Package org.eso.fits

Class Summary
CopyFits CopyFits class provides a static main method to test writing of FITS files by copying an existing FITS file.
CreateFits CreateFits class provides a static main method to test creation and writing a FITS from scratch.
Fits Fits class defines common constants used by the FITS package
FitsColumn FitsColumn class represents a FITS table column in either ASCII or BINARY table format.
FitsData FitsData class represents a FITS data unit
FitsFile FitsFile class represents a FITS file consisting of a set of Header/Data Units.
FitsHDUnit FitsData class represents a FITS data unit
FitsHeader FITS Header class which is an ordered set of FitsKeywords.
FitsKeyword FitsKeyword class describes a single FITS header keyword as defined by the FITS standard (ref.
FitsMatrix FitsMatrix class represents a FITS data matrix either as a prime HD unit or as an image extension.
FitsRGroup FitsRGroup class represents a FITS data matrix in the Random Group format.
FitsTable FitsTable class represents a FITS table extension in either ASCII or BINARY table format.
FitsTform FitsTform class decodes information in value fields of FITS table TFORM and TDISP keywords.
FitsWCS FitsWCS class maps FITS WCS keywords to internal representatios and provides basic transformations.
ListFits ListFits class provides a static main method for listing a set of FITS keywords in FITS files.
SaveFits SaveFits class provides a static main method fto test writing of FITS cfiles.
TestFits TestFits class provides a static main method for testing the FITS class library.
TestKeyword TestKeyword class performs regression test on the FitsKeyword class.
TestWCS TestWCS class provides a static main method for testing World Coordinate System transformations for FITS files.

Exception Summary
FitsException FitsException defines special exception for the FITS package HD unit or as an image extension.