October 2024

29/10/24 (Tuesday)
12:00, Auditorium Eridanus (ESO HQE, Garching) | ESO Garching
Lunch Talk
Talk — Bridging Theory and Observation: Creating a Mock Dataset to Analyze Star Formation Histories in Galaxies
Alina Ikhsanova (University of Padova)


To address the need for a more realistic comparison between theory and observations, this talk will describe the creation of a synthetic spectroscopic dataset derived from the TNG50 cosmological simulation, tailored for WEAVE-StePS observations. I will compare the star formation histories of these galaxies, obtained through a full spectral fitting analysis, with their merger histories derived from the simulation. This strategy allows for a proper comparison between observed star formation histories and those inferred from cosmological simulations, highlighting potential systematics and observational biases.
This analysis serves as a fundamental benchmark not only for the forthcoming WEAVE observations but can also be easily generalized to any facility worldwide, providing the community with realistic mock galaxies to compare against observed datasets and explore optimal strategies for future extragalactic campaigns.
In the second part of the talk, I will focus on how to utilize simulations when studying star formation histories (SFH) in different environments. My project at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) aims to assess the role of the environment in shaping the SFH of galaxies by comparing data from various clusters in the local universe. The project is divided into two main aspects: analyzing observational data and comparing it with simulations.
We have already analyzed publicly available archival ESO data, such as Atlas3D (Cappellari et al., 2011) for the Virgo cluster and Fornax3D (Sarzi et al., 2018) for the Fornax cluster. While these observations provide a snapshot of the present-day universe, cosmological simulations offer comprehensive insights into the merger history, quenching, and rejuvenation processes of each galaxy. This work aims to uncover the physical processes that lead to specific SFHs, emphasizing the importance of an "apples-to-apples" comparison between observations and simulations.

November 2024

05/11/24 (Tuesday)
12:00, Auditorium Telescopium (ESO HQE, Garching) | ESO Garching
Lunch Talk
Talk — to be announced
Anne Hutter (Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen)
12/11/24 (Tuesday)
12:00, Auditorium Telescopium (ESO HQE, Garching) | ESO Garching
Lunch Talk
Talk — to be announced
Sydney A. Barnes (AIP, Potsdam)
19/11/24 (Tuesday)
12:00, Auditorium Telescopium (ESO HQE, Garching) | ESO Garching
Lunch Talk
Talk — Bayesian calibration and imaging in VLBI
Jongseo Kim (MAX-PLANCK-INSTITUT fuer Radioastronomie)


Calibration and imaging are closely interconnected in very long baseline 
interferometry (VLBI). The conventional CLEAN algorithm has been widely 
employed for imaging, self-calibration, and polarization calibration. 
However, forward modeling and Bayesian imaging algorithms have recently 
outperformed CLEAN, and these new imaging methods can also be utilized for 
various aspects of data calibration. This talk describes a new approach we 
have developed for extending the Bayesian imaging framework RESOLVE to 
include self-calibration and polarization calibration of VLBI data. 
Applications of this approach to imaging of 43 GHz VLBA and 86 GHz GMVA+ALMA 
observations of M87 show that high-resolution images and antenna-based gain 
solutions with uncertainty estimation can be obtained. Ongoing developments 
of Bayesian polarization calibration and imaging will be illustrated with the 
example of analysis of 15 GHz MOJAVE data for 3C273. Based on this analysis, 
we conclude that the Bayesian approach can be successfully extended to 
include the elements of self-calibration and instrumental polarization, thus 
allowing for robust, high fidelity recovery of pivotal structural 
characteristics of the emitting regions, including, for the examples 
mentioned above, the faint, extended jet emission and the ring-like structure 
in M87 and the internal structure of the total intensity and polarized 
emission in jet in 3C273. These results provide strong evidence for the 
Bayesian calibration and imaging approach to be very well suitable for image 
reconstruction from VLBI data.
26/11/24 (Tuesday)
12:00, Auditorium Telescopium (ESO HQE, Garching) | ESO Garching
Lunch Talk
Talk — to be announced
Cristiano Longarini (IoA)

December 2024

03/12/24 (Tuesday)
12:00, Auditorium Telescopium (ESO HQE, Garching) | ESO Garching
Lunch Talk
Talk — to be announced
Elina Lindfors (University of Turku, Finland)
17/12/24 (Tuesday)
12:00, Auditorium Telescopium (ESO HQE, Garching) | ESO Garching
Lunch Talk
Talk — to be announced
Roland Walter (University of Geneva)