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VIRCAM: Dark Level and Readout Noise
Dark level | Dark noise | Stripes (horizontal)

dark level
dark rms
read-out noise
rms of stripes
QC1 database (advanced users): browse | plot

All VIRCAM Health Check Plots follow the same design:

Upper Left:
Scored aggregate value.
Average over 16 detector values to monitor changes
of the parameter common to all detectors
Upper Right:
Values of all 16 individual detectors
Lower Left:
Scored aggregate value.
RMS over 16 detector values to monitor the dispersion within the
sample and changes to only one or a subset of detectors.
Lower Right:
Internal scores of the 16 individual detectors.

Example HC plot with representative format: AVG, individual chips, RMS, scores

Dark frames are detector calibration frames to measure the counts generate by the detector during readout, to monitor erratic light linearly increasing with exposure time and to monitor the read out noise. Dark calibrations are acquired with the same DIT as used by the science observations at the end of the night or as a Daily Health Check with a fixed set of DIT (discrete integration time) and NDIT (number of DIT) for monitoring reasons. The following setups are covered by the Health Check:

  • NCORRS=Double, NDIT=1, DIT=1.001100
  • NCORRS=Double, NDIT=1, DIT=120.000000

The following detector setups are monitored with at least one measurement a week:

  • NCORRS=Double, NDIT=2, DIT=5.000000
  • NCORRS=Double, NDIT=6, DIT=10.000000

Only four of the many quality control parameters extracted from dark calibrations are monitored within the VIRCAM health check plot pages and are explained in the following; all other QC parameters are available from the QC1 DB. In short the tags:

  • MED stand for the median dark level derived from the master dark pipeline product,
  • RON12 stands for read out noise derived from the first and the second dark raw frames,
  • RMS stands for the root mean square of the master dark pipeline product
  • STRIPE stands for the rms induced by the horizontal stripes

Dark level
Dark level | Dark noise | Stripes (horizontal)


FITS key QC1 database: table, name definition class* HC_plot** more docu
QC.DARKMED vircam_dark..qc_darkmed dark median HC [docuSys coming]
*Class: KPI - instrument performance; HC - instrument health; CAL - calibration quality; ENG - engineering parameter
**There might be more than one.

Dark level, relation with DIT and NDIT

QC.DARKMED is the median of the MASTER_DARK pipeline product frame. The MASTER_DARK is a clean mean of the five raw DARK input frames.
There are some general properties of VIRCAM detector quality parameters. The relation between the dark level and the DIT is given in the following plots.

The relation: dark level versus DIT for detectors 1-4 aligned in a row.
The relation: dark level versus DIT for detectors 5-8 aligned in a row.

The relation: dark level versus DIT for detectors 9-12 aligned in a row.
The relation: dark level versus DIT for detectors 13-16 aligned in a row. Note the particular reset anomaly of detector #13.

There occurs a further subtle effect: Each NDIT adds about 12 ADU to the dark level. And each NDIT adds 1 ADU to the statistical noise. This means: A raw frame acquired with DIT=10sec and NDIT=5 has 60 ADU more signal and 5 ADU more statistical noise than a raw dark frame with DIT=50 sec and NDIT=1.

Dark level and readout noise, relation with ambient temperature

The dark level values show weak dependence on the ambient temperature.

QC parameter qc_darkmed retrieved from dark frames with DIT=120sec of detector #10 versus the ambient temperature. Data are from 2014-07 to 2015-09.
QC parameter qc_ron12 retrieved from dark frames with DIT=120sec for detector #10 versus ambient temperature. Data are from 2014-07 to 2015-09. Only chip #10 was uses as the read out noise from chips #1-#8 are often contaminated by the horizontal stripes feature.

Dark level and persistence

On 2019-02-10, a DARK template with DIT=120 sec was acquired twice, once before the weekly scheduled linearity sequence and once after that. There are about 20 ADU more counts in the latter master dark due to a peristence side effect caused by the high ADU flat fields. The persistence values, the ADU difference between both master darks, per chip are given below:

chip13 chip 14 chip 15 chip 16
19 18 17 4
chip 9 chip 10 chip 11 chip 12
24 17 15 26
chip 5 chip 6 chip 7 chip 8
14 21 19 22
chip 1 chip 2 chip 3 chip 4
14 19 62 16

Read here more about VIRCAM detector persistence.


Upper left plot shows the average over 16 detector-specific values, the lower left box shows the rms over 16 detectors, the upper right plot shows 16 individual detector values, and the lower right plots shows the detector specific scores.

Scoring&thresholds Dark level

The dark level ist monitored and scored for DIT=1.0011 sec ( = MINDIT) with thresholds of 0.3 ADU (= dark current for 1 sec) and +- 2 ADU fluctuations induced by controller noise (= horizontal stripes).


