Seminars and Colloquia at ESO Santiago

September 2024

24/09/24 (Tuesday)
11:00, Miscanti room, ALMA building | ESO Santiago
JAO/ESO Astro-ph
Meeting — AstroPH
27/09/24 (Friday)
11:00, Urania room (ESO, Santiago) | ESO Santiago
ESO Talk
Lecture — Crafting effective outreach activities
Sofía Otero (ESO)


What makes some outreach materials or activities hit the mark while others fall flat? In this talk, we'll dive into content presentation, have open discussions, and reflect on our approaches. The goal is to help you think critically about designing outreach activities with clear objectives, so you can really see if your efforts are paying off.

15:30, Library (ESO, Vitacura) | ESO Santiago
TMT (30 minutes talk)
Talk — TBD
Mathis Houllé (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur)



30/09/24 (Monday)
15:30, Library (ESO, Vitacura) | ESO Santiago
TMT (30 minutes talk)
Talk — TBD
Akriti Singh (ESO)



October 2024

01/10/24 (Tuesday)
11:00, Miscanti room, ALMA building | ESO Santiago
JAO/ESO Astro-ph
Meeting — AstroPH
02/10/24 (Wednesday)
14:00, Library (ESO, Vitacura) | ESO Santiago
Python Coffee
Talk — Interferometry with PMOIRED
Aaron Labdon (ESO)



15:30, Library (ESO, Vitacura) | ESO Santiago
TMT (30 minutes talk)
Talk — Introducing SIESTA: a new CMD fitting code
Bernardo P. L. Ferreira (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)


In this talk, I’ll introduce a new, public code for performing isochrone fitting to the color-magnitude diagram of star clusters, named SIESTA (Statistical matchIng between rEal and Synthetic sTellar populAtions). In particular, I’ll show applications of the method in the context of the Large Magellanic Cloud, using data from the VISCACHA Survey, highlighting how determining reliable ages, metallicities and distances for star clusters within this galaxy is important for understanding some of its signature features, such as the age-metallicity relation and its 3-dimensional structure.

03/10/24 (Thursday)
15:30, Library (ESO, Vitacura) | ESO Santiago
TMT (30 minutes talk)
Talk — TBD
Antonio Martinez



08/10/24 (Tuesday)
11:00, Miscanti room, ALMA building | ESO Santiago
JAO/ESO Astro-ph
Meeting — AstroPH
09/10/24 (Wednesday)
15:30, Urania room (ESO, Santiago) | ESO Santiago
TMT (30 minutes talk)
Talk — TBD
Lucy Evans (University of Leeds)



10/10/24 (Thursday)
15:30, Library (ESO, Vitacura) | ESO Santiago
TMT (30 minutes talk)
Talk — TBD
Andrealuna Pizzetti (ESO)



15/10/24 (Tuesday)
11:00, Miscanti room, ALMA building | ESO Santiago
JAO/ESO Astro-ph
Meeting — AstroPH
22/10/24 (Tuesday)
11:00, Miscanti room, ALMA building | ESO Santiago
JAO/ESO Astro-ph
Meeting — AstroPH
23/10/24 (Wednesday)
14:00, Library (ESO, Vitacura) | ESO Santiago
Python Coffee
Talk — TBD
Akriti Singh (ESO)



25/10/24 (Friday)
15:30, Urania room (ESO, Santiago) | ESO Santiago
ESO Colloquium
Talk — TBD
Stefano Bagnulo (Armagh Observatory and Planetarium)



29/10/24 (Tuesday)
11:00, Miscanti room, ALMA building | ESO Santiago
JAO/ESO Astro-ph
Meeting — AstroPH

November 2024

04/11/24 (Monday)
15:30, Library (ESO, Vitacura) | ESO Santiago
TMT (30 minutes talk)
Talk — TBD
Germain Garreau (Institute of Astronomy, Leuven)



