Messenger No. 105 (September 2001)

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Telescopes and Instrumentation

1-7 (PDF)
D. Queloz, M. Mayor et al.
From CORALIE to HARPS. The way towards 1 m s-1 precision Doppler measurements

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Queloz, D.; Mayor, M.; Udry, S.; Burnet, M.; Carrier, F.; Eggenberger, A.; Naef, D.; Santos, N.; Pepe, F.; Rupprecht, G.; Avila, G.; Baeza, F.; Benz, W.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Bouchy, F.; Cavadore, C.; Delabre, B.; Eckert, W.; Fischer, J.; Fleury, M.; Gilliotte, A.; Goyak, D.; Guzman, J. C.; Kohler, D.; Lacroix, D.; Lizon, J.-L.; Megevand, D.; Sivan, J.-P.; Sosnowska, D.; Weilenmann, U.
AA(Observatoire de Genève) AB(Observatoire de Genève) AC(Observatoire de Genève) AD(Observatoire de Genève) AE(Observatoire de Genève) AF(Observatoire de Genève) AG(Observatoire de Genève) AH(Observatoire de Genève) AI(Observatoire de Genève) AJ(ESO, Garching) AK(ESO, Garching) AL(ESO, La Silla) AM(Physikalisches Institut, Bern) AN(Service d’Aeronomie) AO(Observatoire de Genève) AP(ESO, Garching) AQ(ESO, Garching) AR(ESO, La Silla) AS(Physikalisches Institut, Bern) AT(Observatoire de Genève) AU(ESO, La Silla) AV(ESO, La Silla) AW(ESO, La Silla) AX(Observatoire de Haute-Provence) AY(Observatoire de Haute-Provence) AZ(ESO, Garching) BA(Observatoire de Genève) BB(Observatoire de Haute-Provence) BC(Observatoire de Genève) BD(ESO, La Silla)
Contents: 1. Search for extrasolar planets by precise Doppler measurements. 2. The CORALIE spectrograph. 3. The CORALIE planet search programme. 4. Catching the sound of stars with CORALIE. 5. HARPS: the 1 m s-1 precision instrument.
Baranne, A., Queloz D., Mayor M. 1996, et
al., AASS 119, 373.
Boss, A., 1995, Science 267, 360.
Bouchy, F., Carrier, F., 2001, A&A, 374, L5.
Bouchy, F., Pepe, F., Queloz, D., 2001, AA
374, 733.
Butler, R.P., Marcy, G.W., Williams, E., et al.
1996, PASP 108, 500.
Carrier, F., Bouchy, F., Provost, J., et al.,
2001, IAU Colloquium 185, in press.
Charbonneau D., Brown, T., Latham, D.,
Mayor, M., ApJ 529, L45.
Hatzes, A.P., Cochran, W.D., 1992, in
“Workshop on High-Resolution Spectroscopy
with the VLT”, M. Ulrich, ed.,
Israelian, G., Santos, N. C., Mayor, M.,
Rebolo, R. 2001, Nature 411, 163.
Jorissen, A., Mayor, M., Udry, S., 2001, A&A
submitted, astro-ph/0105301.
Lissauer, J. 1995, Icarus 114, 217.
Marcy, G., Cochran, W.D., Mayor, M., 2000,
PPIV, V. Mannings, A.P. Boss, S.S.
Russell ed., 1285.
Mazeh, T., Naef, D., Torres, G., et al., 2000,
ApJ 532, L55.
Mayor M. Queloz, D. 1995, Nature 378, 355.
Mayor, M., Udry, S., 2000, in “Disks, planetesimals
and Planets”, F. Garzon, C.
Eiroa, D. de Winter and T.J. Mahoney
Eds., ASP Conf. Ser. 219, 441.
Pepe, F., Mayor M., Delabre B., et al., 2000,
in “Optical and IR Telescope Instrumentation
and Detectors” SPIE 4008,
Queloz, D., Casse, M., Mayor, M., 1999,
ASP Conf Ser. 185, 13.
Queloz D., Mayor M., Naef D., et al., 2000,
In “VLT Opening symposium opening:
From Extrasolar Planets to Brown
dwarfs”, J. Bergeron & A. Renzini (eds.),
ESO Astrophysics Symposia Ser., 548.
Queloz, D., 2001, in “11th Cool stars, stellar
systems and the Sun”, ASP Conf Ser.
223, R.J. Garcia Lopez, R. Rebolo, M. R.
Zapatero Osorio (eds), 59.
Santos, N.C., Israelian, G., Mayor, M., 2001,
A&A 373, 1019.
Udry, S., Mayor, M., Naef, D., et al., 2000,
A&A, 356, 590.
8-9 (PDF)
R. Bender, G. Monnet et al.
Workshop on Scientific Drivers for Future VLT/VLTI Instrumentation - summary and first orientations

