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Description of FEROS keywords

This is the full list of FEROS keywords, with a short description of their meaning.

=20ptRAW_IMG/C/1/80 - Name of the image used for order definition.

=20ptWLC_IMG/C/1/80 - Name of the raw wavelength calibration frame. This keyword is used only for the on-line version of the FEROS software.

=20ptGUESS_TBL/C/1/80 - Name of table with the approximate order position. Use in the order definition.

=20ptCENTER_TBL/C/1/80 - Name of the table where the detected order position are stored.

=20ptLOC_CUTSTEP/I/1/1 - Step size in pixel for the cuts used to follow the orders.

=20ptLOC_WINDOW/I/1/1 - Window size in pixel used for the cross-correlation for order definition.

=20ptFIT_DEG/I/1/1 - Order of the polynomial used for description of the order positions.

=20ptLOC_THRES/R/1/1 - Background level in the cross-correlation used to follow the orders.

=20ptLOC_MODE/C/1/1 - Mode used for order definition. Valid values are S for peak searching and G for using a guess table.

=20ptLOC_METHOD/C/1/1 - Centering method for order definition. Valid values are R for center of gravity and A for gaussian centering.

=20ptCUTS_IMG/C/1/80 - Name of the image where the cuts through the order definition frame are stored.

=20ptFOLD_IMG/C/1/80 - Name of the image where the cross-correlations are stored.

=20ptTEMPL_IMG/C/1/80 - Name of the template image for the first step in order definition.

=20ptTEMPLT_IMG/C/1/80 - Name of the frame where the secondary templates extracted from the order definition frame are stored

=20ptFIT_IMG/C/1/80 - Name of the frames where the fitted cross-order profiles are stored

=20ptMASK_IMG/C/1/80 - Name of the mask frame where the detected cosmics are stored

=20ptINIT_TBL/C/1/80 - Name of the table with saved FEROS keywords

=20ptFLAT_IMG/C/1/80 - Name of the background subtracted image

=20ptFLATEXT_IMG/C/1/80 - Name of the extracted flat-field image. This is a pixel-order frame.

=20ptUNBLAZED_IMG/C/1/80 - Name of the flat-fielded frame. This is a pixel-order frame.

=20ptBG_MODE/C/1/1 - Mode of background subtraction. Valid values are B for subtract background and N for storing fitted background.

=20ptBG_STEPX/I/1/1 - Step size in x for background determination. This is used for grid for the 2-D spline fit.

=20ptBG_STEPY/I/1/1 - Step size in y for background determination. This is used for grid for the 2-D spline fit.

=20ptBG_WIDTHX/I/1/1 - Width in x for background determination.

=20ptBG_WIDTHY/I/1/1 - Width in y for background determination.

=20ptBG_MEDIANX/I/1/1 - Size of median window in x for median filtering used in background subtraction.

=20ptBG_MEDIANY/I/1/1 - Size of median window in y for median filtering used in background subtraction.

=20ptBG_DIST/I/1/1 - Minimum distance between orders where background is determined between orders. In two-fiber mode, the background is determined in the middle between fibers and between orders.

=20ptSTRAIGHT_IMG/C/1/80 - Root name of rectified image. A 1 or 2 is appended for the two fibers.

=20ptPROFILE_W/I/1/1 - Width of spatial profile for order extraction.

=20ptFIBER_OFF1/I/1/1 - Offset of fiber 1 with respect to the fitted center of the order.

=20pt FIBER_OFF2/I/1/1 - Offset of fiber 2 with respect to the fitted center of the order

=20ptFIBER_MODE/I/1/1 - Number of fibers. Valid values are 1 and 2. This parameter affects order extraction and background determination.

=20ptIMG_WRITE/C/1/1 - Parameter to indicate if additional images should be generated during order extraction. This can used for debugging purposes.

=20ptEXT_IMG/C/1/80 - Root name of extracted image. The character 1 or 2 is appended for fiber 1 and 2, respectively.

=20ptSPECTR_TYPE/C/1/ - Spectrograph type. Valid values are F for single fiber and G for two fibers. This parameter affects order extraction.

=20ptEXT_MODE/C/1/1 - Extraction mode. Valid values are S for standard extraction, O for optimum extraction and and M for standard extraction with masking of cosmics.

