NGC 2997

This is one of the first CCD images taken at ESO. It was obtained in the V filter, with the CCD camera at the 1.5-metre Danish Telescope at La Silla Observatory. NGC 2997 is a beautiful galaxy and a typical Sc type with two dominant arms. In spite of some ramifications, both arms can be traced for a full revolution. The present picture was made from three overlapping CCD frames and the colours show the intensity contours.



A proposito dell'immagine

Data di pubblicazione:Venerdì 16 Aprile 2010 17:16
Dimensione:1749 x 2548 px

A proposito delll'oggetto

Nome:NGC 2997
Tipo:Local Universe : Galaxy : Type : Spiral
Distanza:35 Milione Anni luce

Formati delle immagini

JPEG grande
1,6 MB


Position (RA):9 45 38.82
Position (Dec):-31° 11' 28.86"
Field of view:3.98 x 5.80 arcminutes
Orientazione:Il Nord è a 89.8° a sinistra della verticale