05/11/24 (Tuesday)
11:00, Miscanti room, ALMA building | ESO Santiago
JAO/ESO Astro-ph
Meeting — AstroPH
06/11/24 (Wednesday)
15:30, Library (ESO, Vitacura) | ESO Santiago
ESO Colloquium
Talk — Metal enrichment across the Baryon cycle
Magdalena Hamel


The metal enrichment across the baryon cycle of galaxies is crucial for understanding galaxy evolution. Supernovae expel metal rich gas away from galaxies and inflows inject pristine gas. Simulations show that outflows are the main mechanism in redistributing metals and are key drivers of the chemical enrichment of galaxies and their circumgalactic medium. However, measuring metal abundance is challenging and therefore direct observations are almost completely lacking from the literature. I will present results from ESO/X-shooter, ESO/MUSE and Keck/KCWI where we measure outflow metallicities by detecting the very faint [O III] 4363 auroral line, a robust metallicity tracer, in both the disk and outflow of a sample of galaxies. These observations allow us to estimate the metal loading factor, a critical parameter for realistic simulations and compare with results from absorption line analysis and to recent simulations of metal-enrichment in winds.
08/11/24 (Friday)
15:30, Library (ESO, Vitacura) | ESO Santiago
TMT (30 minutes talk)
Talk — TBD
Thomas Stuber (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona)



12/11/24 (Tuesday)
11:00, Miscanti room, ALMA building | ESO Santiago
JAO/ESO Astro-ph
Meeting — AstroPH
13/11/24 (Wednesday)
15:30, Library (ESO, Vitacura) | ESO Santiago
TMT (30 minutes talk)
Talk — TBD
Siddharth Bhatnagar (University of Geneva)



19/11/24 (Tuesday)
11:00, Miscanti room, ALMA building | ESO Santiago
JAO/ESO Astro-ph
Meeting — AstroPH
21/11/24 (Thursday)
15:30, Library (ESO, Vitacura) | ESO Santiago
TMT (30 minutes talk)
Talk — TBD
Yang Hu (Stockholm University)



22/11/24 (Friday)
11:00, Urania room (ESO, Santiago) | ESO Santiago
ESO Colloquium
Lecture — The Alchemists - How the stars made the periodic table
Luca Sbordone (ESO)


When the Universe begun, its chemical composition was very simple: only Hydrogen, Helium and Lithium were produced in the Big Bang nucleosynthesis. Almost all the other chemical elements were subsequently synthesized by nuclear reactions in stars, through a network of different reactions whose outcome depends on stellar mass and composition. Different release mechanisms, different stellar evolutionary timescales, and the complexity of yield mixing with the existing gas that would then form new stars produce strikingly different abundance evolution patterns for different elements. Since detailed abundances for many tens of elements can be derived from stars and interstellar/intergalactic gas, they provide a powerful tool to understand the past evolution of our Galaxy, and of galaxies in general, as far back as the first star formation episodes after the Big Bang. I will try to outline what we know about nucleosynthesis, how it produces the chemistry we see now in the Universe, and how it can be exploited to understand stellar and galactic evolution. 
26/11/24 (Tuesday)
11:00, Miscanti room, ALMA building | ESO Santiago
JAO/ESO Astro-ph
Meeting — AstroPH

December 2024

03/12/24 (Tuesday)
11:00, Miscanti room, ALMA building | ESO Santiago
JAO/ESO Astro-ph
Meeting — AstroPH
10/12/24 (Tuesday)
11:00, Miscanti room, ALMA building | ESO Santiago
JAO/ESO Astro-ph
Meeting — AstroPH
11/12/24 (Wednesday)
15:30, Library (ESO, Vitacura) | ESO Santiago
TMT (30 minutes talk)
Talk — TBD
Goran Doll (University of Naples)



17/12/24 (Tuesday)
15:30, Library (ESO, Vitacura) | ESO Santiago
TMT (30 minutes talk)
Talk — TBD
Matti Dorsch (Potsdam)



March 2025

07/03/25 (Friday)
15:30, Library (ESO, Vitacura) | ESO Santiago
TMT (30 minutes talk)
Talk — TBD
Eileen Herwig (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics)
