[ ESO ]
ISAAC Quality Control:
Telluric standard star

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Trending & QC1
   Telluric Std
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QC links:
wavelength calibration | intensity | PSF
wavelength calibration not implemented
not implemented
point spread function
not implemented
not implemented
QC1 database (advanced users): browse | plot
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Telluric standard stars are part of the ISAAC calibration plan for the SW and LW spectroscopy mode. Before 2006, telluric standard stars were taken with the slit of the corresponding science observation and in addition with the 2 arcsec slit. After 2006, when the flux calibration standard stars were put in operation, the 2 arcsec slit telluric standard star calibrations were canceled. The telluric standard stars are acquired directly after the science spectroscopy observations within a certain interval in air mass and time (see User Manual for details).

Telluric standard stars are reduced using the isaac_spc_jitter recipe of the ISAAC data reduction pipeline. The template acquires two observations, meaning a single AB nodding sequence.

The pipeline generates two products, one is the A-B plus B-A coadded image with the spectrum and the second is a FITS binary table consisting of the wavelength, the extracted spectrum and the residual sky spectrum.

top wavelength calibration parameters

QC1 parameters

parameter QC1 database: table, name procedure
wavelength calibration method isaac_telluric, qc_wl_method - the wavelength calibration method finally used (arc lines, sky lines or physical model). sky lines is the operational default for SW-arm telluric standard stars. For LW-arm telluric standard stars the operational default was arc lines; from P80 on sky lines are used.
central wavelength isaac_telluric, qc_wlen - the central wavelength in micron, derived from the dispersion solution
dispersion solution isaac_telluric, qc_dispco1, qc_dospco2, qc_dispco3, qc_dispco4 - the wavelength calibration polynomial coefficients. dispco1 is the wavelength at pixel 1 , qc_wlen is the wavelength at pixel 512.
fit quality isaac_telluric, qc_xcorr - the wavelength calibration correlation coefficient. The wavelength calibration using sky lines generally suffers from the faint sky lines due to the short exposure times of DIT=5sec adopted for the bright standard stars.
arc line results isaac_telluric, arc_... - the wavelength calibration results copied from the associated arc line calibration product
grating offset isaac_telluric, qc_SA_offset - grating offset between associated arc product and telluric standard star ( = ( qc_wlen(telluric) minus qc_wlen(arc) ) in pixel


top intensity parameters

QC1 parameters

parameter QC1 database: table, name procedure
average intensity isaac_telluric, qc_ew_a

- spectrum average intensity in ADU. The sum of all pixel values divided by the spectral range (w2-w1). The range is:
w1=0.97, w2=1.13 for SZ
w1=1.15, w2=1.45 for J
w1=1.45, w2=1.85 for SH
w1=1.9, w2=2.5 for SK
w1=3.0, w2=4.2 for SL

weighted average intensity isaac_telluric, qc_ew_i - spectrum integral average intensity in ADU. The sum of all ( pixel value times delta wavelength),
total intensity isaac_telluric, qc_intens - the average of all TPL.NEXP raw frame spectra intensities.


top point spread function

QC1 parameters

parameter QC1 database: table, name procedure
Gauss-fit parameters isaac_telluric, qc_psf_g - fit the product PSF at x=400 by Gaussian, return sigma (not FWHM)
Gauss-fit parameters isaac_telluric, qc_psf_cg - fit the median collapsed product PSF by Gaussian, return sigma (not FWHM)
Moffat parameters isaac_telluric, qc_psf_m_R - fit the product PSF at x=400 by Moffat function, return R (~width)
Moffat parameters isaac_telluric, qc_psf_m_beta - fit the product PSF at x=400 by Moffat function , return beta (~wing)
Moffat parameters isaac_telluric, qc_psf_cm_R - fit the median collapsed product PSF by a Moffat function, return R (~width)
Moffat parameters isaac_telluric, qc_psf_cm_beta - fit the median collapsed product PSF by a Moffat function, return beta (~wing)

QC report, showing the telluric standard star spectrum PSF fit results.


Currently not implemented.

