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ERIS trending system: overview of scores

Last update: 2024-09-23T19:11:56 (UT)

General news: NOTE: The Health Check and calChecker services are moved to qcFlow on an instrument by instrument basis. The current pages will not be updated any longer once the move has been finished.
ERIS news:

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  report scores
persistence   NIX_Persistence SP_Persistence
detector     no scoring
dark   dit=1.64 dit=10 dit=60 dit=300 dit=600 dit=900 dark_vs_dit
flat   Flat_J_band H_band K_band NormFlat_J_band H_band K_band Stddev_normFlat_J_band H_band K_band
wavelength   Central_J_band H_band K_band FWHM_J_band H_band K_band
wavelength_coeff   C0_J_band H K C1_J_band H K C2_J_band H K C3_J_band H K
distortion   DIST_S2_J H K rms_S2_J H K DIST_S16_J H K rms_S16_J H K DIST_S31_J H K rms_S31_J H K
Standard_stars   STD_PHOT_FOV X_pos Y_pos STD_FOV X_pos Y_pos
detector   linearity_coefficients non_linearity number_of_counts gain/fpn
dark   SLOW_dit_1.9 5 60 300 FAST_dit_0.033 0.1 0.15 0.5 2 5 dark_vs_dit
flat   flat flat_bpm
twilight_flat     no scoring
SPIFFIER_efficiency   Efficiency Efficiency_WL