Minor Bodies in the Outer Solar System:

Magnitudes and Colours

O.R. Hainaut, ESO, H. Boehnhardt, MPS, and S. Protopapa, UMd

Orbital parameter plots

The following plots display the object colours, spectral slopes, and absolute magnitudes as a funcion of
  • i, the inclination
  • e, the excentricity
  • E= sqrt(e^2 + sin^2 i), the orbit's energy
  • a, the semi-major axis, and
  • H_R =M(1,1), the absolute (R) magnitude

Note that for the M11 (absolute magnitude) plot as a function of perihelion distance q, the red lines indicate opposition magnitudes of R=20, 22, 24.
tnoOrbit_M11 GIFEPS
tnoOrbit_Grt GIFEPS
tnoOrbit_B-I GIFEPS
tnoOrbit_B-R GIFEPS
tnoOrbit_B-V GIFEPS
tnoOrbit_H-K GIFEPS
tnoOrbit_I-J GIFEPS
tnoOrbit_J-H GIFEPS
tnoOrbit_R-I GIFEPS
tnoOrbit_V-I GIFEPS
tnoOrbit_V-J GIFEPS
tnoOrbit_V-R GIFEPS

Copyright: You may use the content of these pages, including in publications of any type, provided you make reference to the original paper
Hainaut, Boehnhardt & Protopapa (2012) A&A 546, A115 [ADS | BibTeX | DOI | arXiv | ADS ] and/or point to the online version at http://www.eso.org/~ohainaut/MBOSS , following the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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