May 2024

28/05/24 (Tuesday)
12:00, Auditorium Eridanus (ESO HQE, Garching) | ESO Garching
Lunch Talk
Talk — Catching the formation of the ultra-diffuse galaxy Hydra-UDG32 in the act
Johanna Hartke (University of Turku)


Ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) are extremely low-surface brightness galaxies with a size of several kpc, i.e. comparable to that of the Milky Way, but with at least 100 times smaller stellar masses. In the scope of the LEWIS large programme with VLT-MUSE, we have targeted a complete sample of 32 UDG candidates in the 50-Mpc distant Hydra I cluster. In this talk, I will focus on UDG 32, a galaxy that has been hypothesised to have formed from material stripped from the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 3314a. Our new MUSE data show that NGC 3314a's filaments extend to unprecedented distances, completely engulfing the UDG and confirm that the UDG and the filaments are indeed co-spatial based in position-velocity space. UDG 32 may thus be one of the first ultra-diffuse galaxies where we catch the formation from ram-pressure stripped gas in the act.

June 2024

04/06/24 (Tuesday)
12:00, Auditorium Telescopium (ESO HQE, Garching) | ESO Garching
Lunch Talk
Talk — (topic to be announced)
Rahul Ramesh (University of Heidelberg)
11/06/24 (Tuesday)
12:00, Fornax (ESO HQ, Garching) | ESO Garching
Lunch Talk
Talk — ACES: The ALMA CMZ Exploration Survey
Jennifer Wallace (University of Connecticut)


The Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) is an extreme environment in the inner few hundred parsecs of the Milky Way Galaxy, with temperatures, pressures, and densities exceeding those measured in the Galactic disk. At a distance of ~8.2 kpc, it has previously been difficult to perform large surveys of the CMZ at high resolution, limiting most studies to individual molecular clouds. ACES (the ALMA CMZ Exploration Survey) is a large ALMA program with high sensitivity observations covering the entire area of the CMZ at high spatial and spectral resolution at 3mm in both continuum and spectral lines. ACES data will be used to determine the overall distribution and chemical composition of mass in the inner Galaxy, from the sub-parsec scales of star formation, to the large-scale global processes that influence it. In addition, spectral line data will be used to create a comprehensive picture of gas kinematics in the CMZ, unveiling how gas flows from galactocentric radii of a few hundred pc down to the vicinity of the central supermassive black hole. Observations and high resolution hydrodynamical simulations will be used in tandem to determine how different physical processes impact the evolution of gas at different scales. We present early science results from the ACES team, including an overview of the data products, the properties of compact sources extracted using ACES continuum data, the rich chemical composition identified in the CMZ, and the characterization of gas kinematics in the CMZ. 

18/06/24 (Tuesday)
12:00, Auditorium Telescopium (ESO HQE, Garching) | ESO Garching
Lunch Talk
Talk — (topic to be announced)
Armando Arellano Ferro (Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
25/06/24 (Tuesday)
12:00, Auditorium Telescopium (ESO HQE, Garching) | ESO Garching
Lunch Talk
Talk — (topic to be announced)
Violette Impellizzeri (Leiden University)

July 2024

09/07/24 (Tuesday)
12:00, Auditorium Telescopium (ESO HQE, Garching) | ESO Garching
Lunch Talk
Talk — (topic to be announced)
Lorenzo Pino (INAF, Arcetri)
16/07/24 (Tuesday)
12:00, Auditorium Telescopium (ESO HQE, Garching) | ESO Garching
Lunch Talk
Talk — (topic to be announced)
Bo Reipurth (University of Hawaii)
23/07/24 (Tuesday)
12:00, Auditorium Telescopium (ESO HQE, Garching) | ESO Garching
Lunch Talk
Talk — (topic to be announced)
Alvaro Ribas (Cambridge)
30/07/24 (Tuesday)
12:00, Auditorium Telescopium (ESO HQE, Garching) | ESO Garching
Lunch Talk
Talk — (topic to be announced)
Eric Rohr (MPIA, Heidelberg)