=20ptPROFILE_GET/C/1/1 - Get spatial profile from spectrum. Valid values are Y or N.

=20ptEXT_ITER/I/1/1 - Number of iterations in optimum extraction.

=20ptCCD_RON/R/1/1 - Read-out-noise of CCD in electrons. Used for optimum extraction.

=20ptCCD_GAIN/R/1/1 - Gain of CCD in electron/ADU Used for optimum extraction.

=20ptCCD_THRES/R/1/1 - Threshold for clipping of cosmics Used for optimum extraction.

=20ptCCD_ROT/R/1/1 - Rotation angle of CCD in degrees. This affects calibration only in mode G, which is normally not used.

=20ptCCD_SHIFT/R/1/1 - Shift of CCD in x direction with respect to blaze center. This affects calibration only in mode G, which is normally not used.

=20ptCOEF_COP/C/1/80 - Root name of cross order profile frame.

=20ptCOEF_WLC/C/1/80 - Root name of wavelength calibration coefficient table.

=20ptINIT_WLC/C/1/1 - Get start values for dispersion coefficients. Valid values are G for grating relation, C for coefficients table and W for wavelengths of identified lines.

=20pt ORDER_FIRST/I/1/1 - Order number of first order on CCD.

=20pt ORDER_LAST/I/1/1 - Order number of last order on CCD.

=20ptLINE_W/I/1/1 - Estimated width of spectral lines in pixel.

=20ptLINE_THRES/R/1/1 - Threshold value for line searching.

=20ptLINE_POS_TBL/C/1/80 - Root name of table for storing detected lines.

=20ptLINE_MTD/C/1/80 - Centering method for line search. Valid values are GRAVITY, MAXIMUM, MINIMUM and GAUSS. Normally, GAUSSIAN should be used.

=20ptLINE_TYPE/C/1/80 - Type of spectral lines. Valid values are EMISSION and ABSORPTION. Should be EMISSION.

=20ptLINE_REF_TBL/C/1/80 - Name of laboratory wavelength table. A table with the name ThAr50000 is delivered with FEROS. This is based on a table of wavelengths optimized for a resolution of 50,000 and was kindly supplied by Herman Hensberge. It was extended with lines of Ne, since FEROS also has a Ne lamp and Ne has important lines in the red part of the spectrum.

=20ptID_ALPHA/R/1/1 - alpha value for line identification.

=20ptID_TOL/R/1/1 - Tolerance value for line identification.

=20ptID_THRES/R/1/1 - Intensity threshold for first step of line identification. Only stronger lines will be used for this first step.

=20ptSPECTR_G/R/1/1 - Grating constant in lines/mm. This parameter affects calibration only in mode G, which is normally not used.

=20ptSPECTR_F/R/1/1 - Focal length of camera (mm) This affects calibration only in mode G, which is normally not used.

=20ptSPECTR_THB/R/1/1 - Blaze angle of spectrograph (degrees) This affects calibration only in mode G, which is normally not used.

=20ptREBIN_IMG/C/1/80 - Root name of rebinned spectrum.

=20ptREBIN_SCL/C/1/1 - Scaling of rebinned spectrum valid values are I for lInear and O for lOgarithmic.

=20ptREBIN_STEP/R/1/1 - Wavelength step size for rebinned spectrum.

=20ptREBIN_MTD/C/1/1 - Rebinning method. Valid values are L, Q, S for linear, quadratic and spline, respectively.

=20ptMERGE_IMG/C/1/80 - Root name of merged spectrum.

=20ptMERGE_MTD/C/1/12 - Merging method. Valid values are NOAPPEND, AVERAGE, SINC. The method AVERAGE is not recommended. SINC takes the length of the orders to be averaged into account. It needs a table with the fixed name BLAZE, where the order limits are stored. Method NOAPPEND is used to extract orders into individual files.

=20ptMERGE_DELTA/R/1/1 - Wavelength interval at the edges of orders to be skipped for averaging. Used for MERGE_MTD=AVERAGE.

=20ptMERGE_ORD/I/1/2 - Order numbers Ord1, Ord2 to be extracted. Used for MERGE_MTD=NOAPP.

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