Common DFOS tools:

dfos = Data Flow Operations System, the common tool set for DFO
*make printable new: see also:

- .dfosrc
- "getting started"



This script 'cleans' the LD_LIBRARY_PATH of entries already included in /etc/ or in .conf files in /etc/ in order to achieve the full performance of the DFO blade and eventually the QC cluster systems.

To use correctly add the following TWO lines to the very END of your .qcrc file, after sourcing .dfosrc,

# Cleanup LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable

Note that the backquotes ('\`') are important, without these it will simply echo what should be done, but not actually change anything.

It is also important to NOT give any command line options when used in .qcrc, as these may have unpredictable influence on the way it behaves. They can of course be used ineractively to see what it is doing and to see the result of running it.

Remember, that any path in LD_LIBRARY_PATH will cause a small delay of the order of (0.01sec) at the start of executing each and every binary, therefore think VERY carefully before adding anything to LD_LIBRARY_PATH or indeed using software that will do so (such as SciSoft).

How to use

To use correctly add the following TWO lines to the very END of your .qcrc file, after sourcing .dfosrc,

# Cleanup LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable

Note that the backquotes ('\`') are important, without these it will simply echo what should be done, but not actually change anything.

Type dfosCleanPath -h for on-line help.

Last update: April 26, 2021 by rhanusch