Boy Scouts Into The Unknown

Jan Doornenbal on ESO’s pioneering site testing in South Africa

Interview with: Jan Doornenbal
18 mei 2018

Helping Ghanaian Students Reach for the Stars

ESO Fellow Allison Man on teaching astronomy in Ghana

Interview with: Allison Man
11 mei 2018

A Brilliant New Supernova Shines Over Munich

Stephen Molyneux describes his visit to the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre

Author: Stephen Molyneux
4 mei 2018

Eyes on the Stars

ESO astronomer Suzanna Randall on what it’s like to train as an astronaut

Interview with: Suzanna Randall
27 april 2018

Making Laser Guide Stars Even Brighter

ESO physicist Domenico Bonaccini Calia tells us about newly-developed laser technology

Interview with: Domenico Bonaccini Calia
20 april 2018

A Night in the Life of an Astronomer

Interview with: Anita Zanella
13 april 2018

Mapping the Universe in 3D

How ESO’s VIMOS spectrograph catalogued more than 90 000 galaxies

Interview with: Luigi Guzzo
6 april 2018

Probing Polaris

ESO Fellow Richard I. Anderson sheds light on the famous North Star

Interview with: Richard I. Anderson
30 maart 2018

Shooting for the Stars

ESO’s role in the revolutionary Breakthrough Initiatives

Interview with: Markus Kasper
23 maart 2018

Breathless Science

How ALMA staff adapt to working at high altitude

Interview with: Iván López
16 maart 2018

Scanning a galaxy halo

Using MUSE and gravitational lensing to solve the mysteries of galaxy halos

Interview with: Sebastian Lopez
9 maart 2018

Seeing Stars in the Alps

Anna Wolter talks about the ESO Winter Astronomy Camp

Interview with: Anna Wolter
2 maart 2018

ESO’s Training Programmes: Investing in the Future of Astronomy

Interview with: Xavier Barcons
23 februari 2018

How to Install a Planetarium

A conversation with engineer Max Rößner about his work on the ESO Supernova

Interview with: Max Rößner
16 februari 2018

Understanding How Stars Die

Markus Wittkowski on using a team of telescopes to image dying stars

Interview with: Markus Wittkowski
9 februari 2018

Little Galaxies, Big Mysteries

Federico Lelli on what dwarf galaxies tell us about the cosmological model

Interview with: Federico Lelli
2 februari 2018

Protecting the Earth from Cosmic Clashes

ESO’s role in the International Asteroid Warning Network

Interview with: Olivier Hainaut
Interview with: Andy Williams
26 januari 2018

Working atop Paranal

ESO's Adaptive Optics Scientist at Paranal talks about life in the desert

Interview with: Julien Milli
19 januari 2018

Combining the freedom of a CubeSat with the power of an ESO telescope

How ESO’s HARPS will help PicSat the CubeSat to unravel the mysteries of the Beta Pictoris star system

Interview with: Sylvestre Lacour from the PicSat team
12 januari 2018

ESO’s Collaboration with Industry

Author: Xavier Barcons
22 december 2017
Resultaat 141 to 160 of 176