

-         the process that need to be carry out in this case.





11.11     Data base point ‘NewData’



Is it true there will be ONLY ONE newData point in the database even if there are more than one instrument produces data?



Yes all the OS-es use the same newData db point. When an OS has finished creating an image

It writes the datafile name into this attribute to inform VOLAC to archive the image.

There is no restriction how many OS writes into this dbpoint, and whether or not there is connection between the OS-es through a super OS.


The best is to place the  OS-es under a common root. (It is enough to define OS_ROOT once)







         |                   |

         |                     ---subsystems

         |                                     |

         |                                     -----ICS1

         |                                                        |

         |                                                        ------FIERA



         |                    |

         |                     ---subsystems

         |                                     |

         |                                     -----ICS2

         |                                                        |

         |                                                        ------IRDCS


         | -----------SOS

         |                    |

         |                     ---subsystems

         |                                     |

         |                                     -----OS1

         |                                     |

       |                                  -----OS2




11.12     Additional Action when Exposure fails, succeeds or aborted


Add an Instrument specific action. E.g. when it is required  to send a command to a subsystem each time exposure fails, succeeds or aborted, overload the empty function:


bossSERVER::ExpoStatusEvtPreProc(msg, expoId, userData)



The following example shows also how to retrieve this information about the global status, and the source of the event (specifying the DCS/OS)  and whether or not file imagefilename is specified for the exposure. 


Note:The status values depend on the actual DCS (See also section 9.7.2 )!



ccsCOMPL_STAT mySERVER::ExpoStatusEvtPreProc(evtEVENT_MSG &,

                                                                                                  vltINT32, void *)





    //#= Declare the new status value that generated this message

    vltUINT32 newExpoStatus;

    const char * cp;

    cp = (msg.EventInfo()).scalar.newValue;

    memcpy((char *)&newExpoStatus,cp,sizeof(vltUINT32)) ;


    TestLog ("The new status is %d",newExpoStatus);


    //#= global status


     //vltINT32 obsStatus = exposurePtr->GetGlobalExpoStatus();


    //#= declare the name of the detector which is associated with this message

    //vltBYTES64 detId="";    

    //if(exposurePtr->GetDetector( msg.AttrName(),(char*)detId)!=SUCCESS) { handle error };


    //# declare filename associated with the exposure

    //vltBYTES256 filename="";

    //if (exposurePtr->GetFileName(expoId, (char*)filename)!=SUCCESS) {handle error};


    if (  (newExpoStatus   == inscEXP_COMPL_FAILURE)      ||

           (newExpoStatus   == inscEXP_COMPL_ABORTED)    ||

            ( newExpoStatus == inscEXP_COMPL_SUCCESS )   )


                // Additional user declared processes



    return SUCCESS;




Additional SOS Action when Exposure fails, succeeds or aborted

In case of  SOS the same function ‘ExpoStatusEvtPreProc’ can be overloaded , but there other options too depending on the problem.

E.g. ‘ExpendCB’ can be overloaded. When a sub-OS has finished/failed or aborted SOS sends an EXPEND command to the otherOS-es on the subslist.



11.13     Interface for subsystem that does not fall into any of the given categories


As default when OS receives a command START it sends START command to DCS and EXPSTART command to ICS/TCS.

When exposure is finished and image is created OS sends EXPEND and STATUS to ICS. Otherwise  when exposure failes/aborted OS sends EXPEND/STOP command to ICS.



When the subsystems should not be treated according to DCS or ICS  a new interface has to be created inheriting from class bossINTERFACE , e.g.:



    char * srvId) :



                //#= set the category to be OS




A new  category for this interface has to be spacified. The reserved categories are:

#define bossICS_SUBSYS     0x1  //  ICS sub-system

#define bossDCS_SUBSYS   0x2   //  DCS sub-system

#define bossTCS_SUBSYS   0x4   //  TCS sub-system

#define bossOS_SUBSYS     0x8   //   OS server


After specifying the new interface, you must add it to the list of interfaces in the function



Default behaviour

When the subsystem (ie. its interface) does not fall into the pre-declared categories, BOSS still takes care of the following automatically:

1)      state of the subsystem is  taken into account when global state is evaluated

2)      SETUP keywords that mach the pattern given by the configuration keyword OCS.<CAT>.KEYWFILT will be forwarded to the subsystem.


Any additional functionality must be included into function overloads.





Declaration of the subsystem on the configuration file

In the configuration file you might wish to declare a new keyword category for the subsystem (in which case the keywords must be declared in the dictionary of the OS)


OCS.STR.NAME                  "STRAP";

OCS.STR.DICT                                     "STR";                       

OCS.STR.ENVNAME                          "wbos"; 

OCS.STR.PROCNAME                       "strapControl";

OCS.STR.KEYWFILT                         "STR.*.*.*.*.*.*";

OCS.STR.TIMEOUT                           1000;

OCS.STR.DBROOT                             "<alias>strap";

OCS.STR.DBSTATE                           "<alias>strap.opState";


In the above example the dictionary 'STR' must contain the SETUP keywords that are forwarded to the 'strapControl' process.


Add additional functionality


Send a command during start command to the 'strap' process


Should you need to inform the subsystem about the event when the exposure is started you must overload the StartPreProc function. (See also chapter 9.4.4 for the default StartPreProc implementation.)


ccsCOMPL_STAT mcoSERVER::StartPreProcSpecial(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId,

                                                                                      void *userData)


      ExtDbgLog("mco           SERVER::StartPreProcSpecial()");

      if (mcoIf->Send("STRAPCMD","") != SUCCESS)


                                ErrAdd (mcoMODULE_ID, …. );

                                return (FAILURE  );


      return SUCCESS;                                          



11.14     What to do when OS subsystem of SOS is not based on BOSS




In the configuration file make sure that the database points for state, exposure status and newdata are correctly set (see 7.6).


OS new data dbpoint has to be created (if not exists) and refreshed when image file is ready in order SOS carries out the exposure end processes (if required).


As default SOS requires the *.arf file  generated by the sub-OS to merge imagefile with other files.

When image file is created by non-BOSS based OS this file does not exists, therefore the ‘exposure end’ process of the SOS must be overloaded. 


Interface for non BOSS based OS

A new interface for the OS based om bossINTERFACE_OS has to be developed.

BOSS ensures that the expoId of the SOS exposure is the same as the expoId of its sub-OS which is included in the exposure. When the sub-OS does not follow this strategy the expoId conversion in the interface must be solved.


Handling of Internal SOS-OS Commands


There are some internal commands to support communication between SOS and OS.  These are : CLEAN and GETHDR.

The designer of the SOS should decide whether these commands are useful for the non-based sub-OS

In which case implement the callbacks for them.


When these BOSS auxiliary commands can be avoided, the simplest way to avoid them is to overload the function Send() of the interface of the sub-OS in the following way:



ccsCOMPL_STAT xxoINTERFACE_MYOS::Send(const msgCMD  command,

                                  const char   *parameters, msgLENGTH     parametersLen,

                                  vltLOGICAL    timeoutFlag, vltLOGICAL    paramCheck)


    ExtDbgLog ("bossINTERFACE_MYOS::Send() command %s to %s ",command, name_);


     // do nothing when the command is CLEAN or GETHDR

    if(strcmp(command,bossCLEAN_CMD)==0        ||

      command, bossGETHDR_CMD)==0      )


return SUCCESS;




               return bossINTERFACE:: Send(command, parameters,

                                                               parametersLen, timeoutFlag, paramCheck);



11.15     TCS in the SOS structure


Question :

What happens if TCS is included more then once in the configuration files of an SOS structure?



It is a pre-condition of SOS that there is only one TCS in the whole system and only one OS (typically at the top level) has an access to it.


A ‘stand-alone’ OS can have all sort of TCS access e.g.:

            - TCS access NORMAL

            - TCS access IGNORED, or

            - no TCS declared at all.


It is also allowed (however not recommended) to include TCS in the configuration of more then one OS-es in the hierarchy of an SOS, with the limitation that only (maximum) one OS have NORMAL access to TCS (and the rest must be set to IGNORED).

The side effect of having more then one access to the TCS would cause that the TELESCOP keyword will appear more then once in the fits header. An other problem is –that when the TCS appears with the same configuration name in different configuration file- that the TCS header file is created more then once (i.e. as many times it appears in the configuration with normal access) with the same name, merged more then once and later tried to be deleted more then once, which of course leads to error (as there is only one file).

11.16     File merging



When producing the final FITS file which contains File1+Header1+Bin1, is this done as a copy ?


From APR2004 temporary copy of fitsfiles are no longer created in order to improve speed.

However before APR2004 version of BOSS, yes a temporary copy of the fitsfile was created.  It is a facility of oslxFITS_EXT to select whether a temporary file is created during LoadImageFile(), i.e. during an update of a file. For safety (i.e. in order not to loose data in case something goes wrong) boss created a temporary copy of the image file, and the original file was replaced (and the other header files removed) only when the merging was successful.



Is the SOS busy until the enf of the merging? i.e can we start a new exposure during merging ?


The time-consuming file merging is always done by a separate process (bossArchiver_<xx>o).

Nevertheless since APR2004 as default the merging has become part of the exposure circle therefore it delays the execution of the next exposure. If this delay is not acceptable it is possible to run an optimized sequence of command setting parameter –cond for the WAIT command parameters (see 9.4.5).

Nevertheless even in this optimized case, there is still a slight (noticeable) delay after the DCS has created the image. OS when informed that DCS image is ready, gets the header from the other subsystems (given on the list). Then creates a supplementary file (where information about files to be merged is stored), and then sends a command to the archiver process to process this (supplementary) file. Some internal cleaning is also done, to prepare for the next exposure.

In addition -in case of SOS- headers are also collected from other OS-es (via command GETHDR). All these are of course also consume time.



Is there enough space reserved in File1 for Header1?