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Bender, R.; Monnet, G.; Renzini, A.
AA(Universitäts-Sternwarte der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany) AB(European Southern Observatory, Garching bei München, Germany) AC(European Southern Observatory, Garching bei München, Germany)
Report on a workshop held on 11 - 15 June 2001 at ESO, Garching, Germany.
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D. Bonaccini, W. Hackenberg et al.
ESO VLT Laser Guide Star Facility

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Bonaccini, D.; Hackenberg, W.; Cullum, M.; Brunetto, E.; Quattri, M.; Allaert, E.; Dimmler, M.; Tarenghi, M.; van Kersteren, A.; di Chirico, C.; Sarazin, M.; Buzzoni, B.; Gray, P.; Tamai, R.; Tapia, M.; Davies, R.; Rabien, S.; Ott, T.; Hippler, S.
AA(ESO) AB(ESO) AC(ESO) AD(ESO) AE(ESO) AF(ESO) AG(ESO) AH(ESO) AI(ESO) AJ(ESO) AK(ESO) AL(ESO) AM(ESO) AN(ESO) AO(ESO) AP(Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching) AQ(Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching) AR(Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching) AS(Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg)
We report in this paper on the design and progress of the ESO Laser Guide Star Facility. The project will create a user facility embedded in UT4, to produce in the Earth's mesosphere laser guide stars, which extend the sky coverage of adaptive optics systems on the VLT UT4 telescope. Embedded into the project are provisions for multiple LGS to cope with second-generation MCAO instruments.
1 Bonaccini, D., Rigaut, F., Dudziak, G. and
Monnet, G.: Curvature Adaptive Optics at
ESO, in SPIE Proceedings of the International
Symposium on “Astronomical
Telescopes and Instrumentation”, SPIE
Vol. 3353. Paper no. 131, 1998.
2 Bonaccini, D., Rigaut, F., Glindemann, A.,
Dudziak, G., Mariotti J.-M. and Paresce,
F.: Adaptive Optics for ESO VLT-Interferometer,
in SPIE Proceedings of the
International Symposium on “Astronomical
Telescopes and Instrumentation”,
SPIE Vol 3353. paper no. 98, 1998.
3 Bonaccini, D.: The Paranal Model Atmosphere
for Adaptive Optics, VLT-TREESO-
11630-1137, ESO Technical Report*,
June 1996.1
4 Bonaccini, D., Hackenberg, W., Davies,
R., Rabien, S. and Ott, T.: VLT Laser Guide
Star Facility: First Successful Test of the
Baseline Laser Scheme, The Messenger
No. 100, Dec. 2000 – in
5 Hackenberg, W., Bonaccini, D. and Avila,
G.: “LGSF Subsystems Design Part I:
Fibre Relay Module”, The Messenger No.
98, Dec. 1999 – in
6 Bonaccini, D., Hackenberg, W., Cullum,
M., Quattri, M., Brunetto, E., Quentin, J.,
Koch, F., Allaert, E. and Van Kersteren, A.,
“Laser Guide Star Facility for the ESO
VLT”, The Messenger No. 98, Dec.
1999 – in
pubs/ messenger
7 Carsten Egedal: Hazard Analysis of the
Laser Beam (open air part), ESO
Technical Report VLT-TRE-ESO-11850-
2435, Issue 1.0, January 2001.
18-24 (PDF)
D. Silva
Service mode scheduling: a primer for users

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Silva, D.
AA(User Support Group/DMD)
The execution of observations in Service Mode is an option at many ESO telescopes, especially at the VLT telescopes. In this operations mode, observations are not scheduled for specific nights, they are scheduled flexibly. Each night observations are selected from a pool of possible observations based on Observing Programme Committee (OPC) priority and the current observing conditions. Ideally, the pool of possible observations contains a range of observations that exactly match the real range of conditions and the real number of available hours, so that all observations are completed in a timely manner. Since this ideal case never occurs, constructing the pool of observations must be done carefully, with the goals of maximising scientific return and operational efficiency.
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Hunting the Southern Skies with SIMBA

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
A new instrument, SIMBA (“SEST IMaging Bolometer Array”), was installed at the Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST) at the ESO La Silla Observatory in July 2001. In order to achieve the best possible sensitivity, SIMBA is cooled to only 0.3 deg above the absolute zero on the temperature scale.

