Common DFOS tools:

dfos = Data Flow Operations System, the common tool set for DFO
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The Data Flow Operations System (DFOS) is a software toolset designed to support the main workflows of QC. Until October 2011 these were

Since October 2011 only the daily workflow is supported. It is defined in the DFO handbook.

The system also contains modules for

This module is called Trending and Quality Control System (TQS).

DFOS is designed as a common toolset. All workflow steps are coded in the DFOS tools. All instrument specific information is coded in configuration files. These are under control of the QC scientist. That approach guarantees that the same tools are used QC-wide, that data flow operations is as homogeneous as possible, and that expertise is shared.

The common approach provides synergy effects, such as:

The tools have, as far as possible and reasonable, the same look and feel. Their syntax and the way they are called is the same whenever possible. As an example, many tools for the daily workflow are called by specifying the date and the mode.

To facilitate information processing, some tools have a graphical user interface.

An important property of DFOS is to offer maximum operational flexibility. Hence all major components can be called from the command-line. At the same time DFOS provides inter-tool communication (by status flags) which can be read by a master process to monitor the system and trigger DFOS actions. This master process is the DFOS GUI dfoMonitor.

There are also some wrappers, or workflow tools, which combine several DFOS tools and match a certain workflow. The most important example is autoDaily (providing header update, incremental calibration processing, HC monitor updates).

The DFOS toolset combines QC-provided scripts with DFI-provided tools (like qc1Ingest, ABbuilder, fitsreport).

Last update: April 26, 2021 by rhanusch