 The fitsfile is processed by oslxFITS_EXT which is based on 'cfitsio' from NASA. Problem is solved within cfitsio routines. For more info on cfitsio look up the following web site:



11.17    Add Special Online Action


In order to execute your special ONLINE actions the following three ways are available:  


a) Action during startup when global state is online

If you only need to execute a procedure only once during startup in the case when the system is online overload the function InitPostProc as follows:


     ccsCOMPL_STAT xxoSERVER:: InitPostProc()


     /*This is only called once at startup*/


     vltINT32 state = subSystemList.GetOverallState();

     if (state==bossSTATE_ONLINE)    //  evhSTATE_ONLINE


       ActionLog(1,"XXXX:InitPostProc:ONLINE ACTION at START UP*****");

       //implement special online action


    return SUCCESS;



b)Action regarding the change in the global state.

To  make sure that every time when the global state changes to online a special online action is executed overload the function StateEvtCB().

The function StateEvtCB() is executed when the state of one of the subsystems changes. However this function will not be called when everything is online and you send an ONLINE command. Note that this function is also called during startup.


   evhCB_COMPL_STAT xxoSERVER::StateEvtCB(evtEVENT_MSG& event , void *userdata)



    ExtDbgLog("bossSERVER::StateEvtCB(%s)", event.AttrName() );

    vltINT32 state = subSystemList.GetOverallState();



    printf("THE STATE IS:%d\n",state);

    if (state==bossSTATE_ONLINE)    //  evhSTATE_ONLINE


    printf("XXXX: StateEvtCB : ONLINE ACTION \n\n");

    // implement special online action here


    return (bossSERVER::StateEvtCB(event,userdata));



c ) Procedure as part of ONLINE command

When you need to execute a procedure when ONLINE command is sent overload the functions

            ccsCOMPL_STAT bossSERVER::OnlinePostProc(msgMESSAGE &msg)

                ccsCOMPL_STAT bossSERVER::OnlinePreProc(msgMESSAGE &, void *)

as explained in earlier chapters.



12   Installation Guide


The boss package is part of the VLT Common Software Delivery. [RD 05]



13   Maintenance


BOSS is maintained through SPRs. Should you find any problems or have any request please submit an SPR specifying the follwing data:

Package : INS-OS base modules

Module:   boss

Please also supply the version of boss used. You can always check the version by sending command VERSION to an active control process. E.g: “”

> msgSend “” xxoControl VERSION “”


In case of problems debug information of boss can be very useful:

 Debug file (containing the name of functions called with additional data) cen be generated by starting up the server process as follows:


% xxoControl –v 5 –l 2 > xxo.dbg

% bossArchiver XXXX


Should you need a higher version of boss then included in the last release, you should always check the information given in the files below before compiling boss:


1)      boss/Changelog

Indicates the changes in the new  versions.

2)      boss/BackCompNotes_<RELEASE>  -

 Indicates module version dependency i.e. which other modules you need to retrieve

 and install before compiling the new version of boss.

     Should back incompatible change occur in boss, you will find a note about it in this file too.


Caution : Never take a version the history logs or the Changelog  of which says ‘under development’ or ‘under test’.


Module versions:

MAR2001:  boss,      osb 1.12,          bossvlti 1.2,      ixac 1.37,         ibac 1.26

MAR2002:  boss 1.81,            osb 1.20,          bossvlti 1.5,      ixac 1.43,         ibac 1.29

APR2003:   boss  1.106,         osb 1.24,          bossvlti 1.5,      ixac 1.45,         ibac 1.29

APR2004:   boss  1.129,         osb 1.28,          bossvlti 1.6,      ixac 1.46,         ibac 1.30







14   Reference


Below only the man pages of the most relevant classes: bossSERVER, bossARCHIVER, bossEXPOSURE, bossINS_MODE, bossINTERFACE_DCS, bossINTERFACE_CCD can be found.

The users are welcome to take a look at the manpages of other classes (see Figure 3) online.



14.1    Manpage of the bossControl





bossControl - Observation Software Server



bossControl <INS_NAME> [-v <level>] [-l <level>]



The program 'bossControl' starts up the default OS server process of the

instrument specified by its name <INS_NAME>.

This process handles all the standard OS commands and performs the corresponding

default actions. The process is fully operational.

Before an instrumnt OS is started up by 'bossControl' its configuration file,

CDT and database must exits. (see details in document on BOSS,XXXX)


During the startup boss creates the default interfaces for the  subsystems given

in the configuration file.

For DCS-es the interfaces are created according to the configurtion kw

OCS.<DETi>.TYPE. For subsystems with category INSi, interface ICS is created,

and TCS interface is created for TELESCOPE.


During default startup, boss declares the default 'database root'

for the OS server process  as:  ':Appl_data:<INS_NAME>:OS'.

When the db address of the OS process is different then the default,

use the OCS.CON.OSDBROOT configuration keyword to set the appropriate value.


The default database root  for each subsystem interface is:


Where  <subsname> is the lower case version of  the name of the

subsystem as specified  by the keyword "OCS.<CAT>.NAME" in the cfgfile.

E.g. when the NAME of the susbsytem is IRDCS, the dbaddress of its interface

expected as default is : '<dbRoot>:subsystems:irdcs'.

Exception:In case of TCS/VLT systems (The name is e.g. UTi) the default db

address of its interface is: '<alias>xxo:subsystem:tcs'.

When the dbaddress of the interface is different the default,

use the OCS.<CATi>.IFDBROOT keyword in the configuration file.


VLTI currently not supported. Set the ISS access to be ignored during tests,

for the auto start up of vlti instruments.


Most instruments do have some additional (non-default) properties.

The 'default startup' functionality can be used to check errors in the

overloaded functionality.



Configuration files are stored under directory:


During start up the configuration file identified by <INSNAME>

( the  INS.CON.ID configuration keyword) is loaded.

(see documentation on ctooCONFIG for more information)



 Normal startup (using default values) n");

 % bossControl  XXXX

 % bossArchiver XXXX


 For debugging (creating debugfiles with highest debug level)

 % bossControl XXXX  -v 5 -l 2 > xxo.dbg &

 % bossArchiver -n bossArchiver_xxo -dbRoot '<alias>xxo'-v 5 -l 2 > xxoarf.dbg &

 (The archiver process really need debaugging.)





### generated by docDeroff ###



14.2    Manpage of the bossSERVER class





bossSERVER - Instrument server main class



#include "bossSERVER.h"


bossSERVER myServer;



bossDB_TASK --> evhTASK -->evhSIMPLE_TASK

            --> fndOBJECT,eccsERROR_CLASS




This class gives a default implementation of the features of an instrument

server (e.g. Observation Software) which is in charge of handling the

requests from outside and control one or more sub-system servers. This


    o handling the standard commands: ABORT, ADDFITS, COMMENT, CONT, END,


      and WAIT. The commands DEBUG, VERBOSE  are also

      handled by inheritance from ixacTASK (see ixacTASK(4)).

    o handling incoming Setup Files and setup keywords, checking of

      individual keyword (correctness of values) and of the whole keywords

      (completeness and consistency) and forwarding them to the appropriate


    o handling Application Configuration File to configure and set-up

      preferences for Server,

    o handling of instrument modes,

    o handling of states and sub-states, state transitions, as well as state

      alignment according to the sub-systems,

    o handling of sub-system communication: sending synchronous and

      asynchronous commands, synchronization of replies,


This class is the core class for building OS servers.

The OS-es must have a class inheriting this class, and oveloading the functions

to declare their special behavior. There are functions that are designed to be

overloaded (see below).


Note: most of the commands supported by bossSERVER class have a <subSystem>

parameter, which is used to forward the command towards software (i.e

sub-systems) implicated in the control of the instrument. The  structure

of this parameter is similar to a Short-FITS keyword i.e fields delimited by

the character '.', where each field corresponds to the name of one

sub-system. In this way, the <subSystem> parameter is representative of the

sub-system hierarchy of the instrument. The general scheme of the parameter

<subSystem> used by BOSS  is:

    <subSystem 1>.<subSystem 2>.<subSystem 3>....


Thus, when the <subSystem> parameter is specified, the command is sent to

the <subSystem N> which will send the command to the <subSystem N+1>, and so

on. Each time the command is forwarded, the <subSystem> parameter is

modified to suppress the field which corresponds to the name of the

sub-system to which the command is sent. An example of this scheme is

"OS1.ICS", where the command is first sent to 'OS1' sub-system, which will

send it to its 'ICS' sub-system. The command is forwarded in this way:

    1. The command '<command> -subSystem "OS1.ICS" ...' is received.

    2. The command '<command> -subSystem "ICS" ...' is sent to the 'OS1'


    3. Then, the command '<command> ...' is sent by 'OS1' sub-system to the

       'ICS' sub-system.


The identification of a sub-system is based of its name which is returned by

the GetName() method of the bossINTERFACE(4) class.


The HasDestSubSystem() and GetDestSubSystem() can be used to manipulate the

<subSystem> parameter.


Some other command have the parameter -detId which is used to identify detectors.

! Please note that it is not yet developed for super OS. And therefore it is not (yet)

alike to the parameter -subSystem.



bossSERVER(const dbSYMADDRESS dbPoint,

           const char         *version = "No module version set");

virtual ~bossSERVER();



virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT Init(char *dictionary, char *alias, char *instrumentId,

                           char *keyDbMap);

  Performs initialization of the Instrument server, it mainly includes:

    o loading of dictionary and alias table of the server.

    o loading of the Keyword<-->DB map file

    o installation of specific server callbacks

    o configuration of the server (see Configure() method below)

    o install callback to handle state alignment (if required).


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT  bossSERVER:: InitPostProc()

  this function is an empty function designed to be overloaded

  when additional initilaisation of the system is required


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT Configure(char *instrumentId=NULL);

  Loads configuration file and configure instrument server accordingly i.e.

  configures  the sub-system interfaces, loads sub-system dictionaries,

  defines instrument modes, then calls keyword handler and the calls

  AppConfigure() method.

