The barred spiral galaxy NGC 1097

This is a photo of an active galaxy that was observed with ISAAC during the programme being carried out. It shows NGC 1097 (R-band). The bar-like structure and the luminous centre where the Black Hole is located is visible. The distance to this galaxy is approximately 55 million light-years; the local scale is indicated in the photo.

Technical information: this image with NGC 1097 is a reproduction from the ESO LV archive, extracted via the Hypercat facility. It is based on a 2-hour photographic exposure in the R-band (Kodak IIIa-F emulsion + RG630 filtre) with the ESO 1-m Schmidt Telescope at La Silla and covers a field of about 35 x 35 arcmin 2. North is up and East is left.



O zdjęciu

Data publikacji:14 sierpnia 2001
Powiązane komunikaty:eso0128
Rozmiar:800 x 796 px

O obiekcie

Nazwa:Caldwell 67, NGC 1097
Typ:Local Universe : Galaxy : Component : Central Black Hole
Local Universe : Galaxy : Type : Spiral
Odległość:45 milion lat świetlnych
Quasars and Black Holes

Formaty zdjęć

Pełen rozmiar
331,3 KB
Wielki JPEG
129,6 KB


Pozycja (RA):2 46 26.00
Pozycja (Dec):-30° 17' 6.96"
Pole widzenia:35.06 x 34.90 arcminutes
Orientacja:North is 90.0° prawo of vertical

Kolory i filtry

ESO 1-metre Schmidt telescope

Czas ekspozycji: 7200s