[ ESO ]
XSHOOTER Pipeline:
Recipe for OrderDefinition Reduction

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Disclaimer: The information given here refers to the use of this recipe during QC processing. For more details see the pipeline manual at the pipelines page.

  • recipe name:xsh_orderpos
  • input raw frames: ORDERDEF_<arm> (arm = UVB/VIS), ORDERDEF_<arm>_ON/OFF (arm = NIR)
Purpose: Determines the position of the slit center for each order

Description: For each order, the x- and y-position are predicted from the guess tables created by xsh_predict. Around each position, a 1D window in the cross-dispersion direction is filtered by a running median and the x-position of the maximum is determined by a Gaussian fit. These positions are then fit by polynomials, whose coefficients are stored in a table, which is used by xsh_mflat.

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