  When no file name is specified, the previous configuration file is



virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT AppConfigure(ctooCONFIG *appConfig);

  This method should be overloaded by the application classes which inherit

  from bossSERVER, so as to perform specific application configuration

  according to the keywords loaded from configuration file and stored in

  ctooCONFIG instance. By default, this method does nothing.


virtual char *GetOsVersion();

  Returns the version number of the Instrument Server.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT SetMaintenanceMode (vltLOGICAL newValue);

  Switches on or off maintenance mode.


virtual vltLOGICAL    IsMaintenanceModeActivated ();

  Returns true (ccsTRUE) if the maintenance mode is set.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT SetAlignState(vltLOGICAL newValue);

virtual vltLOGICAL    IsAlignedState();

  Handles state alignment with sub-system states.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT CheckStates (const char *command);

  Checks if the command can be executed in the current state and sub-state.

  It returns SUCCESS when command is allowed (see table below) and FAILURE

  otherwise. It may be overloaded in a subclass if it is necessary to modify

  command execution checking.



     | Command  | Validity                              |


     | ABORT    | Online                                |

     | ADDFITS  | Online                                |

     | COMMENT  | Online                                |

     | CONT     | Online                                |

     | END      | Online                                |

     | EXIT     | Not in On-line/Observing              |

     | FORWARD  | Always                                |

     | OFF      | Not in On-line/Observing              |

     | ONLINE   | Not in Off                            |

     | PAUSE    | Online                                |

     | PING     | Always                                |

     | SELFTST  | Always                                |

     | SETMODE  | Always                                |

     | SETUP    | Online/Idle                           |

     | STANDBY  | Not in On-line/Observing.             |

     | START    | Online                                |

     | STATE    | Always                                |

     | STATUS   | Online                                |

     | VERBOSE  | Always                                |

     | VERSION  | Always                                |

     | WAIT     | Online                                |



virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT NewExpoId(vltINT32 *expoId);

  Created a new exposure ID. It simply consits by calling the NewExpoId

  method of the bossEXPOSURE instance.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT CheckExpoId (msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 *expoId);

  Retrieves the exposure Id from the command parameter list. If no exposure

  Id has been specified, then it gets the current one. If it is equal to 0, and

  the command is the SETUP command, it sets a new exposure Id, otherwise it gets

  the current one. And then it check if the exposure Id is valid.


  Note that the NewExpoId() and CheckExpoId() methods call the methods

  NewExpoId() and CheckExpoId() of the bossEXPOSURE instance. If the server

  has to support specific features (e.g.  when new

  exposure Id is set) then these methods have to be overloaded.


  virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT CheckExpoStatus(const char *command,

                                        vltINT32 expoId,char * det=NULL);

  Check if the command can be executed according to the exposure status on the

  given detector (if specified), otherwise on the list of detectors specified by

  the exposure with the given 'expoId".

  It returns SUCCESS when command is allowed (see table below) and FAILURE

  otherwise. It may be overloaded in a subclass if it is necessary to modify

  command execution checking.


     | Command  | Valid exposure status                 |



     |          | READING_OUT or PROCESSING or          |

     |          | TRANSFERRING or RUNNING               |

     | CONT     | PAUSED                                |

     | END      | Same as ABORT                         |

     | PAUSE    | Same as ABORT (except PAUSED)         |


     |          | FAILURE or ABORTED or FINISHED        |


 In case of a list of detectors function return success when cmd can be

 executed on all the detectors.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT  AbortCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Callback to handle ABORT command.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT AddFitsCB (msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Callback to handle ADDFITS command.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT CommentCB (msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Callback to handle COMMENT command.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT  ContCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Callback to handle CONT command (see also ExpoCtrlCmdProc).


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT  EndCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Callback to handle END command (see also ExpoCtrlCmdProc)


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT  ExitCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Callback which is executed whenever the EXIT command is received.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT ForwardCB (msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Callback to handle FORWARD command.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT  OffCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Callback to handle OFF command.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT  OnlineCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Sets the state of the local task or of the specified subsystem to ONLINE.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT PauseCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *);

  Callback to handle PAUSE command (see also ExpoCtrlCmdProc)


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT SelftstCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Callback to handle SELFTST command.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT SetModeCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *);

  This function handles the access mode to all or specified sub-system

  and the maintenance mode.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT SetupCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Callback to handle SETUP command.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT StandbyCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Callback to handle STANDBY command.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT StartCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *);

  Callback to handle START command (see also bossExpoCtrlCmdProc(4))


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT StateCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Returns the current value of the state or sub-state of the local task or

  of the specified sub-system.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT StatusCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *);

  Callback to handle STATUS command.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT TestCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Callback to handle TEST command.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT WaitCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Callback to handle WAIT command.

virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT VersionCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Callback to handle WAIT command.

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT ContPreProc    (msgMESSAGE &msg,  vltINT32 expoId,

                                      void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT EndPreProc     (msgMESSAGE &msg,  vltINT32 expoId,

                                      void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT OffPreProc     (msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT OnlinePreProc  (msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT PausePreProc   (msgMESSAGE &msg,  vltINT32 expoId,

                                      void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT SelftstPreProc (msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT StandbyPreProc (msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT StartPreProc   (msgMESSAGE &msg,  vltINT32 expoId,

                                      void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT TestPreProc    (msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Pre-processing functions. Implementation of all methods are dummies to be

  overloaded by an bossSERVER subclass.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT ExpoCtrlCmdProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *);

  Handles commands which control execution of exposure i.e. START/END and

  PAUSE/CONT commands.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT StateCtrlCmdProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *);

  Handles commands which control state transitions i.e. OFF, STANDBY and

  ONLINE commands.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT TestCtrlCmdProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *);

  Handles commands which control test of the instrument functions i.e. TEST

  and SELFTST commands.


virtual vltLOGICAL HasDestSubSystem(ixacCMD_PARAM &cmd);

  Returns true (ccsTRUE) if a destination sub-system (i.e. '-subSystem'

  parameter) is specified.


virtual COMPL_STAT GetDestSubSystem(ixacCMD_PARAM &cmd,

                                    bossINTERFACE **subSystemPtr,

                                    vltLOGICAL    &lastDestProc);

  Retrieves the name of the destination sub-system ('-subSystem' command

  parameter), find it into the sub-system list and if found, suppresses the

  field which corresponds to its name from the command parameter.

  The 'lastDestProc' is set to true if the destination process is the last

  (see above sub-sytem naming scheme).


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT ExpoCtrlSyncReplyCB(msgMESSAGE &, void*);

  Callback to be executed when replies for the command sent by

  ExpoCtrlCmdProc() are received.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT SetupSyncReplyCB(msgMESSAGE &, void*);

  Callback to be executed when replies for the command sent by

  SetupCB() are received.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT StateCtrlSyncReplyCB(msgMESSAGE &, void*);

  Callback to be executed when replies for the command sent by

  StateCtrlCmdProc() are received.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT TestSyncReplyCB(msgMESSAGE &, void*);

  Callback to be executed when replies for the command sent by

  TestCtrlCmdProc() are received.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT SetLogLevelCB    (oslxKEYWORD &keyword, void *);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT SetVerboseLevelCB(oslxKEYWORD &keyword, void *);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT SetActionLevelCB (oslxKEYWORD &keyword, void *);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT SetTimerLevelCB  (oslxKEYWORD &keyword, void *);

  Function triggers used to handle keyword events to set logging levels for

  the different type of logs (standard, verbose, action and timer).


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT ExpoStatusEvtCB(evtEVENT_MSG &msg, void *);

  Handles the event messages sent when the database attributes, where the

  exposure status are stored, change.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT StateEvtCB(evtEVENT_MSG &msg, void *);

  Handles the event messages sent when the database attributes, where the

  sub-system states are stored, change.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT ExpoStatusEvtPreProc(evtEVENT_MSG &msg,

                                           vltINT32 expoId,

                                           void *userData);

  Pre-processing functions for DB events. Implementation of all methods are

  dummies to be overloaded by an bossSERVER subclass.



virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT ArchiveImage(vltINT32 expoId);

  Send image to the archiver process.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT AddSubSystem (bossINTERFACE *subSystemPtr);

  Adds the specified sub-system to the list of sub-systems which are under

  control of Instrument Server.


virtual bossINTERFACE_LIST *GetSubSystemList();

  Gets pointer to the list of 'slave' sub-systems.

virtual  ccsCOMPL_STAT  GetAndDeleteParameterDetId(msgMESSAGE &msg, char * detId )

  declares in the given message 'msg' the parameter 'detId' if ts is exists

  and removes it from the message.


virtual void SetOsName(char * osname);

virtual char * GetOsName();

  Sets/gets the name of the specific OS application.



virtual AllowSetupWhileExpRunning(vltLOGICAL isAllowed)

  Set a flag to allow setup commands while exposure is running.

  Best to be placed in the constructor of the overloaded bossSERVER class.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT ParseAppOptions(vltINT32 argc, vltINT8 *argv[],

                                      vltINT32 *optind);

  Parses the XXXX_OS Observation Software command-line options.


ccsCOMPL_STAT RunFunctionOnDetectors(char * detectors, vltINT32 expoId,void *info,

                                    ccsCOMPL_STAT (* func) (vltINT32,char*,void*,


 Runs static function 'func' on all the detectors given by the list of 'detectors'.

 The parameter 'detectors' must contain the name of the detectors as comma separated list.

 Paremeters expoId and info are passed to the function 'func'.

 Note: Adding errors to stack (last param in func) is not yet solved, use WarningLog

       (instead of errAdd.)



virtual void SendReply(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltLOGICAL lastReply = ccsTRUE);

  Send reply to the calling process.



oslxALIAS          *aliasPtr;

  Pointer to the alias table object


oslxDICTIONARY     *dictionaryPtr;

  Pointer to the dictionary object


ctooCONFIG     *appConfigPtr;

  Pointer to the application configuration object


bossINS_MODES      *insModesPtr;

  Pointer to the instrument modes object


bossEXPOSURE       *exposurePtr;

  Pointer to the exposure control object


oslxSETUP          *setupPtr;

  Pointer to the setup object


ibacTIMER_LOGS     timerLog;

  Pointer to the timer log instance


ixacKEY_DB_MAP     keyDbMap;

  Pointer to the keyword<->DB map instance


ixacKEYW_HANDLER   *keywHandlerPtr;

  Pointer to the keyword trigger instance


bossINTERFACE_LIST subSystemList;

  List of 'slave' sub-systems which are under control of Instrument Server



slxFILENAME        insConId_;

  Instrument ID.