  • When the instrument is warmed up and cooled down as part of a scheduled maintenance or an unexpected longer power cut on the site, the detectors show the following pattern: The dark level values and the dark rms values are higher than before the warm-up and decrease slowly in an asymptotic manner to the pre-intervention value. This might take weeks or longer. The strongest effect is seen in detectors #3, #13, and #14. The list of these events is maintained on the plot tutorial for the RESET frames.
  • The detector temperature decreased on 2018-06-01

Algorithm Dark level

The median of the master dark product is taken.

Dark noise
Dark level | Dark noise | Stripes (horizontal)


FITS key QC1 database: table, name definition class* HC_plot** more docu
QC.DARKRMS vircam_dark..qc_darkrms dark rms HC [docuSys coming]
[derived from QC procedure] vircam_dark..qc_ron12 stat noise from raw1 and raw2 HC [docuSys coming]
QC.STRIPERMS vircam_dark..qc_stripe_rms rms in stripeHC [docuSys coming]
*Class: KPI - instrument performance; HC - instrument health; CAL - calibration quality; ENG - engineering parameter
**There might be more than one.

The QC.DARKRMS is a measure of RMS obtained from MASTER_DARK frames in ADU. It is the median of the absolute deviations from the median ( = MAD ) times 1.48. The darkrms QC parameter measures the structural noise or fixed pattern noise in a master dark pipeline product. Only in detector #13 with its strong reset-anomaly, the nearly linear relation between the darkrms and the darkmed parameters ( = between the structural noise and the counts) is established. For all other 15 detectors with negligible reset-anomaly, the darkrms is rather constant within the small range of registered darkmed values.

QC.RON12: subtract two consecutive DARK raw frames and retrieve a robust estimate of the statistical noise (read out noise) via a histogram fit. The QC parameter qc_RON12 is based on the difference of the first two raw frames. The robust statistical noise measured in qc_RON12 is dominated by the incoherent variable horizontal stripe pattern. The QC parameter is hence more sensitive to amplitude of stripe variations than the qc_striperms QC parameter. As the read out noise is composed by the supposed statistical detector noise and the correlated controller noise, the qc_RON12 covers both components.

Dark RMS, relation with dark level

darkrms QC parameter against darkmed for VIRCAM detector #13. Data are based on VIRCAM master darks taken between 2010-05-03 and 2010-08-03 with NDIT=1.
darkrms QC parameter against darkmed for VIRCAM detector #10.

Dark RMS, relation with DIT

darkrms as function of DIT (NDIT=1) for detector #13. As darkrms is linearly related with darkmed, this Fig. shows the dominating reset-anomaly of detector #13.
darkrms as function of DIT (NDIT=1) for detector #10 as a representative for other detectors (except #13). The variation of darkrms over DIT is negligible, a consequence of the reset anomaly.

Radiation induced charge collection

Some of the VIRCAM detectors are subject of radioactive events. Here we report on the number and the character of the radiation-induced charge collections.The following data have been analyzed:

  • raw dark frames with DIT=120sec NDIT=1 from 2010-07-24...27 (primary data set)
  • raw dark frames with DIT=300sec NDIT=1 from 2010-05-13 (to check against exposure time)
  • raw dark frames with DIT=120sec NDIT=1 from 2010-06-29 (to check against detector temperature)
  • raw dark frames with DIT=120sec NDIT=1 from 2009-11-03 (to check stability)
The difference between two VIRCAM raw dark frames with long DIT, show charge collections, in a similar manner as is known for HAWK-I chip #78.

Difference of two consecutive VIRCAM dark frames of chip #5 with DIT=300sec

The charge collections itself are variable in the number of counts and in the shape. The following number of events per minute have been measured on dark difference from the primary set (Delta n ~ +- sqrt(n)/2 ) : D

D events / minute
1 23
2 0
3 5
4 18
5 27
6 17
7 1
8 0
9 0
10 16
11 7
12 17
13 0
14 18
15 4
16 0

  • The event rates have been compared with DIT=300 sec dark frames taken on 2010-05-17 in frame of the persistence tests to verify that the number of events increase linearly with exposure time.
  • The event rates have also been measured on dark frames acquired on 2010-06-29, when the detector temperature increased by 12 deg. The event rates are not affected by the small temperature increase.
  • Finally the event rates have been compared with event rates measured on DIT=120sec dark frames taken during science verification on 2009-11-03 to confirm the expected long-term stability of the event rates.
  • For HAWKI #72, the events are homogeneously distributed over the full detector. For VIRCAM, each detector shows a different subregion with higher event rates:
    Chip #4 : upper left quadrant shows more events
    Chip #5 : upper left quadrant shows more events
    Chip #11 : left half shows more events
    Chip #12 : lower left quadrant shows more events

Beside the normal behavior of the events given in the Figure above, there occurs from time to time more peculiar events collected in the following snapshots: left: crowded event cascades, middle: deep impacts, right: trajectory in detector plane:


The DARK RMS QC parameter is monitored for the shorted DIT of 1.0011 sec. For other DIT, NDIT exposure time combinations it is also monitored, but the rms might be contaminated by dark current and the stripes.