Reports from Observers

25-31 (PDF)
S. Zaggia, Y. Momany et al.
The EIS Pre-FLAMES Survey: observations of selected stellar fields

ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
Zaggia, S.; Momany, Y.; Vandame, B.; Mignani, R. P.; da Costa, L.; Arnouts, S.; Groenewegen, M. A. T.; Hatziminaoglou, E.; Madejsky, R.; Rité, C.; Schirmer, M.; Slijkhuis, R.
AA(INAF/Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste and European Southern Observatory ( AB(European Southern Observatory) AC(European Southern Observatory) AD(European Southern Observatory) AE(European Southern Observatory) AF(European Southern Observatory) AG(European Southern Observatory) AH(European Southern Observatory) AI(European Southern Observatory) AJ(European Southern Observatory) AK(European Southern Observatory) AL(European Southern Observatory)
The primary goal of the ESO Imaging Survey (EIS) project is to produce data sets matching the foreseen scientific goals and requirements of different VLT instruments (e.g. Renzini and da Costa 1997) and to publicly release them prior to the commissioning and first year of operation of these instruments. With this goal in mind, for the past two years EIS has been carrying out the Deep Public Survey (DPS), an optical/infrared deep survey of high-galactic latitude fields, and the Pre-Flames (PF) Survey, a B V I survey of selected stellar fields, to provide suitable samples for VIMOS and FLAMES (Fibre Large Array Multi-Element Spectrograph, Pasquini et al. 2000), respectively.
Arnouts S. et al., 2001, A&A, submitted.
Bica E. & Dutra C.M. 2000, AJ, 119, 1214.
Djamdji J.P., Bijaoui A. & Manière R., 1993,
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote
Sensing, 59, 645.
Girard T.M., Grundy W.M., Lopez C.E. & van
Altena W.F., 1989, AJ, 98, 227.
Hatziminaoglou, E., et al., 2001, A&A, submitted.
Momany, Y., 2001, et al. A&A, submitted.
Pasquini L. et al., 2000, SPIE, 4008, 129.
Renzini A. & da Costa L. N. 1997, The
Messenger, 87, 23.
Stetson P. B. 1987, PASP, 99, 191.
Vandame B., et al., 2001, A&A, submitted.
32-36 (PDF)
M. Pierre, D. Alloin et al.
The XMM Large Scale Structure Survey and its multi-λ follow-up

ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
Pierre, M.; Alloin, D.; Altieri, B.; Birkinshaw, M.; Bremer, M.; Böhringer, H.; Hjorth, J.; Jones, L.; Le Fèvre, O.; Maccagni, D.; McBreen, B.; Mellier, Y.; Molinari, E.; Quintana, H.; Röttgering, H.; Surdej, J.; Vigroux, L.; White, S.; Lonsdale, C.
AA((CEA/DSM/DAPNIA/SAp, Saclay), AB(ESO, Santiago) AC(XMM SOC, Villafranca) AD(University of Bristol) AE(University of Bristol) AF(Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching) AG(Astronomical Observatory, Copenhagen) AH(University of Birmingham) AI(Laboratoire d’Astrophysique, Marseille) AJ(Istituto di Fisica Cosmica G. Occhialini, Milano) AK(University College, Dublin) AL(Institut d’Astrophysique, Paris) AM(Osservatorio Astronomica di Brera, Milano) AN(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago) AO(Leiden Observatory) AP(Institut d’Astrophysique et de Géophysique, Liège) AQ(CEA/DSM/DAPNIA/SAp, Saclay) AR(Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Garching) AS(IPAC, Caltech)
We present a unique European project which aims at mapping the matter distribution in the distant universe from hundreds of megaparsecs to galaxy scales. This comprehensive scientific approach constitutes a new step in the synergy between space- and ground-based observatory resources and therefore a building block of the forthcoming Virtual Observatory.
Böhringer H., Schuecker P., Guzzo L., Collins
C. A., Voges W., Schindler S., Neumann
D. M., Cruddace R. G., De Grandi
S., Chincarini G., Edge A. C., MacGillivray
H. T., Shaver P., 2001, A&A 369, 826.
Cen R., Ostriker J. P., 1999, ApJ 514, 1.
Kauffmann G., Colberg J.M., Diaferio A.,
White S.D.M., 1999, MNRAS, 303,
Guzzo L., Böhringer H., Schuecker P., Collins
C.A., Schindler S., Neuman D.M., de
Grandi S., Cruddace R., Chincarini G.,
Edge A.C., Shaver P., Voges W., 1999,
The Messenger 95, 27
David L., Slyz A., Jones C., Forman W.,
Vrtilek S.D., Arnaud K.A., 1993, ApJ 412,
Metzler C.A., Evrard A.E., 1994, ApJ 437,
Menci, N., Cavaliere, A., 2000 MNRAS 311,
Pierre M., Bryan G., Gastaud R., 2000, A&A
356, 403.
Teyssier R., 2001 A&A submitted.
Valtchanov I., Refregier A., Pierre M., 2001,
Proceedings of the XXIst Moriond
Conference, Galaxy clusters and the high
redshift universe observed in X-rays, in
press. Ed. D. Neumann, F. Durret, J. Tran
Thanh Van.
Wurtz R., Stocke, J.T., Ellingson E., Yee H.
K. C., 1997, ApJ 480, 547.