  The configuration file is identified by the instrument ID.

  The instrument ID is set in the configuration file by the

  keyword INS.CON.ID, e.g.: INS.CON.ID             "XXXX";

  (for more info see document on ctoo, ctooCONFIG)


dbSYMADDRESS       dbRef;

  Database root point used by the Instrument Server.


const char         *version;

  Version of the server.



The following database branch is necessary to the instance of bossSERVER:



BEGIN                                 //

    ATTRIBUTE logical  maintenance  0 // Maintenance mode (0=OFF, 1=ON)

    ATTRIBUTE logical  alignedState 1 // State aligned with subsystem states

                                      // (0=FALSE, 1=TRUE)

    ATTRIBUTE bossINS_MODES insModes

END                                   //



Following commands are handled by this class:





   bossExitCB(4), bossAbortCB(4), bossAddFitsCB(4), bossCommentCB(4),

   bossContCB(4), bossEndCB(4), bossPauseCB(4), bossStartCB(4),

   bossExpoCtrlCmdProc(4), bossExpoCtrlSyncReplyCB(4), bossSetLogLevelCB(4),

   bossSetVerboseLevelCB(4), bossSetActionLevelCB(4),

   bossSetTimerLevelCB(4), bossSetModeCB(4),

   bossSetupCB(4), bossSetupSyncReplyCB(4),


   bossIsAlignedState(4), bossStateEvtCB(4), bossStateCB(4), bossOffCB(4),

   bossStandbyCB(4), bossOnlineCB(4), bossStateCtrlCmdProc(4),

   bossStatusCB(4), bossTestCB(4), bossSelftstCB(4),

   bossTestCtrlCmdProc(4), bossTestCtrlSyncReplyCB(4)





### generated by docDeroff ###



14.3    Manpage of bossAbortCB, bossStartCB, bossPauseCB…





bossAbortCB, bossContCB, bossEndCB, bossPauseCB, bossStartCB,

bossContPreProc, bossEndPreProc, bossPausePreProc, bossStartPreProc,

bossExpoCtrlCmdProc, bossExpoCtrlSyncReplyCB, bossExpStart, bossExpEnd,

bossExpoStatusEvtCB, bossNewDataFileEvtCB, bossExpoStatusEvtPreProc,

bossNewDataFileEvtPreProc - functions for handling the exposure control




evhCB_COMPL_STAT AbortCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

evhCB_COMPL_STAT ContCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

evhCB_COMPL_STAT EndCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

evhCB_COMPL_STAT PauseCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

evhCB_COMPL_STAT StartCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

ccsCOMPL_STAT    ContPreProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltIN32 expoId,

                             void *userData);

ccsCOMPL_STAT    EndPreProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltIN32 expoId,

                            void *userData);

ccsCOMPL_STAT    PausePreProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltIN32 expoId,

                              void *userData);

ccsCOMPL_STAT    StartPreProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltIN32 expoId,

                              void *userData);

ccsCOMPL_STAT    ExpoCtrlCmdProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltIN32 expoId,

                                 void *userData);

ccsCOMPL_STAT    AbortPostProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId,

                               void *userData);

ccsCOMPL_STAT    ContPostProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId,

                              void *userData);

ccsCOMPL_STAT    EndPostProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId,

                             void *userData);

ccsCOMPL_STAT    PausePostProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId,

                               void *userData);

ccsCOMPL_STAT    StartPostProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId,

                               void *userData);


ccsCOMPL_STAT    ExpStart(const char *filename, vltINT32 expoId);

ccsCOMPL_STAT    ExpEnd(char* filename, vltINT32 expoId,char* detId);

evhCB_COMPL_STAT ExpoStatusEvtCB(evtEVENT_MSG &msg, void *);

evhCB_COMPL_STAT NewDataFileEvtCB(evtEVENT_MSG &msg, void *);

ccsCOMPL_STAT    ExpoStatusEvtPreProc(evtEVENT_MSG &msg,

                                      vltINT32 expoId,

                                      void *userData);

ccsCOMPL_STAT    NewDataFileEvtPreProc(evtEVENT_MSG &msg,

                                       vltINT32 expoId,

                                       void *userData);

ccsCOMPL_STAT   UpdateObsStatus();

vltUINT32       GetObsStatus();

ccsCOMPL_STAT   UpdateSubState(vltUINT32 obsStatus);



These functions handle commands which control execution of exposure i.e.

START/END, PAUSE/CONT and ABORT commands. By default, the command is

forwarded to the DCS sub-systems on the subsystemlist. The subsystemlist

for a given exposure is specified by the mode (see INS.MODE keyword).

When expoId is not specified, as default the latest expoId is applied.

Detector can be spacified by the detId parameter.


The following options are supported:

    -expoId <expoId>        specify the exposure id.

    -detId  <detId>         name of detector as specified in the configuration

    -at <time>              specify the time when the exposure must be

                            started, suspended or resumed (default is now).

                            This option is not relevant for END and ABORT

                            commands. The time format is (ISO8601):

                            [[CC]YY[-]MM[-]DD[T| ]]HH[:]MM[[:]SS[.TTT]]

                            Note: this parameter is handled by 'DCS' sub-system(s).


Callbacks for handling commands check command execution according

the current state before calling pre-processing method, and then

ExpoCtrlCmdProc() method.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT StartCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Callback for command START.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT PauseCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT ContCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Callbacks for command PAUSE and CONT.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT AbortCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Callback for handling ABORT command, which aborts the current exposition

  immediately. It sends ABORT command to all DCS sub-systems or only to the

  specified one and waits replies before forwording reply to the calling

  process. During ABORT STOP command is sent to ICS-es.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT EndCB(msgMESSAGE &msg, void *userData);

  Safely finish the exposure. Image file is completed as normally.

  When sent to a looping CCD, boss replaces the END command with STOP command.

  At SOS level the detector can be specified hierachically, e.g:


  Reply from wait command arrives immediatly after reply from detector has arrived.

  Send a WAIT command after END command to make sure that the exposure is finished

  before the next one is started.

  END command sent to an 'inactive exposure' - i.e. to an exposure that has been

  setup but has not yet been started - would result in cancelling the exposure.

  After cancellation the exposure cease to exist. Therefore exposure is no longer valid,

  i.e. cannot be started, setup.



virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT ContPreProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId,

                                  void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT EndPreProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId,

                                 void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT PausePreProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId,

                                   void *userData);

  Pre-processing functions. Implementation of all methods are dummies to be

  overloaded by an bossSERVER subclass.


irtual ccsCOMPL_STAT  StartPreProcMain(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId,

                                   void *userData);

irtual ccsCOMPL_STAT  StartPreProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId,

                                   void *userData);

irtual ccsCOMPL_STAT  StartPreProcSpecial(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId,

                                   void *userData);

 These functions are called during the execution of the StartCB. StartPreProcMain

 calles function StartPreProc when imagefile is to be saved. When there is no imagefile

 is to be saved the function StartPreProcSpecial is called.

 The StartPreProc function -as default- takes care of the expstart process

 (i.e. sends the EXPSTART function to ICS(-es) and calls the appropriate function of

 the TCS/VLTI  as well.) When the users are overloading this function they must take

 into account its original implementation. See document VLT-MAN-ESO-17240-2265.

 The function StartPreProcSpecial() is an empty function to be overloaded by the users

 when required.

 When there is a special mode when neither ICS nor TCS declared on the subsystemlist

 users are suggested to overload the function StartPreProcMain().


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT ExpoCtrlCmdProc(msgMESSAGE &msg, vltINT32 expoId,

                                      void *userData);

  Handles commands which control execution of exposure i.e. START/END and

  PAUSE/CONT commands. It consists to check exposure id and to send

  command to the OS and DCS sub-systems involved in the control of the

  exposure identified by expoId. Them it sends a reply to the calling

  process according to the execution command status.


The following functions are used to inform sub-system about status of

exposure and to generate an ASCII file with the FITS header keyword. In

general, the ExpStart() has to be called in the pre-processing function of

the START command, and the ExpStart() by the callback attached the exposure

status DB attribute.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT ExpStart(const char *filename, vltINT32 expoId);

  Inform sub-system that an exposure is about to start by calling ExpStart()

  of the bossINTERFACE class (which has to be overloaded by each subclass)

  and prepares FITS header. The FITS header file will be created in

  directory $INS_ROOT/$INS_USER/DETDATA by ExpEnd() method. If it already

  exists it is previously deleted.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT ExpoStatusEvtCB(evtEVENT_MSG &msg, void *);

  Handles the event messages sent when the database attributes, where the

  exposure status are stored, change.


virtual evhCB_COMPL_STAT NewDataFileEvtCB(evtEVENT_MSG &msg, void *);

  Handles the event messages sent when the database attributes, where the

  new data file name are stored, change.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT ExpoStatusEvtPreProc(evtEVENT_MSG &msg,

                                           vltINT32 expoId,

                                           void *userData);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT NewDataFileEvtPreProc(evtEVENT_MSG &msg,

                                            vltINT32 expoId,

                                            void *userData);

  Pre-processing functions for DB events. Implementation of all methods are

  dummies to be overloaded by an bossSERVER subclass.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT ArchiveImage(vltINT32 expoId)

  Send ARCHIVE commad to the archiver process, informing which

  data are to be merged. A stand alone OS (that is not controlled by SOS)

  automatically archives the image (i.e. inform VOLAC).

  In case of SOS always the top level OS merges the data as default.



virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT AddTelescopKwToFitsHdr(bossINTERFACE_DCS * dcsSubSystemPtr)

  Support function to add TELESCOPE keyword to the fitsheader of the imagefile

  created by the given DCS (i.e. by argument dcsSubSystemPtr) when TCS is ignored.

