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Health Check monitor


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HealthCheck Monitor
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AMBER trending system: overview of scores

Last update: 2018-09-17T10:14:46 (UT)

General news: NOTE: The Health Check and calChecker services are moved to qcFlow on an instrument by instrument basis. The current pages will not be updated any longer once the move has been finished.
AMBER news: 2018-09-06 Last data taken with AMBER.

AMBER instrument score:   scores only ... | all comments ... edit COMMENTS ...
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  report scores and comments (for red scores only)
P2VM_Low_Res     no scoring
P2VM_Med_Res     no scoring
P2VM_High_Res     no scoring
P2VM_offset     no scoring
P2VM_zero     no scoring
cutoff_wave     no scoring
Vis2     no scoring
flux_magnitude     no scoring
detector     no scoring