Other Astronomical News

37-40 (PDF)
J. R. Walsh, L. Pasquiun et al.
Report on the FLAMES Users Workshop (FUW)

ADS BibCode:
Other Astronomical News
Walsh, J. R.; Pasquiun, L.; Zaggia, S.
AA(ESO) AB(ESO) AC(ESO and Trieste)
The FLAMES Users Workshop was held at ESO, Garching, Germany, on 9 and 10 July 2001.
40-41 (PDF)
R. Fosbury, J. Bergeron et al.
The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS)

ADS BibCode:
Other Astronomical News
Fosbury, R.; Bergeron, J.; Cesarsky, C.; Cristiani, S.; Hook, R.; Renzini, A.; Rosati, P.
AA(ESO) AB(the GOODS Co-ls at ESO/ST-ECF) AC(the GOODS Co-ls at ESO/ST-ECF) AD(the GOODS Co-ls at ESO/ST-ECF) AE(the GOODS Co-ls at ESO/ST-ECF) AF(the GOODS Co-ls at ESO/ST-ECF) AG(the GOODS Co-ls at ESO/ST-ECF)
In the tradition of the Hubble Deep Fields (HDF-N and HDF-S), the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) is designed to push the performance of major modern observational facilities to their sensitivity limits. GOODS unites the deepest observations from ground- and space-based facilities at many wavelengths, and was selected in late 2000 as one of six Legacy programs for the Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF: the fourth of NASA’s Great Observatories after Hubble, Chandra and Compton). The Legacy program is meant to “...maximise the scientific utility of SIRTF by yielding an early and longlasting scientific heritage… producing data that will enter the public domain immediately”. Under the leadership of the PI, Mark Dickinson at ST ScI, the programme will map two fields with SIRTF, one Northern one Southern, exceeding a total of 300 square arcmin. GOODS will produce the deepest observations with the SIRTF IRAC instrument at 3.6–8 microns, and at 24 microns with the MIPS instrument pending on-orbit demonstration of instrument performance relative to SIRTF Guaranteed Time observations, which will also survey these same fields at 70 and 160 microns. The depth will be such that ordinary L* galaxies will be detected in their rest-frame near-infrared light out to a redshift of 4 or beyond. Luminous starburst galaxies and AGN – even the obscured ‘type 2’ objects – will be seen beyond the current record redshift of ~ 6 if any lie in the fields. At the longest wavelength (24 microns), the mid-IR emission from starburst galaxies will be seen to a redshift ~ 2.5
42-44 (PDF)
D. Alloin
ESO: research facilities in Santiago

ADS BibCode:
Other Astronomical News
Alloin, D.
With the start of operations on Paranal, a major increase of the ESO staff with duty station in Chile has taken place: as of today, the number of ESO scientists (staff, postdocs, paid associates and PhD students) has doubled with respect to 1998, leading as well to a larger number of visiting scientists and students on short-term training. The research facilities offered by ESO to its staff in Chile had to be adapted to this growth and the scientific life had to be boosted accordingly.
45-48 (PDF)
U. Grothkopf, A. Treumann et al.
The ESO libraries: state of the art 2001

ADS BibCode:
Other Astronomical News
Grothkopf, U.; Treumann, A.; Gómez, M. E.
AA(ESO Garching) AB(ESO Garching) AC(ESO Santiago)
The main task of the ESO libraries is to provide ESO scientists and engineers with access to all information resources they need for their work. In order to do so, physical libraries are maintained in Garching, Santiago, La Silla and (in future) Paranal as well as an electronic library on the world wide web.
Bergeron, J. & Grothkopf, U. 1999, Publications
in refereed journals based on telescope
observations, The Messenger,
96, 28–29.
Boyce, P.B. 2001, Own nothing, access everything!,
Talk given at Fiesole-Oxford Workshop,
Oxford, England, July 21, 2000.
Grothkopf, U. & Cummins, M., in press,
Communicating and networking in astronomy
libraries, in: Organizations and
strategies in astronomy II, A. Heck (ed.),
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Shobbrook, R.M. & Shobbrook, R.R. 1993,
The Astronomy Thesaurus. Comp. for
the International Astronomical Union,
Comm. 5. Epping: AAO.


49-49 (PDF)
ESO-CERN-ESA Symposium “Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics”

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50-50 (PDF)
Vacancy Note: “A Challenge for Astronomers, Engineers in the field of Software, Electronics and/or Mechanics …”

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51-51 (PDF)
Personnel Movements

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51-51 (PDF)
Scientific Preprints

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51-52 (PDF)
ESO Publications Still Available

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52-52 (PDF)

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