  The TELESCOP keyword is normally added by the TCS subsystem when

  it is not ignored. In  case  the TCS subsystem is ignored or not

  available but given on the subsystemlist of a selected mode,

  the TELESCOPE keyword still has to be included in the fitsheader.

  The value of the TELESCOP kewyord is set according to the configuration

  keyword OCS.TEL.ID. This function takes care of this.




 ccsCOMPL_STAT AddExpstartFlag(vltINT32 expoId,char * flag);

 ccsCOMPL_STAT DeleteExpstartFlag(vltINT32 expoId,char * flag);

 void          AuxImageDataPrepared(vltINT32 expoId);

hese functions help to control the actions for Short exposure.









### generated by docDeroff ###





14.4    Manpage of bossEXPOSURE class






bossEXPOSURE - class for handling an exposure



#include "bossEXPOSURE.h"


bossEXPOSURE newExposure;






The bossEXPOSURE provides methods to handle either single exposure or parallel

exposures. An exposure is identified by a positive integer number (i.e expoId).


The exposures are stored in a table in the database at the following location:




where <alias>xxo is the base point of the instrument OS and

xx is the two letter instrument code


An exposure is characterised by the following items:

expoId:       identification number

mode:         instrument mode associated with the exposure

              the instrument mode is set by INS.MODE keyword in the setup.

              The instruments mode are declared in the configuration file.

subsystems:   subsystems taking part in the exposure

              declared by instrument mode (INS.MODE) in the first setup

              (in configuration file kw OCS.MODEi.SUSBSYST specifies the subsystems

               belonging to the given mode)

inspath:      instrument path given by the INS.PATH keyword or as part of the

              selected instrument mode

detector:     detector subsystem with which the exposure is taken

              from the given subsystemlist it is automatically declared

filename:     the name of file where the image is saved. Given by the OCS.DETi.IMGNAME

              keyword. Note if sequence naming is selected the given filname is extended

              by a 4 digit number starting with 0000, e.g. myfile_0000.fits

status:       the status of the exposure. e.g. inactiv, integrating, finished, aborted,..


The bossEXPOSURE class is a member class of the bossSERVER class and

initialised in the constructor function of the bossSERVER.




bossEXPOSURE(const dbSYMADDRESS dbPoint);

virtual ~bossEXPOSURE();

  Constructor & Destructor.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT SetExpoType(char *expoType);

virtual char          *GetExpoType();

  Get/Set exposure type. See DICB for currently supported types.

  The given parameter (expoType) is saved into the private variable of the class

  and also written into the databasepoint <dbPoint>.expotype

  Where dbPoint is the  root point for the exposure.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT SetExpoCategory(char *expoCategory);

virtual char          *GetExpoCategory();

  Get/Set exposure category. See DICB for currently supported categories.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT SetExpoTechnique(char *expoTechnique);

virtual char          *GetExpoTechnique();

  Get/Set exposure technique. See DICB for currently supported technique.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT GetDetector( const char *dbAttr,char * detector);

  Declares the name of the detector associated with the expostatus or newdata

  database point 'dbAttr' given as argument.

  Memory for detector must be allocated by the user.

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT GetDetector(vltINT32 expoId,char* detector);

  Declares the detector of the given exposure identified by its expoId.

  The data is retrieved from the exposure table, threfore it is advised

  to check for error. Memory for detector must be allocated by the user.


ccsCOMPL_STAT GetFileName(vltINT32 expoId,char *filename)

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT GetInsMode(vltINT32 expoId,char * insmode );

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT GetInsPath(vltINT32 expoId,char* path);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT GetExpstartFlag(vltINT32 expoId,char *expstrt);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT GetExposureStatus(vltINT32 expoId,char *status );

  These function retrieve information about the exposure identified by

  its expoId. The data is read from the database table.

  Memory for the second argument must be allocated by the user.



ltLOGICAL bossEXPOSURE::IsDefined (int expoId)

ltLOGICAL bossEXPOSURE::IsDefined (char* expoIdString)

   Returns true if exposure with given expoid has been already setup

   and  therefore declared in the exposure table.


ltINT32 bossEXPOSURE::NoExposures()

  Returns the number of exposures in the exposure table.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT GetLastExpoId(vltINT32 *expoId);

  Retrieves the exposure the last expoId


virtual char          *GetExpoIdStr(vltINT32 expoId=0);

  Return the current exposure ID as a string.



virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT CheckExpoId(vltINT32 expoId);

  Returns SUCCESS if the exposure with the given expoId has been defined.

  Same as function IsDefined(vltINT32 expoId);


virtual char *ExpoStatus2Str(vltUINT32 expoStatus);

  Returns the exposure status given as argument in the format of a string.



 virtual vltUINT32 bossEXPOSURE::GetGlobalExpoStatus()

      Get the global exposure status  as declared by the UpdateObsStatus().

      It reads the status from the databasepoint <alias>xxo:exposure.expStatus




ALthough the functiona below are public they are intended for private use inside

the boss module. OS-es calling these functions must be very careful not to break

down the internal behavior of boss.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT NewExpoId(vltINT32 expoId = 0);

  Set new exposure ID. It is the number which characterises the setup which

  leads to the exposure. If the specified 'expoId' is null, then the

  the exposure ID is set to the last exposure ID increased by 1.


virtual void          SetLastExpoId(vltINT32 expoId);

  Sets the expoId;

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT GetIdOfTheLastExposureInTbl(vltINT32 *lastExpoId);

   Declarres the laste exposure in the database table.


virtual ctocsCOMPL_STAT bossEXPOSURE::AddExposure (int expoId,       char *mode,

                                     char *subsystems, char *inspath,

                                     char *detector,   char * filename,

                                     char *state,      char *expstrt)

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT bossEXPOSURE::DeleteExposure (int expoId)

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT bossEXPOSURE::DeleteExposure (char * expoIdString)

   Functions to add/remove exposures to/from the exposure tables.

   Exposures are added automatically to the exposure tables during the setup.

   Exposures are removed from table when there is a setup fails, except

   when setup is sent to a running exposure.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT DeclareDetectors(char *subSystems, char * detectors);

   Selects the detecto subsystems from among the subSystems.

   'subSystems' and 'detectors' are comma separated list of the subsystems.

   Memory must be allocated by the user for argument 'detectors'.


irtual ccsCOMPL_STAT CopyLastExposure(vltINT32 expoId);

  During the repetition of an exposure, (i.e. when a new setup has no -function

  or -file parameter) the last exposure in the table is simply copied over.

  No setup is sent to the subsystems. (See bossSetupCB)


csCOMPL_STAT bossEXPOSURE::CancelInactivExposures()

  When END command is sent to an exposure that has not yet been

  started but has been setup, the exposure will be cancelled, i.e. the status

  of it will be set to 'CANCELLED'. (See bossExpoCtrl)


irtual ccsCOMPL_STAT bossEXPOSURE::RefreshTable()

  Removes old finished/failed/aborted exposures from the exposure table.

  Leaving always the last 10 exposures in the table.

  The remaining exposures are moved to the the top of the table.

  This function is called after every 20-th exposures.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT bossEXPOSURE::CleanTable()

  clears the exposure table. This function is called at the startup of OS.

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT SetObsStatus();


  Sets the observation status, i.e. the global status of all exposures. The

  observation status is  updated by the server automatically (when exposure

  status of the detectors change)


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT UpdateObsStatus();

  Update the observation status according to the status of all active

  exposures (see EnableExposure() and DisableExposure() methods of DCS

  subsystem interfaces).


  Observation status is calculated as follows:

      inscEXP_INACTIVE when all exposures are still idle

      bossEXP_RUNNING  when there is at least one exposure that is running

      bossEXP_FINISHED when all exposure has been finished

      bossEXP_ABORTED  when one of the exposure has been aborted (and there

                       is no other running exposure)





  Root database point


eccsDB_TABLE<bossEXPOSURE_TABLE_ENTRY> * exposureTbl;

 pointer to the exposure table.


dbSYMADDRESS expoGlobalStatusDbAttr;

  Db attr. where exposure status stored.


bossINTERFACE_LIST *subSystemListPtr;

 pointer to the list of subsystem interfaces declared by bossSERVER.


vltINT32     lastExpoId_;


vltBYTES256  expoType_;

  Exposure type



The information about the exposures are stored under <alias>xxo:exposure.

Here the '.currExposureTbl' contains information about the current and the last

upto 10-20 exposures. In the table the expoId,instrument mode,subsystems,inspath,

detector,filename,exposure status and the expstart flag

(indicating if process is in action) or not.




 ATTRIBUTE BYTES256           expoCatg   // Exposure category

 ATTRIBUTE BYTES256           expoType   // Exposure type

 ATTRIBUTE BYTES256           expoTech   // Exposure technique

 // Exposure status. This attribute can be used by OS to maintain an 'global'

 // exposure status according to the status of each invidual exposure.

 ATTRIBUTE UINT32             expStatus  inscEXP_UNDEFINED


 ATTRIBUTE Table currExposureTbl(60,

             BYTES64   expoId,    // expoid in a format of string 'expo-xx'

             BYTES64  mode,       // Mode name

             BYTES256 subsystems, // List of the subsystems

             BYTES64  inspath,    // ins Path

             BYTES64  detector,   // detector of the exposure

             BYTES64  filename,   // inspath

             BYTES64  state,      // state of the exposure taken by the given detector

             BYTES64  expstrt     // flag showing the whether the expstrt has finished





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14.5    Manpage of bossINSMODE class






bossINS_MODES - provides tools for handling instrument modes



#include "bossINS_MODES.h"



public fndOBJECT, eccsERROR_CLASS


bossINS_MODES insModes (dbPoint, dictionary, aliasTable);



The bossINS_MODES class contains data members and methods to handle

instrument modes. An instrument mode is defined by a Name and a Setup

parameters. The setup parameter string can include Setup Files and/or

keywords as '-file <file1> [<file2> ...] -function <keyword1> <value1>

[<keyword2> <value2> ...]'.


The class can be used to define instrument mode and to complete keyword list

for the SETUP command when an instrument mode is requested. The name of the

current instrument mode is stored into the database (see DATABASE below).

