Common DFOS tools:

dfos = Data Flow Operations System, the common tool set for DFO
*make printable new: see also:

- supporting DFOS, PHOENIX and OPSHUB environments

- config.dfosExplorer removed

[ used databases ] databases none
[ used dfos tools ] dfos tools dfosInstall
[ output used by ] output $DFO_MON_DIR/dfosExplorer.html
[ output used by ] upload/download download:
- .reference.installation from if DFOS
- .reference.installation_phoenix from if PHOENIX



This tool is an interactive DFOS GUI. It provides

With version 1.5, the tool supports the standard DFOS installations, the PHOENIX installations (with stripped-off DFOS tool set and added PHOENIX tools), and the OPSHUB environment. The tool recognizes automatically which reference file to use (from the key THIS_IS_PHOENIX or THIS_IS_OPSHUB in .dfosrc).

If supported properly by a regular cronjob (using the tool dfosCron), the tool detects a version mismatch and offers a download of the latest tool version.

The tool scans all DFOS tools against a reference installation (see below), checks their version, provides links to update if a mismatch is found, links to the documentation pages, and offers editing of the associated configuration files. It also displays some additional information, like workflow steps and comments.

The HTML table is structured into

The HTML page also links to its own configuration file, to a help page which decodes the table columns, and to the DFOS installation site.


dfosExplorer.html under $DFO_MON_DIR.

How to use

Type dfosExplorer -h for on-line help, dfosExplorer -v for the version, and


to analyze your DFOS installation.

Tune your browser

For DFOS and PHOENIX environments, make sure your browser is tuned to work as interactive GUI. If so, you can click on the config file links to open an editor session; on the red ball to download an update. Check here how to achieve browser tuning for dfos.

For OPSHUB environments, just call the tool as indicated.

Configuration file


Operational aspects

The tool uses wget to downlad a reference installation file into your system. This reference installation file is called .reference.installation and is available on qc@stargate1 under dfos/tools. Its the central QC memory about the dfos installation. You are not supposed to touch it. For PHOENIX and OPSHUB installations, there are similar reference installation files, called .reference.installation_phoenix and .reference.installation_opshub.

Last update: April 26, 2021 by rhanusch