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Library references

The MIDAS system provides a number of library modules which may be used by application programs. They are grouped in object code libraries and are generated during the installation procedure. These libraries and their usage are given in Table [*].
Table: General MIDAS libraries.
Library Content Usage
Mv/lib/libmidas.a Standard MIDAS object library All
Mv/lib/libagl3.a AGL routines System, available  
Mv/lib/libidi.a IDI routines System, available

Normal applications should use the standard Midas library, e.g. libmidas.a for Unix, which includes all the interfaces described in this document. Although usage of the IDI- and AGL-libraries   is possible, it is not recommended as these are very low level libraries. They do not ensure proper updates of MIDAS data structures which must be done explicitly. The OS-routines are also included in the standard library but are not finalized yet, i.e. not documented. Therefore, they may change in the future!

Useful routines may be found in the Mv/libsrc/5#5 and Mv/applic/5#5/libsrc libraries. However, they are maintained at a lower level and may not be documented adequately.

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Last update: 1998-10-23