The method CheckInsMode() can be used to supervise the keywords defining the

current instrument mode.


The Dictionary associated with the object as a reference, is used during

definition to check the consistency of setup parameters associated to the

instrument modes.


An Alias Conversion Table can also be associated with the object as a

reference to an external instance of the oslxALIAS class.



**** Constructor/Destructor Methods ****


bossINS_MODES(const dbSYMADDRESS dbPoint,

               oslxDICTIONARY *dictionary = NULL,

               oslxALIAS      *alias      = NULL);

  The constructor receives as a parameter the symbolic address of the

  online database support point for the object, i.e. the point

  where the object can find instrument modes definition table.

  The constructor method associates optionally a dictionary to the object

  and an Alias Conversion Table.


virtual ~bossINS_MODES()


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT Configure(oslxSHORT_FITS &appConfig,

                                vltLOGICAL update = ccsTRUE);

  Configures the instrument modes according to the application configuration

  keywords (see ESO-VLT-DIC.OSB dictionary).

  An instrument mode is defined by a NAME, a SETUP ( SHORT-FITS keywords),

  a subsystemlist, and instrument path.  The keyword 'OCS.MODEi.NAME' defines the

  name of the instrument mode. The keyword 'OCS.MODEi.SETUP'  defines the

  associated setup parameters. Setup parameters are checked according to the dictionary

  and the alias conversion table.The keyword OCS.MODEi.SUBSYST declares the list of

  subsystems that take place in the given mode.  The keyword OCS.MODEi.PATH declares

  the path for the instrument. The instrument modes are stored in the

  database table.

  If <update> is FALSE, the database table is first cleaned, i.e. all

  instrument modes are cleared.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT SetInsModeKeyword (const slxKEYW_LINE keyword);

  Sets SHORT-FITS keyword which define the instrument mode in the SETUP



virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT HandleInsMode (oslxSETUP &setup, char *insModeName);

  Adds setup keywords corresponding to the instrument mode possibly

  specified in the SETUP command via the SHORT-FITS keyword defined by

  SetInsModeKeyword(). If an instrument mode is specified, the setup

  keywords are added to the current keyword list of the setup object, and

  the database attribute 'insModes' (see below) is udapted accordingly.

  The second argument gives back the retrieved insModeName.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT CheckInsMode (oslxSETUP &setup);

  Check if the new setup will influence the current instrument mode, if yes

  the instrument mode status in the database is set to "Undefined".


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT ResetCurrInsMode();

  Resets the current instrument mode, i.e set to "Undefined".



virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT AddMode (char *modeName, char *setupParams,

                               vltLOGICAL update);

  Stores the instrument mode in database table. If <update> is TRUE, the

  specified instrument mode is updated with new values, or added in the

  database table if not previously defined. If <update> is FALSE, this

  method checks if the instrument mode is already defined, and if yes the

  request is rejected.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT CleanTable();

  Cleans the database table where the instrument modes are defined.


virtual vltLOGICAL IsDefined(char *modeName);

  Returns true (ccsTRUE) if the instrument mode is defined in database.


virtual vltINT32 NoInsModes();

  Returns the number of defined instrument modes.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT GetSetupParams (char *modeName, char *setupParams);

  Retrieves from database table the setup parameters of the selected

  instrument mode. The instrument mode name is checked for validity (i.e.

  if the mode is defined in the database table). If no valid mode is found,

  it returns an error. If the mode is found, it returns the setup string

  stored in the database.

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT GetSubsystems(char *modeName, char *subsystems);

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT GetInsPath(char *modeName, char *inspath);


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT NewMode (char *modeName, oslxSETUP &setup);

  Adds the setup keywords corresponding to the selected instrument mode.

  These setup keywords are added to the current keywords list of the 'setup'



virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT DbWriteInsModeName(char *modeName);

  Write the new mode name into the database.


void InsModeSet(vltLOGICAL isset);

vltLOGICAL InsModeSet();

Set or return wether insmode is set already. By default insmodeset is set to FALSE

at startup or when setup has failed or when global state has changed.



dbSYMADDRESS          dbRef;


oslxDICTIONARY        *dictionary;

oslxALIAS             *alias;

  Pointers to the dictionary and alias table


eccsDB_TABLE<bossMODES_TABLE_ENTRY> *insModesTbl;

  Instrument modes definition database table.


oslxKEYW_FILTER       insModeKeywFilter;

  Filter to extract Instrument Mode Keyword from setup keywords.



The following database branch is necessary to the instance of




BEGIN                                         //

    ATTRIBUTE  BYTES32   insMode ""           // Current instrument mode

    ATTRIBUTE Table insModesTbl


                      BYTES32  name,          // Mode name

                      BYTES256 setupParams)   // Setup paramaters

END                                           //



oslxSETUP(3), ixacAPP_CONFIG(4)





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14.6    Manpage of bossINTERFACE_DCS






bossINTERFACE_DCS - dedicated interface class to DCS sub-system



#include "bossINTERFACE_DCS.h"


bossINTERFACE_DCS myInterface (dbPoint, 1);






The bossINTERFACE_DCS is dedicated interface to DCS. It inherits the basic

comunication (and syncronization) facilities provided by bossINTERFACE, but

enhances it with specific features needed by DCS such as:



bossINTERFACE_DCS(const dbSYMADDRESS dbPoint, char * srvId)

  Constructor. It set the subsytem category to bossDCS_SUBSYS (see

  SetCategory() method). See also bossINTERFACE(4).


virtual ~bossINTERFACE_DCS()



sCOMPL_STAT SetDbAddressStatus(char* dbAddressStatus)

ets the database attribute where the exposure status flag is stored.


virtual vltUINT32 GetExpoStatus();

  Returns exposure status read from the database (see function


  If no database attribute has been set or if an error occurs

  during the database reading then inscEXP_UNDEFINED is returned.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT SetExpoStatusEvtCB(evhHANDLER *evhHandler,

                                         evhOBJ_CALLBACK &callback);

  Sets callback to handle status changes of expousre. The callback is

  attached to the status database attribute (See SetDbAddressStatus()

  method) of the exposure.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT DisableExpoStatusEvt();

  Deactivates the sending of event messages on exposure status changes.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT EnableExpoStatusEvt();

Enables the sending of event messages, previously disabled.



virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT SetDbAddressFileName(char *dbAttr);

  Sets the database attribute where the new data file is stored. This

  attributes is updated by DCS to inform about availability of a new data



virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT SetNewDataFileNameEvtCB(evhHANDLER *evhHandler,

                                              evhOBJ_CALLBACK &callback);

  Sets callback to handle the new data file change. The callback is

  attached to the new data database attribute (See

  SetNewDataFileNameDbAttr() method) of the exposure.


irtual ccsCOMPL_STAT DisableNewDataFileNameEvt();

  Deactivates the sending of event messages on new data file changes.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT EnableNewDataFileNameEvt();

  Enables the sending of event messages, previously disabled.


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT EnableExposure();

virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT DisableExposure();

  Enable(Disable) the exposure. This consists to enable(disable) the

  exposure and new data file events, and to update the exposure control

  state. When an exposure has been enabled, its status is take into account

  when observation status is updated (see UpdateObsStatus()).


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT IsActive();

  Return true if the exposure is active (see EnableExposure() and

  DisableExposure() methods).


vltLOGICAL    ImageFileExits(char *fileName);

  Return true if the image file already exits in the directory

  $INS_ROOT/$INS_USER/DETDATA, and false otherwise.*


virtual ccsCOMPL_STAT StoreNewDataFileName(const char *fileName);

virtual vltINT32      NoOfNewDataFileName();

virtual char          *GetNewDataFileName(vltINT32 fileNo);

Methods to handled list of data file produced during an exposure. This

list is reset by ResetData() method.


ccsCOMPL_STAT  bossINTERFACE_DCS::SetNextFileName(vltLOGICAL checkFile)

ccsCOMPL_STAT  bossINTERFACE_DCS::ClearFileName()

vltINT32       bossINTERFACE_DCS::GetNamingType()

ccsCOMPL_STAT  bossINTERFACE_DCS::SetNamingType(vltINT32 namingType)

ccsCOMPL_STAT  bossINTERFACE_DCS::SetReqFileName(char *newFileName)

ccsCOMPL_STAT  bossINTERFACE_DCS::SetSeqBaseName(const char *baseName)

ccsCOMPL_STAT  bossINTERFACE_DCS::SetSeqIndex(vltUINT32 seqIndex)

vltUINT32      bossINTERFACE_DCS::GetSeqIndex()

ccsCOMPL_STAT  bossINTERFACE_DCS::SetNextSeqName()

char *         bossINTERFACE_DCS::GetFullFileName()

char *         bossINTERFACE_DCS :: GetSimpleFileName(const char* completeName,char* fname)

These functions support the filenaming according to the selected type

("Request-Naming" or "Sequence-Naming") in the SETUP.

If filenaming is not set by the keyword OCS.DETi.NAMING the default setting is

"Sequence-Naming". When "Sequence-Naming" is applied,

the filename is supplemented with 4 digits. When filename with the given basename

does not yet exist the first file will be named as <basename>_0000.fits .






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14.7    Manpage of bossINTERFACE_CCD 




bossINTERFACE_CCD - dedicated interface class to CCD sub-system



#include "bossINTERFACE_CCD.h"


bossINTERFACE_CCD myInterface (dbPoint, 1);






The bossINTERFACE_CCD is dedicated interface for CCD-s. It inherits the basic

comunication (and syncronization) facilities provided by bossINTERFACE, but

enhances it with specific features needed by TCCD and FIERA.


This special feature is to couple the local expoId of the CCD and OS ExpoId.

(as CCD set its own expoId-s). Note that the CCD does not just have a

local expoId (which only created at START ), but also a 'refId' with values:

      0   for currentnly running exposure,

     -1   for not yet running next exposure

which has to be used in the SETUP commands.

