Planning for the Unplannable

What it takes to run ESO’s scientific cities in the Atacama Desert

Interview with: Christian Muckle
2 listopada 2018

A Lifetime at ESO

Insights from one of the fathers of ESO detectors

Interview with: Gert Finger
26 października 2018

Towards an Ecological and Sustainable ESO

How ESO reduces its environmental footprint to limit its impact on the Chilean desert

Interview with: Christine Desbordes
19 października 2018

Astronomy Past and Present

Bringing the wonders of the Universe to the ESO Supernova and beyond

Interview with: Valentina Schettini
12 października 2018

Martian Crater or Chilean Commune?

Taltal: Mapuche culture preserved in a red planet scar

Rosa Jesse and Nicole Shearer
5 października 2018

Fellowships at ESO

Hands-on experience at world-class observatories

Xavier Barcons
28 września 2018

The Rise of Astrotourism in Chile

And the importance of preserving the magnificent dark skies over ESO’s telescopes

Nicole Shearer
21 września 2018

Cooling Down Astronomy

Cryogenic expert Jean Louis Lizon on ESO’s technology development

Interview with: Jean Louis Lizon
24 sierpnia 2018

Observing the Finest Details of the Stars

An adventure with the Very Large Telescope Interferometer

Interview with Joel Sanchez-Bermudez
17 sierpnia 2018

What’s Next for the Heart of the Milky Way

Reinhard Genzel on the significance and future of galactic centre research

Interview with: Reinhard Genzel
10 sierpnia 2018

Advancing Technology for Galactic Observations

Frank Eisenhauer discusses observing a close approach at the galactic centre

Interview with: Frank Eisenhauer
3 sierpnia 2018

Eyeing the Centre of the Milky Way

Stefan Gillessen discusses what we knew before the latest observations of S2

Interview with: Stefan Gillessen
27 lipca 2018

Pinpointing the Source

Paolo Padovani talks about the first discovery of a distant source of high energy neutrinos

Interview with: Paolo Padovani
12 lipca 2018

20 Years of Science at Paranal

The past, present and future of the Paranal Observatory

Interview with: Steffen Mieske
6 lipca 2018

Hunting for Other Worlds

ESO Fellow Matias Jones tells us about ESO’s search for exoplanets

Interview with: Matias Jones
29 czerwca 2018

A SINFONI of Exoplanets

Astronomer Jens Hoeijmakers on how to peer into the atmospheres of distant worlds

Interview with: Jens Hoeijmakers
22 czerwca 2018

Dealing with Science Data

Martino Romaniello takes us into ESO’s Science Archive

Interview with: Martino Romaniello
15 czerwca 2018

How Productive is the Very Large Telescope?

Nando Patat on evaluating ESO’s science output

Author: Nando Patat
8 czerwca 2018

How ESO collaborates with ESA

Author: Xavier Barcons
1 czerwca 2018

It’s Full of Stars

Henri Boffin on ESO’s collaboration in the Gaia mission

Interview with: Henri Boffin
25 maja 2018
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