Near-infrared spectrum of the brown dwarf object 2M1207 and GPCC
Near-infrared H-band spectra of the brown dwarf object 2M1207 and the fainter "GPCC" object seen near it, obtained with the NACO facility at the 8.2-m VLT Yepun telescope. In the upper part, the spectrum of 2M1207 (fully drawn blue curve) is compared with that of another substellar object (T513; dashed line); in the lower, the (somewhat noisy) spectrum of GPCC (fully drawn red curve) is compared with two substellar objects of different types (2M0301 and SDSS0539). The spectrum of GPCC is clearly very similar to these, confirming the substellar nature of this body. The broad dips at the left and the right are clear signatures of water in the (atmospheres of the) objects.
À propos de l'image
Identification: | eso0428b |
Type: | Graphique |
Date de publication: | 10 septembre 2004 |
Communiqués de presse en rapport: | eso0428 |
Taille: | 2454 x 2381 px |
À propos de l'objet
Nom: | 2M1207 |
Type: | Milky Way : Star : Circumstellar Material : Planetary System |
Distance: | 230 années lumière |
Catégorie: | Exoplanets |
Formats des images
Couleurs & filtres
Domaine | Télescope |
Infrarouge H | Very Large Telescope NACO |