Title Structure and composition of Saturn's rings Pi B. Butler Time 48 hrs Title: Structure and composition of Saturn's rings Authors: B. Butler Abstract: Observations at millimeter wavelengths will constrain the size distribution and properties of the rings of Saturn - see, e.g., Grossman et al. 1989; van der Tak et al. 1999. In addition, structures (density waves, e.g.) will be observed, allowing for constraints on their formation mechanism. contin line poln name RA&DEC m T SD CA sub resn size freq line dfreq BW fd rms fd rms fd rms time ------ -------- - - -- -- --- ---- ---- ---- ------ -------- ----- -------------- ----------- --------- ----- Saturn ecliptic Y Y Y Y N .1 15 90 N/A N/A 8 GHz 10-100 K .5 K N/A 1 K .1 K 4x4 h Saturn ecliptic Y Y Y Y N .1 15 345 N/A N/A 8 GHz 10-100 K .5 K N/A 1 K .1 K 4x4 h Saturn ecliptic Y Y Y Y N .1 15 650 N/A N/A 8 GHz 10-100 K .5 K N/A 1 K .1 K 4x4 h total 48 h ***************************************************************************** See program 4.1.1 for general comments Butler and Gurwell Review Mark Gurwell: I am not sure if "size" of 15" is right for the Saturn ring DRSP...Saturn's rings generally extend much more than this... but otherwise ok Reply Butler: I just put in the size of Saturn, and the rings about double the size. I don't think it matters too much for the purposes of the DRSP, but you are right to point it out and i've corrected it. of course it depends on where it is in its orbit too. Comment Ewine: updated DRSP is now baseline -------------------------------------------------- Review v2.0: Review of 4.2.1-4.2.8 (no DRSP 2.0 updates received) These projects still remain scientifically valid. Do the additional ALMA bands offer something new (e.g., for projects 4.2.4, 4.2.5)? The integration times are probably still ok eventhough the number of antennas has gone from 64 to 50 - or at least close enough. Several of these projects focus on objects larger than the ALMA primary beam, and mosaicing is needed. Here the ACA and also the ACA in crosscorrelation with the ALMA-12m antennas may be beneficial.