SN 2006X, before and after the Type Ia Supernova explosion (artist's impression)

Left : artist's impression of the favoured configuration for the progenitor system of SN2006X before the explosion. The White Dwarf (on the right) accretes material from the Red Giant star, which is losing gas in the form of stellar wind (the diffuse material surrounding the giant). Only part of the gas is accreted by the White Dwarf, through a so-called accretion disc which surrounds the compact star. The remaining gas escapes the system and eventually dissipates into the interstellar medium. The Red Giant star has a radius about 100 times larger than our Sun, while the White Dwarf is about 100 times smaller than the Sun.



Über das Bild

Veröffentlichungsdatum:12. Juli 2007
Dazugehörige Veröffentlichungen:eso0731
Größe:5429 x 3126 px

Über das Objekt

Name:SN 2006X
Typ:Local Universe : Star : Evolutionary Stage : Red Giant
Local Universe : Star : Evolutionary Stage : White Dwarf
Local Universe : Star : Evolutionary Stage : Supernova
Entfernung:50 Million Lichtjahre


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