Some commands use expoId while others refId and there are command for which

no expoId or refId can be given. (All these are taken cared of by this interface.)




bossINTERFACE_CCD(const dbSYMADDRESS dbPoint, char * srvId)

  Constructor. It set the subsytem category to bossCCD_SUBSYS (see

  SetCategory() method). See also bossINTERFACE(4).





SetupError(msgMESSAGE &msg)

  When there is error reply received from the CCD this function has to be called

  to clean up the previous settings wwhen necessary.


subsMsgModify (const msgCMD command, msgMESSAGE &msg)

  Modify the the expoId of the given message according to the command sent.

  (It is called before the the message has been sent)


subsMsgProcess(const msgCMD command)

  Action  carried out after reply from the subsystem arrived.

  (Sets the local expoId of the CCD when START command returns its value.)


ccsCOMPL_STAT SetCcdName(char *ccdname);

char * GetCcdName();

Sets/gets ccdName as declared in the configuration file.



deleteExpoId (const msgCMD command,   msgMESSAGE &msg)


modifyExpoId (const msgCMD command, msgMESSAGE &msg)





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14.8   Manpage of bossArchiver 




bossArchiver - server process used for merging and sending data to archive



bossArchiver  <InsName>

bossArchiver  [-n <procName>] [-l level] [-v <level>] [-h]

              [-dbAction <dbPoint>] [-dbRoot <dbPoint>]

              [-a <level>] [-version] [-noDate] [-noFileLine] [-noExit]



The program creates and initialise a simple instance of the bossARCHIVER class,

which is responsible for merging the partial header files together

with the imagefile. (See bossARCHIVER(4) manual for more details).


The recommended way to start up the so called 'Archiver' process is:

  % bossArchiver <InsName>

where <InsName> is the name of the instrument as specified by the

keyword INS.CON.ID in the configuration file. <InsName> always has to be specified.

The name of the process created is: bossArchiver_<pr>o

where <pr> is the two letter instrument id as specified by the keyword

INS.CON.PREFIX  in the configuration file.


The other way of starting up the 'Archiver process' is kept for back

compatibility and debug resons. This is described below:

The process name (with wich the process is registered to the message system)

can be specified by the command line option:   -n procName

This name will have to be used to send  messages to instead of the executable's name.

When the database root point for action log is set (command line option

-dbAction), the archiver process reports its current activities in the specified point.

The following options are supported:

  -n <procName> name used to register process to the message system.

  -l <level>    set standard log level (max 2)

  -v <level>    set verbose log level  (max 5)

  -a <level>    set action log level

  -t <level>    set timer log level

  -h            print this help

  -version      print the version number of the software

  -noDate       turn off the display of date in verbose log

                messages (written to stdout)

  -noFileLine   turn off the display of file name and line number

                in verbose log messages (written to stdout)

  -noExit       when applicable, avoid that application exits in

                case of a problem when starting it up.


  -dbAction <dbPoint>

                name of the database root point used for logging

                the current action (see ibacLog(3)).

  -dbRoot <dbPoint>

                The dbroot point of the indtrument OS to wich this

                archiver process belong.



bossARCHIVER(4), bossControl(1)





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Appendix 1:Example of configuration file



## xxmcfgINS.cfg

## The keywords for which default values are used are written by italic letters.

## Below only the keywords that are retrieved by OS from this cfg file are listed.

## The keywords that are required for the configuration for ICS or startup tool are not listed.



#general information

INS.CON.ID                           "XXXX";                                # Instrument identifier

INS.ID                                    "XXXX/$Revision: 1.53 $";   # Instrument identifier

INS.CON.PREFIX                "xx";                                        # Name prefix for modules and servers


OCS.CON.RELEASE             "2000-06-16";                         # Release date "yyyy-mm-dd"

OCS.CON.ORIGIN               "TEST";                                  # Origin

OCS.CON.LOGLEVEL         0;                                             # Log level

OCS.CON.OSDBROOT        “<alias>xxo”;                          # dbroot point of the OS


OCS.DET.NUM                    3;                                             #number of detectors

# subsystem 1:  IRACE DCS

OCS.DET1.NAME                                "IRDCS"                                                                # name of the IRACE detector    

OCS.DET1.TYPE                  "IRACE";                                                                # type of the detector  

OCS.DET1.DICT                   "IRACE"                                                                 # dictionary : ESO-VLT-DIC.IRACE

OCS.DET1.ENVNAME        "wxxxx"                                                                   # environment where proc. is running

OCS.DET1.PROCNAME     "iracqServer"                                                           # name of the IRACE detector process

OCS.DET1.KEYWFILT        "DET1.*.*.*.*.*.*"                                                # keywords to be forwarded to subsyst

OCS.DET1.TIMEOUT         6000                                                                        # timeout for the process

OCS.DET1.DBROOT           "<alias>iracq";                                                         # db Root

#OCS.DET1.DBIFROOT      "<alias>xxo:subsystems:irdcs";                            # db address of interface (default)

#OCS.DET1.DBSTATE         "<alias>iracq:irace.state";                                    # db address of 'state' (default)

#OCS.DET1.DBNEWDT       "<alias>iracq:exposure.newDataFileName";        # db address of 'new data file'(default)

#OCS.DET1.DBEXPSTS       "<alias>iracq:exposure.expStatus" ;                     # db address of 'exposure status' (default)



# subsystem 2: TCCD

OCS.DET2.NAME                "TCCD"                                                                  # name of the TCCD detector 

OCS.DET2.TYPE                  "ACE";                                                                    # type of the detector

OCS.DET2.DICT                   "CCDDCS"                                                             # dictionary : ESO-VLT-DIC. CCDDCS

OCS.DET2.ENVNAME        "wxxxx"                                                   # environment where TCCD proc. is running

OCS.DET2.PROCNAME     "ccdconCI_tccd"                                                     # name of the TCCD detector process

OCS.DET2.KEYWFILT        "DET2.*.*.*.*.*.*,DET.*.*.*.*.*.*"                      # keywords to be forwarded to subsyst

OCS.DET2.TIMEOUT         6000                                                                        # timeout for the process

OCS.DET2.DBROOT           "<alias>tccd";                                                         # db address of subsystem

#OCS.DET2.DBIFROOT       "<alias>xxo:subsystems:tccd";                             # db address of the interface

#OCS.DET2.DBSTATE          "<alias>tccd.opState";                                           # db address of 'state'   

#OCS.DET2.DBNEWDT        "<alias>tccd:exposures:exposure_1:transfer.fileNameUnComp";

#OCS.DET2.DBEXPSTS        "<alias>tccd:exposures:exposure_1.expStatus";




#subsystem 3: FIERA

OCS.DET3.NAME                "FIERA" ;

OCS.DET3.TYPE                  "FIERA";

OCS.DET3.DICT                   "FCDDCS";

OCS.DET3.ENVNAME        "wbos"; 

OCS.DET3.PROCNAME     "fcdconCI_fiera";

OCS.DET3.KEYWFILT        "DET3.*.*.*.*.*.*";

OCS.DET3.TIMEOUT         1000;

OCS.DET3.DBROOT           "<alias>fiera";

#OCS.DET3.DBIFROOT       "<alias>xxo:subsystems:fiera";

#OCS.DET3.DBSTATE          "<alias>fiera.opState";

#OCS.DET3.DBNEWDT        "<alias>fiera:exposures:exposure_1:transfer.fileNameUnComp";

#OCS.DET3.DBEXPSTS        "<alias>fiera:exposures:exposure_1.expStatus";         

#OCS.DET3.WIPING             F;            # start wiping when T

#OCS.DET3.STOP                                 T;        # leave it online when F


OCS.INS.NUM                      1;                                                             #number of ICS subsystems

# subsystem: ICS

OCS.INS.NAME                    "ICS";                                                      # Name of ICS

OCS.INS.DICT1                    "XXXX_ICS";                                        # dictionary

OCS.INS.ENVNAME            "wxxxx" ;                                 # environment

OCS.INS.PROCNAME         "xxiControl";                                           # process name

#OCS.INS1.DBROOT            "<alias>XXXX:ICS";                             # db root ( default)

#OCS.INS1.DBIFROOT          "<alias>xxo:subsystems:ics";              # interface db address (default)

#OCS.INS1.DBSTATE            "<alias>XXXX:ICS:PROCESSES:WS:icsControl.state";      # db address of state (default)

OCS.INS.KEYWFILT            "INS.*.*.*.*.*.*";                                   # keyword filter

OCS.INS.TIMEOUT             6000;                                                       # timout in seconds



# subsystem: TCS

OCS.TEL.NAME                                   "UT0";                                    # Telescope name ('UT1','UT2','UT3' or 'UT4')

OCS.TEL.FOCUS                                  "NA";                                      # Telescope focus

OCS.TEL.DICT                                     "TCS";                                    # dictionary

OCS.TEL.ENVNAME                           "wxxtcs";                                 # environment

OCS.TEL.PROCNAME                        "tifNA" ;                                 # process name

#OCS.TEL.DBROOT                             "<alias>TCS";                      # db root (default)

#OCS.TEL.DBIFROOT                          "<alias>xxo:subsystems:tcs";     # interface db  root  (default)

#OCS.TEL.DBSTATE                             "<alias>TCS:tcsState.tcsState";  # db address of state (default)

OCS.TEL.KEYWFILT                           "TEL.*.*.*.*.*.*";                                  # keyword filter

OCS.TEL.TIMEOUT                            180000;                                   # timout in seconds

OCS.TEL.ID                                           "Tel name not set";                                  # value for TELESCOP kw ('ESO-VLT-Ui')


OCS.OS.NUM                       0;                                                             #number of OS subsystems


# Instrument modes

# mode 1

OCS.MODE1.NAME            "IR_IMAGING";                                   # name of the instrmode

OCS.MODE1.SETUP            "-function INS.MIRR1.NAME IRED INS.DROT.POSANG 90.0";  # setup the mode

OCS.MODE1.SUBSYST       "IRDCS UT0 ICS";                                # subsystems involved in the given mode

OCS.MODE1.PATH             "INFRARED";                                       # instrument path (EXPSTRT, EXPEND)


OCS.MODE2.NAME            "GUIDING";                                           # name of the instrmode

OCS.MODE2.SETUP            "-function INS.DROT.POSANG 10.0  -file ccd.det";  # setup mode

OCS.MODE2.SUBSYST       "TCCD ICS UT0";                                                 # subsystems involved in the given mode

OCS.MODE2.PATH             "OPT_TCCD";                                       # instrument path (EXPSTRT, EXPEND)


OCS.MODE3.NAME            "IR_SPECTROSCOPY";                       # name of the instrmode  

OCS.MODE3.SETUP            "-function INS.MIRR1.NAME IRED INS.DROT.POSANG 10.0";  # setup of  mode

OCS.MODE3.SUBSYST       "IRDCS TCCD ICS UT0";                    # subsystems involved in the given mode

OCS.MODE3.PATH             "INFRARED";                                       # instrument path (EXPSTRT, EXPEND)


OCS.MODE4.NAME            "OPT_IMAGING";                               # name of the instrmode

OCS.MODE4.SETUP            "-function INS.MIRR1.NAME OPTIC INS.DROT.POSANG 180.0";  # setup of mode

OCS.MODE4.SUBSYST       "FIERA ICS UT0";                                # subsystems

OCS.MODE4.PATH             "OPT_SCCD";                                       # instrument path


# --- oOo ---




## xxmcfgSTART.cfg

## Below only the keywords that are retrieved by OS are listed.



OCS.DET1.ACCESS              "NORMAL";          # Sub-system access mode.

