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MIDAS 94NOV dcoumentation in HTML format available.

The complete documentation in HTML format (Hypertext) for
the 94NOV release of MIDAS is now available on our "anonymous" and
"midas" ftp account:

   - Ftp host: ftphost.hq.eso.org (

In our "midas" account:
   - Ftp account: "midas". Password: "????????"
   - Directory: 94NOV/doc
   - File: midas-html.tar.Z 	(7 Mbytes)

In our "anonymous" account:
   - Ftp account: "ftp". Password: <Your mail address>
   - Directory: midaspub/94NOV/doc
   - File: midas-html.tar.Z 	(7 Mbytes)

| Carlos Guirao                            Internet: cguirao@eso.org |
| European Southern Observatory            Phone:   +49-89-32006-434 |
| Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse, 2            Fax:     +49-89-3202-362  |
| D-85748 Garching bei Muenchen  /-----------------------------------+