Scoring&thresholds Dark noise

While the statistical detector noise is supposed to be stable the correlated controller noise is not. The VIRCAM pipeline science recipe applies a destriping algorithm, which removes the horizontal stripes in the science product frames, meaning those stripes introduced by the calibrations frames and those coming from the raw science frames. The VIRCAM technical specification allows a read out noise (detector and controller noise) of up to 32 ADU.

The readout noise, heavily contaminated by controller noise, is scored with thresholds of 4 and 10 ADU.

The rms of the master dark is scored with thresholds of 0 and 6 ADU.


When the instrument is warmed up and cooled down as part of a scheduled maintenance or an unexpected longer power cut on the site, the detectors show the following pattern: The dark level values and the dark rms values are higher than before the warm-up and decrease slowly in an asymptotic manner to the pre-intervention value. This might take weeks or longer. The strongest effect is seen in detectors #3, #13, and #14. The list of these events is maintained on the plot tutorial for the RESET frames.

Algorithm Dark noise

The rms of the master dark product is taken.

QC.RON12: subtract two consecutive DARK raw frames and retrieve a robust estimate of the statistical noise (read out noise) via a histogram fit. The QC parameter qc_RON12 is based on the difference of the first two raw frames.

Stripes (horizontal)
Dark level | Dark noise | Stripes (horizontal)


FITS key QC1 database: table, name definition class* HC_plot** more docu
QC.STRIPERMS vircam_dark..qc_stripe_rms rms in stripeHC [docuSys coming]
*Class: KPI - instrument performance; HC - instrument health; CAL - calibration quality; ENG - engineering parameter
**There might be more than one.

All VIRCAM raw frames show horizontal stripes for all DITs, most apparent in dark calibrations. The stripe pattern is conserved for each group of four detectors in a row, meaning detectors #1, #2, #3 and #4 show the same stripe pattern, detectors #5, #6, #7 and #8 show a distinct pattern but among themselves the same. Detectors #9, #10, #11 and #12 build another group of detectors with the same stripe pattern; detectors #13, #14, #15 and #16 as well. The pattern is changing from readout to readout and it is not reproducible. The frequency of the pattern, the amplitude and the offset is variable. The master dark pipeline products shows the interference of five raw input frame signals.

median raw dark frame columns and the averaged (black) from the corresponding master dark for DIT=1.0011 and detector #10. click on the plot to see the entire column.
median raw dark frame columns and the averaged (black) from the corresponding master dark for DIT=120 and detector #10. click on the plot to see the entire column.

QC report of a DIT=6sec NDIT=10 master dark frame (here chip #14)
QC report of a DIT=6sec NDIT=10 master dark frame (here chip #2) with stronger stripes.

Horizontal stripes have the following implications

  • Stripes are not corrected in any of the vircam pipeline recipes. Therefore pipeline products, like master dark frames contain the stripe pattern averaged over the N raw input frames (black line in the plots).
  • For the instrumental quality control, features in dark frames with amplitudes of the order of or smaller than the typical amplitude of the horizontal stripes cannot be resolved.
  • For the dark recipe: When the stripe pattern of the five consecutive raw frames is coherent, the readout noise QC parameter derived from raw difference frames is rather low, since the pattern mostly cancels out, but in the master dark the pattern is averaged and is therefore enhanced. When the stripe pattern is mostly non-coherent in the five consecutive raw frames, the readout noise QC parameter is rather high, since the raw difference frames enhances the pattern, while in the master dark product the stripes average out and are less strong.
  • Analysis of the detector linearity using the ESO detmon recipe has demonstrated, that the interpixel capacitance is contaminated and biased by the stripe pattern.
  • For this reason this detector property cannot be monitored. For the monthly acquired gain calibrations, which consist of two dark frames and two flat frames, the horizontal stripes bias the measured noise values (photon noise and read out noise). Variations in the stripe pattern amplitude impact the derived gain value by up to 20%. Pairs of low stripe amplitude dome flat and dark frames (all with the same DIT) can provide less contaminated gain values, than the raw frames generated by the gain template. For quality control operations, the read-noise QC parameter of the gain recipe is most sensitive to stripes and is used to asses the quality of the gain calibrations.


The stripe pattern, as they show up in median stacked master dark frames are monitored by the stripe rms QC1 parameter and via the RON12 parameter, which is strongly biased by the stripes.

Scoring&thresholds Stripes (horizontal)

While the statistical detector noise is supposed to be stable the correlated controller noise is not. The VIRCAM pipeline science recipe applies a destriping algorithm, which removes the horizontal stripes in the science product frames, meaning those stripes introduced by the calibrations frames and those coming from the raw science frames. The VIRCAM technical specification allows a read out noise (detector and controller noise) of up to 32 ADU.


No remarks.

Algorithm Stripes (horizontal)

The stripe rms QC parameter is the rms of the (in stripe direction) collapsed master dark.

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