OCS.DET2.ACCESS              "NORMAL";          # Sub-system access mode.

OCS.DET3.ACCESS              "NORMAL";          # Sub-system access mode.

OCS.INS1.ACCESS               "NORMAL";          # Sub-system access mode.

OCS.TEL.ACCESS                "IGNORE";            # Sub-system access mode.






# ___oOo___



Appendix 2: Dictionary of BOSS

The dictionary used by BOSS consists of the following keywords:



# configuration kws






# DCS configuration keywords

# ------------------------------------







OCS.DETi.DBROOT            # dbroot of the subsystem

OCS.DETi.DBEXPSTS        # db adrress of 'exposure status'

OCS.DETi.DBNEWDT        # db adrress of 'new data'

OCS.DETi.DBSTATE          # db adrress of 'state'

OCS.DETi.DBIFROOT        # db root of the subsystem interface

OCS.DETi.MINFREE           # space required by the image (optional)










# ICS configuration keywords

# ------------------------------------














# TCS configuration keywords

# ------------------------------------













# OCS configuration keywords

# ------------------------------------













# Instrument mode cfg keywords

# ------------------------------------







# SETUP keywords

# ------------------------------------

OCS.DETi.IMGNAME        # set the image name

OCS.DETi.IMGEXT         #  image file name extention

OCS.DETi.NAMING            # set request or sequential naming

OCS.PATH                            # set the path (see EXPEND/EXPSTRT cmd)



Appendix 3: CDT of BOSS

The CDT that is part of the package and must be included by the apllication’s CDT consists

of the following keywords.



1: ABORT  -expoId <INTEGER> -detId <STRING>

                 replies:    -done <STRING>

2: ADDFITS  -expoId <INTEGER> -detId <STRING> -info <STRING>

                 replies:    -done <STRING>

3: COMMENT  -expoId <INTEGER> -detId <STRING> -string <STRING>

                 -clear <LOGICAL>

                 replies:    -done <STRING>

4: CONT  -expoId <INTEGER> -detId <STRING> -at <STRING>

                 replies:    -done <STRING>

5: END  -expoId <INTEGER> -detId <STRING>

                 replies:    -done <STRING>

6: FORWARD  -subSystem <STRING> -command <STRING> -arguments <STRING>

                 replies:    -reply <STRING>

7: OFF  -subSystem <STRING>

                 replies:    -done <STRING>

8: ONLINE  -subSystem <STRING>

                 replies:    -done <STRING>

9: PAUSE  -expoId <INTEGER> -detId <STRING> -at <STRING>

                 replies:    -done <STRING>

10: SETUP  -expoId <INTEGER> -file <STRING> -function <STRING>

                 -noMove <LOGICAL> -check <LOGICAL> -noExposure <LOGICAL>

                 replies:    -expoId <INTEGER>

11: STANDBY  -subSystem <STRING>

                 replies:    -done <STRING>

12: START  -expoId <INTEGER> -detId <STRING> -at <STRING>

                 replies:    -done <STRING>

13: STATE  -subSystem <STRING>

                 replies:    -state <STRING>

14: STATUS  -expoId <INTEGER> -function <STRING>

                 replies:    -status <STRING>

16: WAIT  -expoId <INTEGER> -detId <STRING>  -first <LOGICAL> -cond  <STRING> -all

                 replies:    -expStatus <INTEGER>

17: ACCESS -subSystem <STRING>  -mode < STRING > -info

                 replies:  <STRING>


















  -o-            -o-           -o-

[1] When VLTI is used instead of TCS the module bossvlti must be included among the libs in the Makefile of the OS module. This module consists only an interface for VLTI.

Using this interface boss calls  'iss' functions (during EXPSTRT/EXPEND) in order to create its header file ('*.iss') which will be merged with the imagefile. Similar interface for TCS is included in boss. The reason why the interface for VLTI is placed in a separate module is that VLTI modules may not be available on VLT instruments WS.


[2] The name of this process does not really reflect its responsibility. (Perhaps ‘File Handler Process’ could be a better name. Nevertheless for historic reason the original name remains.)

[3] These files are stored under directory $INS_ROOT/$SYSTEM/DETDATA/.

   Caution: Starting up more OS –es has to be sequentially.

   Simultaneous start up of the archiver processes might reports error due to the clean up functionality (trying to remove the same files).

[4] Currently each ‘main process’ must have its own ‘archiver process’. (In principle, one Archiver process on each workstation could be satisfactory.)


[5] May be later version of BOSS will be more rigorous restricting the number of virtual functions.

[6] It is possible to declare other names but it is highly recommended to follow the standard naming.

[7] Not supported.


[8] See also VLTSW20010054 on the category OS

[9] BOSS currently does not make use of this information. Later on an additional check might be added to verify the number of subsystems belonging to the given category.

[10]  The database root of the OS can be also suppiled amongst the arguments of the constructor of the SERVER class. However after MAR2002 it is recommended to use the simpler constructor and the OCS.CON.OSDBROOT cfg keyword.

[11] It is strongly recommended to avoid this confusing situation!! ( It is a behavior of the base module OSLX)

[12] Parallel exposures are not supported in APR2003.

[13] Do not use DCS specific keywords to setup the image filename!

 (May be later it will be allowed but currently not supported!!)

[14] see footnote 1.

[15] In later version of BOSS the name of the instrument (e.g. XXXX) might be required as well to declare default dictionary for the instrument.

[16] Currently called as archiver process. In principle you need one Archiver process on each workstation where image is created. In practice you might need to start an Archiver process for each OS in case of superOS.

[17] All the arguments of the bossSERVER class will have default values in later version of boss.

[18] Note : The concepts ‘keydbmap’ and ‘FitsTemplate’is under discussion. The concept ‘keydbmap’ was introduced to couple keywords to dbpoints in order to get the value of the dbpoint easily sending command … to the Control Process. The file ‘FitsTemplate’ was to help including additional fitskeywords into the image file.

[19] Perhaps should be renamed as AppInit() to be consistent with AppConfig()

[20] ‘File handler process’ is also called as ‘archiver process’

[21] This is a deprecated functionality: For test purpose it is possible to switch this state to show the state of the OS itself placing the keyword  OCS.CON.STATE.ALIGN in the configuration file or in the setup. When this keyword is found the the function: bossSERVER::SetAlignState() is called. The value of the ‘aligned state’ can be retrieved by  function IsAlignedState().

[22] parallel exposure is not yet supported

[23] Condition CanSetupNextObs equivalent to parameter –header in the APR2003 release. Parameter –header should no longer be used (kept for back compatibility reasons)

[24] Condition CanStartNextObs used to be the default behavior of the WAIT commands in releases before APR2004.

[25] As the condition ‘ObsEnd’ is the default, the WAIT command replies later then in releases before APR2004, ensuring to report any problem during the whole lifecycle including merging. Where this cause noticeable delay  in order to set back the previous behavior the parameter ‘-cond CanStartNextObs’ should be specified. In this case at the end of each OB the command ‘WAIT –all’  must be specified.

[26] In case the archiver process is started up in the ‘old way’ i.e. specifying the database point and process name:

   bossArchiver -n bossArchiver_xxo -dbRoot '<alias>xxo'

the file is renamed as ’myfile.arf_' after successful handling.

When the archiver process is started with specifying the instrument name only as :

    bossArchiver XXXX

the auxiliary files are removed unless debug is requested, i.e.: bossArchiver XXXX -debug

[27] Currently all exposures are included into one table. Separation of current exposures and previous exposures might be included in later version of BOSS.

[28] Earlier (before MARCH2002) substate values were stored as integer, rather then unari int. For  back compatiblity reason the old substate values are also kept and displayed under db point: <alias>xxo:state.substate'.

[29] Case has not been tested !

[30] Problem forseen to place SOS above an other SOS which allows parallel exposure. This case however may never happen.

In principle parallel exposures should be achieved by using semi-parallel exposures.

[31] Please note that although it is possible to set the prefix other then OCSi, it is not recommended.  New prefixes must be


 Different prefix can be set by the function SetOsPrefix("YYYY") in the constructor of the OS server when necessary .

[32] Case for instrument FLAMES , when UVES creates the image file.

[33] The name of the temporary files here are only for information. They can be changed, therefore they should be accessed only through boss functions if necessary!

[34] it is under consideration which of these log-levels will be applicable using startup tool stoo.

[35]The dictionary of an instrument must be placed in a separate module [..] .

[36] The name of the cdt must correspond to the name of the process. i.e. when the process is called 'xxoControl', its CDT must be called   'xxoControl.cdt'

[37] In BOSS symbolic constant for commands are declared in bossSTD_COMMANDS_NAMES.h.