NAME ABbuilder - DFO data organization tool SYNOPSIS ABbuilder where are: --raw-dir directory containing raw data --cal-dir directory containing calib data --cal-ldir directory containing symbolic links to calib files --cal-list mcalib list --vcal-dir directory containing virtual products --pro-dir where pipeline products are created --ab-dir where association blocks are created --oca-rul file containing OCA rules --instrume instrument --date YYYY-MM-DD --mode { CALIB | SCIENCE | ALL(default} } --help print this help --version print version DESCRIPTION The ABbuilder tool organizes the input data set into Association Blocks according to the given Classification-Organization-Association rules. The ABbuilder application performs the following steps: 1- load the OCA rules. If a syntax error is detected during this phase, ABbuilder reports a message indicating where the syntax error occurred, and the application terminates. 2- read the required keyword values from all of the *.fits *.tfits *.hdr files under the raw data directory (including subdirectories). 3- read the required keyword values from all of the *.fits *.tfits *.hdr files under the calib data directory (including subdirectories). If the virtual product directory is specified (see option --vcal-dir), read the relevant keywords from all virtual products under this directory. 4- classify all of the raw files, using the OCA classification rules ("if..then" statements) 5- organize the raw files into groups, according to the OCA organization rules ("select execute" statements) 6- for each group defined in the previous step, find the associated files and recipe using the association rules specified in the relevant action 7- for each group, create an association block in the AB directory 8- If the virtual product directory is specified (see option --vcal-dir), create virtual products in HDR format under this directory. SPECIFIC PARAMETERS ABbuilder expects the following parameters to be defined in the OCA rules. - PACK.DIR : using the classification rules, the user can define data type specific pack dirs. For example: if RAW.TYPE=="BIAS" then PACK.DIR="/data/pack/bias" The value of PACK.DIR is written in the Association Block, under PACK_DIR. - PRO.EXT : this parameter should be used in the (virtual) product definition to specify the predicted extension of the product filename. For example: product mbias { PRO.CATG="MASTER_BIAS"; PRO.EXT="0001.fits"; } If PACK.DIR or PRO.EXT is not specified, ABbuilder will generate an error message but the association blocks will still be created. OPTIONS The following options are available: --raw-dir Specify a directory containing raw (input) data. ABbuilder will organize all FITS and HDR files under this directory (including sub-directories). This option is mandatory. --cal-dir Specify a directory containing calibration data. ABbuilder will build a catalog of all FITS, TFITS and HDR files under this directory (including sub-directories). This catalog is the local calibration database which is used during the association process. Either this option or the options --cal-ldir and --cal-list must be used. --cal-ldir Specify a directory where ABbuilder creates symbolic links to calibration files listed in the mcalib list (See option --cal-list). Either this option or the option --cal-dir must be given. This option must be used together with --cal-list option. --cal-list This option must be used in connection with option --cal-ldir, to specify a file containing a catalog of calibration data (mcalib list). If this option is used, ABbuilder will create symbolic links to the calibration files listed in the mcalib list under the directory given by --cal-ldir. --vcal-dir Specify a repository of virtual products, stored as HDR files. Virtual products are the expected products that will be generated as result of the execution of an Association Block. Virtual products can be defined in the OCA association rules (See OCA rules documentation). If this option is used, ABbuilder will load into the local calibration database all virtual products already stored in the given directory, and create new virtual products in the given directory. --pro-dir Specify the base directory under which pipeline products are created. See also PROD_PATH in Association Block. This option is mandatory. --ab-dir Specify a directory where Association Blocks are created. This option is mandatory. --oca-rul Specify a file containing OCA rules, to be used for the data organization. This option is mandatory. --instrume Specify the instrument name to be stored in the Association Block, as value of INSTRUMENT parameter. If this option is not specified, the instrument name will be read from the FITS header (keyword INSTRUME). --date Specify the DFO date. In the current version this information is not used. --mode { CALIB | SCIENCE | ALL(default} } Specify the category (DPR.CATG) of the raw files to process. The possible values are: CALIB - only calibration ABs are created SCIENCE - only science ABs are created ALL - default value, all raw data under directory given by --raw-dir is processed (organized). --help print help and exit --version print version and exit CONFIGURATION FILES ABbuilder configuration files are stored under directory "conf" of ABbuilder installation tree. At present the following configuration files are available: - : configuration file for the logging system (log4j) - ABbuilder.cfg : contains some specific configuration parameters, which are not supported by the OCA rules, e.g.PACK_ADD EXAMPLES 1) calibration data is available under /data/calib. ABbuilder --raw-dir /data/raw --cal-dir /data/calib --pro-dir /data/product --ab-dir /data/ab --oca-rul /data/rul/test.rul --instrume TEST --vcal-dir /data/virtual 2) a catalog of calibration data is provided (mcalib_list). Symbolic links are created under /data/calib/links. Instrument is not specified, will be read from the fits header. Virtual products (headers) will not be stored, since vcal-dir is not specified. ABbuilder --raw-dir /data/raw --cal-ldir /data/calib/links --cal-list /data/calib/mcalib_list --pro-dir /data/product --ab-dir /data/ab --oca-rul /data/rul/test.rul KNOWN ISSUES - Possible performance issues in connection with very large calibration databases (several thousends of files) FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS - for large calibration data sets, the performance of association could be improved by storing the relevant keywords in a relational database, to avoid re-reading the fits files each time the ABbuilder is executed. SEE ALSO - OCA rules - Association Block