
ESOcast 67: ESO People at Work and Play

11 September 2014

ESO is not only about large telescopes and observatories in the Atacama Desert. The people at ESO work hard every day to make ESO the most productive ground-based astronomical organisation in the world. But most of the time they work in the background quietly, without being noticed by the public.

This new ESOcast features six specialists in different areas who work at ESO in Germany and in Chile. Get to know the work they do at ESO, but also learn about interesting hobbies they pursue in their free time and how these hobbies may be connected to their work.

More episodes of the ESOcast are also available.

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More Information

The ESOcast is a video podcast series dedicated to bringing you the latest news and research from ESO — the European Southern Observatory. Subscribe to our video podcast now to keep up with the latest news from ESO – available via iTunes in HD and SD. The ESOcast is also available on YouTubeVimeo and is offered for download in several formats including HD.



Richard Hook
ESO, Public Information Officer
Garching bei München, Germany
Tel: +49 89 3200 6655
Cell: +49 151 1537 3591

About the Announcement



Screenshot of ESOcast 67
Screenshot of ESOcast 67


ESOcast 67: ESO People at Work and Play
ESOcast 67: ESO People at Work and Play