Help for score report page

last update: February 16, 2010 | contact

topics: parameter score report | result section | linked HC reports | score details and result | detector score report

life example

Parameter score report HELP
setup:		Medusa1_H875.7 
time range: 	2009-03-28 ... 2009-06-26 

AB | ALOG | PLOG | QC1_plotter | factsheet
Point your mouse on any QC1 parameter name for documentation.
num_fib HC
mean_raw HC
QC report(s): report1
Score data: details ...
score result: 1/6 best: 0/6

The score report file provides details about the scoring of products of an AB (association block). Scoring means evaluation of current values against configured thresholds. The thresholds might be configured (specifications), or read from the QC1 database (statistical thresholds). In principle scores are used both for calibrations and science data. They play a paramount role for calibration certification, while for science data they have a more informative character.

While the AB product monitor page lists the total score (also called the score result), you can find on the score report all the details about the scoring result, plus associated information.

Each score report has a parameter score section. Multi-detector instruments also have a detector score section which has the same symbols sorted by detector.

RAW_TYPE and setup: same information as displayed on the AB product monitor

time range: relevant for the links to the QC1 database behind the scores; these URLs contain a query with a date selection (usually 3 months) which is displayed on demand

AB | ALOG | PLOG: links to the AB, the association log, the processing log

QC1_plotter: link to the generic QC1 plotter interface relevant for the data type of this score report (in the above example: database table giraffe_flat)

factsheet: link to a documentation page about the QC report ("factsheet"). This feature is available since February 2010.

[ top ] Result section

num_fib HC

This row lists for each single detector the names of the QC1 parameters and the corresponding scores. The optional label HC marks parameters which are also displayed and scored on the Health Check monitor (these are the most important ones, relevant for instrument health). For convenience, the label is linked to the corresponding Health Check plot. The squares mark the score result (0 = green = OK; 1 = red = NOK = outlier). There might also be gray scores, meaning "not scored". They may show up e.g. because for some other settings of that data type they are configured, but not for this one.

Each score consists of a number of values. These values become visible if you put the mouse over the score symbol. For the num_fib parameter, read

"thresh1=132, val=133, thresh2=136 | db_avg=133 db_num=7".

This means:

val: the QC1 parameter value for this AB (number of fibres found: 133)

thresh1, thresh2: the configured thresholds against which this value is scored (132 ... 136); since val is between these thresholds, the score is OK = green

db_avg, db_num: average and number of similar entries in the QC1 database currently (at the time of scoring) in the database, for the time interval specified as time range. There are 7 num_fib values for fibre_flats (FFLAT) in the setting Medusa1_H836.6A
between 2008-12-18 and 2009-03-18 in the database. This is supposed to give some indication about how relevant a score result might be, in particular if thresholds are dynamic (based on statistics). You can dynamically plot the data set if you click on the score link, with the scored value marked in blue.

For multi-detector instruments, the graphical score pattern gets more complex, with each detector being represented by a score symbol, and (optionally) also detector averages and scatter being symbolized. Here are a few examples:

GIRAFFE (1 detector, repeated here for comparison)
num_fib HC
UVES (2 red detectors, average not configured, hence gray)
mean_dx HC
CRIRES (4 detectors, plus average plus RMS)
HAWKI (4 detectors; average and RMS not configured hence gray)
qc_ron_mean HC

[ top ] Linked HC reports and coversheet

Here could be a link (or several) to related Health Check reports which monitor the QC1 parameters which are marked as HC here.

The link(s) labeled "coversheet" display the QC report(s) which may give more detailed information about the quality of the products. This is primarily relevant for the QC scientist but may contain e.g. also screen shots.

[ top ] Score details and result

The text file linked as "score data: details" is for technical purpose only.

The last line has the summary (total) product score. Its color code is green if the product score is 0; yellow if it is 1 (or another small number, depending on the number of detectors and parameters); red if larger than that number. You will find this total product score also on the AB product monitor and on the data report.

The numbers mean:

  • score result 1/6 = one outlier (NOK score) out of 6 scores (gray scores are ignored).
  • best: best possible result would be 0/6.

The total score is used for product certification (see the AB product monitor help).

[ top ] Detector score report

The score reports for multi-detector instruments have a final detail section where the same scores as above are re-arranged by detector, plus per AVG and RMS value. As an example, a CRIRES (4 detectors) score report has 4 QC1 parameters scored. The result section of the parameter score report looks as follows:

Parameter score report
mean_flux HC

and the detector score report:

Detector score report

This view, and its comparison with the standard parameter score report, might be helpful to understand if a non-zero score was caused by a particular detector, or rather by a particular QC1 parameter.